The history of the creation of "Thunderstorms" Ostrovsky. Analysis of the Storm

Thunderstorm A.N. Ostrovsky is a significant and powerful work of Russian literature of the second half of the nineteenth century. It attracts attention with the most interesting events taking place in the play, and with its difficult problems. The drama itself was filmed more than once, enjoyed considerable success with the audience. The image of the city of Kalinov, in which the action takes place, is symbolized by a vicious vicious circle from which it is impossible to escape without wounding the soul and heart.

The history of the creation of the "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky

I.S. Turgenev spoke very positively about this work, with particular trepidation and enthusiasm he emphasized the huge writing talent of A.N. Ostrovsky. The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's “Thunderstorm” dates back to the socio-political situation in the country during the fifties and sixties of the XIX century. It was a turning point in history and social thought. At that time, more and more literature of an accusatory nature began to appear, and A.N. Ostrovsky had by the time. Topics that were then popular and caused considerable controversy: serfdom, the status of women in society, and heterogeneous intelligentsia. A.N. Ostrovsky in "The Storm" raises an equally relevant topic - domestic tyranny, the dominance of money over the life and value of man.

the story of the island thunderstorm

The year of writing the drama is considered to be 1859, at the same time the first productions of the play appeared in the best theaters of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The work appeared in print a year later (1860). The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's “Thunderstorm” shows that the work most fully reflected the socio-political thought of that time.

The meaning of the name

If we turn to the semantic load of the drama, then its name reflects the main state of the main characters. The whole city of Kalinov lives in tension, which also happens when waiting for a thunderstorm as a natural phenomenon: stuffiness reigns everywhere, there is not enough fresh air. The life of the urban inhabitants is just as painful: many are in a depressed state, under the yoke of tyranny. Thunderstorm should bring relief and liberation. Heroes are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, but do not know how to act independently, listen to the voice of their own heart. In the image of such characters A.N. turned out to be a real master Ostrovsky ("Thunderstorm"). The history of the drama emphasizes the impossibility of solving the problem peacefully and the futility of such attempts.

Compositional and ideological component

The drama consists of five acts, with ten days between the third and fourth acts. The whole play can be conditionally divided into four parts: excruciating expectation, accompanied by longing and suffering, preparation for a climax, climax, denouement. A lot of controversy among researchers causes the death of Katerina. Could she live on in the society that surrounded her, or not? The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's “Thunderstorm” proves that the author wanted to show a strong personality that could rise above the circumstances of his own life, because he endows the main character with the integrity of nature, unbending will and strength of mind.

island thunderstorm analysis

Indeed, the death of Katerina is a foregone conclusion. If she had not died by her own decision, then she would have been crushed by the cruel customs prevailing in the city of Kalinov. She would have to break her freedom-loving nature and adapt to the order of society. All her inner being, soul, opposed these orders. Therefore, death for her becomes an outlet, deliverance from oppressive suffering and fear. Katerina’s heart is a free bird, which she sets free.


Penetratingly paints a difficult picture of the life of the main character Ostrovsky ("Thunderstorm"). An analysis of this work shows that Katerina lived in a loving family before marriage, where everyone respected each other's personal choice and freedom. With marriage, Katerina lost contact with her family and lost her freedom. That is why she is so lonely and sickened in the Kabanovs' house, because she cannot get used to his foundations in any way, indulges in memories of the past: “Was I like that? I lived, didn’t bother about anything, like a bird in the wild! ”

product thunderstorm ostrovsky

Is the main character strong or weak? Did she have a choice? What was the decisive event that drove her to suicide? The inability to change my life, to be near my loved one, the inability to find a way out of this situation, my own desire for freedom led her to this action. We see that suicide is committed out of despair, this is not a deliberate and cold-blooded decision, but it is intentional. In relation to herself, her dreams, the heroine commits weakness, while to the society that condemns her, she did not submit and emphasizes her individuality of character with suicide.

The Dark Kingdom

This may include representatives of the old society with its rigid moral principles. This is Savel Prokofievich Dikoy, Marfa Ignatyevna Kabanova. These people will never change: old habits and worldview are so ingrained in them that they find the meaning of life in teaching young people and scolding modern manners.

images in an ostrovsky thunderstorm

Wild enjoys tyranny of his family: no one dares to say a word across to him. He is literally dissatisfied with everything, and no one can please him. Kabanova (Kabanikh) imposes her will on her son and daughter-in-law, categorically refuses to accept someone else's point of view that is different from her own.

Tikhon Kabanov

The son of Martha Ignatievna Kabanova, a weak and weak-willed man. Not a step away from my mother’s word; I’m not able to make an independent decision. Defenseless, cowardly draws him Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm", the characterization of the hero testifies to this, emphasizes the adaptive qualities of Tikhon's character and his complete dissolution under the will of his mother.

Barbara, sister of Tikhon

Single girl, daughter of Kabanova. Her motto is the statement: "Do what you want, but so that there is a sewn-covered".

island thunderstorm characteristic

Ostrovsky does not particularly distinguish her. “Thunderstorm”, an analysis of the work testifies to this, in every possible way contrasts the masterful nature of Barbara and the purity of Katerina’s soul. Barbara achieves her cunning and freethinking, and Katerina prefers the truth in everything.


Wild Nephew, lives in his house out of mercy. The young guy is used to listening to his uncle’s discontent and instructions, but if you look carefully, you can see how deeply his Wild reproaches hurt him, how unpleasant he is to lie and hypocrisy. Boris’s inability to resist the will of the power of the one having the Wild is underlined by the work “Thunderstorm”. Ostrovsky sympathizes with Boris. The natural delicacy of the hero does not allow him to argue with his uncle, to defend his point of view. One way or another, but Boris is also a victim of the cruel customs prevailing in the city of Kalinov.

island thunderstorm story

Images in the "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky do not differ in a special variety: Kabanikh, Wild, Barbarian, Tikhon, Boris - all, as one, know how to adapt. Some suppress, others obey. Katerina is opposed to all of them - a young woman who has preserved the integrity of nature and fortitude. Thus, it turns out to be very ambiguous work "Thunderstorm". Ostrovsky justifies Katerina for her weakness in the fact that she sacrifices her life, but endows her with courage and selflessness. Not only a special case, but the death of Russia, its inability to live in the old order, which lead to collapse, the author depicts.


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