Why squeaky turtles squeak: reasons and proper care for animals

Often, pet owners do not quite understand the behavior of their pets. Many people love turtles, and one of the species is eared ears. Animals have their own characteristics of behavior, care, feeding. Why squeaky turtles squeak ? To find out, you need to visit a veterinarian. The specialist will identify the cause of the deviation, and also prescribe treatment. In some cases, you can determine this yourself.


Often animals emit a squeak, similar to the cries of seagulls. If there are several pets, then it is difficult to identify the one who makes the sounds. There may be different reasons why red-eared turtles squeak. This may indicate the presence of the disease, so it is necessary to examine the animal.

Negative signs include swelling of the eyes, nasal discharge, stretching saliva, yellow plaque, ulcers. This can be the cause of an illness, such as pneumonia. Do not take independent measures. Professional help needed.

why squeak turtles squeak

Why squeaky turtles squeak if there are no signs of the disease? Sometimes this is observed when eating juicy foods. A similar sound is made during reproduction. A pet can β€œcall” an individual of another sex. Sexual maturity in males usually begins at 10 years, but this can occur at 8.

Why are the red-eared turtles squeaking if the breeding season has not yet begun? The cause may be an injury that needs to be addressed. Pets make sounds during treatment, for example, with injections. This indicates pain.

What is required for a turtle?

The pet perfectly lives at home up to 30 years, and sometimes up to 50. Only high-quality and constant care is needed. If this does not happen, then the life span of the animal is markedly reduced. To make the turtle always comfortable, you need to follow simple rules:

  • you will need a free aquarium, about 150-200 liters, as a large turtle grows out of a small pet over time;
  • there must be dry land in the space of the aquarium: although the animal is considered aquatic, it cannot survive without land;
  • an ultraviolet lamp is required, and in the warm period you need to walk the animal on the street, but not in the open sun;
  • water must be constantly changed, it must always be clean.

If you follow these simple rules, then the pet will always be comfortable. Then it is unlikely that there will be a squealing of a red-eared turtle.

Content Rules

After purchase, the turtle should be placed in an aquarium with clean, well-maintained day, water. It is advisable to install a pump filter, since this way the turtle will grow faster. Aquarium fish can be with it, but only when the animal becomes a little larger.

squealing turtle

A suitable bridge should be installed on land. It is advisable to choose a product with a rough surface, since it is more convenient to climb onto it. But glass or plastic products will not work, as they are slippery. The bridge must be placed less than 30 cm from the wall of the aquarium.

Heat is important for a turtle, and the room temperature is not always comfortable for it. Above an island of 10 cm, it is necessary to install a lighting device with an incandescent light bulb of 40 watts. Such a temperature will be favorable for her.

Power Features

Feeding your pet is also very important. These predators love raw meat, bloodworms, granular feed. But it is important to include fish in the diet for reasons:

  • calcium replenishment: fish should be given with bones, which are not dangerous for the pet;
  • the need to eat lean fish, and fatty varieties can be given only occasionally.

A varied menu is important so that the turtle receives all the vitamins and minerals it needs. For example, if a component is not enough, then there is a risk of developing an ailment. Curing it is not so simple.

why the red-eared turtle squeaks

Young animals need animal food, but with age it is necessary to give vegetable food. Up to 2 years, you need to feed your pet 1 time per day, and then three times a week. Food must be placed on the island so that the water is clear for a long time.

Why the red-eared turtle squeaks, it is better to find out from the doctor. This will allow you to identify the ailment in time, as well as quickly eliminate it. And to maintain a comfortable life of the animal will help simple rules for maintenance and nutrition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20066/

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