Is Hanurik an animal, a parasite or a drunkard?

Who is Hanurik? The older generation shakes their heads disapprovingly and grimaces at a strange word. The younger one will be happy when he remembers a pretty animal. Associations with the word differ, because it has several meanings.

Honoric yawns

Slang meaning

The word "khanurik" appeared in everyday speech due to former prisoners. Coming to freedom, they used specific expressions according to the old habit, and they settled in the speech of ordinary people.

Hanurik is a deserted, insignificant and cowardly man. It parasitizes on soft-bodied people, the Hanurik has no desire to work. The parasite respects alcohol, a bunch of his own kind and reasoning about his heavy share. Able to put pressure on pity, than successfully uses it.

In addition to the descending parasite, this is the name of an ordinary alcoholic, regardless of its type and financial situation.

Hanurik or Honoric?

Hanurik is a furry hybrid, the name is used in common speech. Literate people use the word "honoric" when talking about an animal. Honoric is the real name of the animal, bred at the end of the 20th century.

About Honorics

Charming animal - Chanurik. A descendant of a ferret and European mink, he took from parents the best exterior qualities and an entertaining disposition. The thick underfur and dark outer hair went to the hybrid from the mother. Large ears with a light stripe are inherited from the ferret father.

A painstaking breeding work to breed Hanurik (pictured above) was carried out by D.V. Ternovsky - Doctor of Biological Sciences. The first offspring appeared in 1978, it was a triumph of the scientist. He defended his thesis on the subject of bred hybrids.


Hanurik is a pound of charm, grace and complete unpredictability. The animal is distinguished by vanity, mobility and a complex character. He hates people, refuses to make contact. Attempts to gain the trust of a honoric ended in failure. Exotic lovers bought puppies on farms, where they were bred to get fur. The consequences are sad: the crumbs had sharp teeth, while trying to pick them up they bite. As soon as the pet was released from the cage, he began to smash the apartment, once in it, squealed loudly, demanding freedom.

In pet stores you can find an animal sold under the guise of honorika. A true khanurik is a savage, as an adult, he is capable of causing serious injuries to a person. The puppy will arrange a tantrum, bring sellers to white heat, scare off the screams of buyers. Cunning pet store managers are tricking naive people into trying to sell a regular ferret instead of a hybrid for a large amount.

Honoric and flowers


The descendant of the ferret and mink turned out to be interesting: both parents are guessed in its exterior, character and habits. Hanurik is a lover of water procedures, like a mink mom. Digging holes, curious, fussy - all in the pope. Most active in the evening and night hours, then they prefer to eat.

Nutrition and Life Expectancy

Hybrids live for 12-14 years, but on farms this period is significantly reduced. Animals are destroyed at the age of 3-5 years.

As for taste preferences, Hanuriks love meat. At the farms they are given cereals, along with boiled, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. Prohibited foods containing large amounts of salt and fat. Honoriks are not allowed smoked meats, sweets, juices and carbonated drinks.

Looks like a ferret

Should I make a honoric in an apartment?

Exotic animals no longer surprise anyone, but Hanurik is too much. Such a household will damage the apartment, the owners, other pets. The hybrid is good-looking, but aggressive, it is difficult to choose the worst animal for the role of a pet.


The word "Hanurik" has several meanings, with which we introduced readers. Most of the article is devoted to Hanurik - the animal, its nature and content next to the person.


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