Gold 999: how to determine the approximate value

There is no person in the world who would treat gold neutrally. Someone likes jewelry from this noble metal, someone prefers to invest money in it. But only a few know which gold is best purchased in the domestic market. Pure metal in nature does not exist, since it contains impurities of foreign substances. It is precisely in this that there is a difference between nuggets. Sample 999.9, or, as it is called in everyday life, “four nines”, is the highest quality and concentrate gold, which contains no more than 0.1% of various impurities.

Higher gold

product from 999 samples

Precious metal labeled “999 Sample” is the purest substance with a minimum amount of impurities. And this means that it is impossible to create jewelry from such gold. The metal is very soft, and all the transformations of the master can be deformed even under the warmth of the fingers. But this does not stop jewelers: it’s realistic to find, for example, 999 rings, but such a product will cost a lot, and it’s not recommended to wear it.

If a person wants to buy jewelry, he must understand that it is the percentage of impurities of other components that adds durability to gold. Ideal in terms of percentage in this case would be 585 and 750 samples.

How much is 1 gram of 999 gold?

gold bars

Every customer knows that the lower the label, the cheaper the product. Sample metal 999 has the highest value on the market, it can also be found under the name "investment gold". This is because it is from it that bank bullions are made for private investors and for the reserve of developed countries.

To answer the question of how much a 999 gold bar is worth, you need to understand that the price is volatile and changes twice a day - morning and evening. Also, the value of a jewel is determined by several factors:

  • First of all, attention is drawn to the fixing of the London Stock Exchange, where the basis of the price is laid. This is the very starting point for calculating 1 gram in Russia.
  • After that, the Central Bank makes a reassessment of the value and exposes its value to the entire state.
  • And finally, the third factor is the quotation of such a phenomenon as buying and selling in commercial banks. It is this final cost that is called the buyer.

Gold in Sberbank: 999

gold nugget

The Central Bank, although it sets its price at 1 gram, still acts in the interests of Russia. Since the cost directly depends on the economic indicators of the country, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation regulates the figure so that it does not differ significantly from the economic course of Russia and thereby does not harm the state.

Sberbank is a leader among banking organizations in our country, it is here that the main percentage of the population watches the exchange rate of 999 gold. The numbers on the ingot do not indicate how strong the material will be and how much shine it has. The main purpose of the test is still to show the proportion of impurities in the precious material. Although the above characteristics depend on this figure. When a nugget is found, by external signs it is almost impossible to determine whether 999 is a test or not. Color and physical structure also depend on the location and depth of the gold.

Storage facilities

999 standart

Besides the fact that gold bars can be bought for private use and investment, they are bought in large quantities by various countries. 999 gold is necessary for the state in order to have a reserve economic reserve. When compiling country tops, one of the indicators is exactly the same as the number of gold bars. This is precisely what explains such a high price of metal in the market. Since a large mass of gold is used as an asset-refuge, the share of purchased raw materials in workshops is negligible. Shortage and explains the high price of the material.

Gold has long been a wealthy currency. In the modern world, money is also equivalent to a precious metal. In a critical situation in the state’s economy, paper currency may disappear altogether, and it is then that gold will become liquid. This is another reason why investors from various countries, especially during the crisis, transfer all their large savings to the gold fund.

Of course, countries do not have such an accumulated warehouse. Someone practices storage with residents of the state, that is, resells to investors and puts money into circulation. But most often gold is stored in the Central Bank or in the treasury of the country, it all depends on its political system. This allows the state not to spend extra money on providing protection.

Central bank

gold item

According to data from November 2018, the price of 999 gold is 2,620.43 rubles per gram. A rise in price has been observed for the past 9 months, although the price in the West has been declining throughout this period. This is, of course, connected with the fall of the ruble and the strengthening of the dollar on the world market. At the time of writing, the USD was 67 rubles.

At the same time, the purchase and sale rate of 999 gold at Sberbank branches was 2734 and 2466 rubles per gram, respectively. If a person is going to invest his capital in yellow metal, then it is necessary to pay attention to commercial banks. The central institution always offers lower prices, but they can use bullion there only for accounting credit organizations. It is impossible to make purchase and sale transactions in the Central Bank. The only exception is large investors who can sell gold directly to the state.

For more profitable transactions, you need to track the rate in large banks.

The shops

In addition to selling gold at banks, it can also be purchased in private boutiques. For example, according to November 2018, the price per 1 gram of 999 samples is 2809 rubles, and 585 samples cost only 1636 rubles.

A huge minus of such a purchase can be an unscrupulous seller. If the master himself makes the products and immediately sells them, then he sets the sample himself. To distinguish by eye the color of the material and its ductility is what kind of test before the buyer is almost unrealistic. Therefore, it is better to give your preferences to popular store chains, and you will have to overpay for the brand.

Pricing factors

Of course, the exchange rate for gold may differ depending on which bank the investor decided to purchase. But, in addition to this, there are a number of factors that affect the price. Initially, this is supply and demand. The more buyers are interested in buying metal, the higher the price will be. The same can be seen in the reverse order: the more the bank is oversaturated with goods, the lower its price will be.

It is this factor that affects the market crash. When investors begin to sell their gold in large volumes, the graph curve begins to fall, thereby destroying the market. With a large flow of customers, the curve and price increase. Therefore, the bank spread may vary not only by city, but even by branch of one institution.

Sales and Production

gold coins

The next factor also affects pricing in banks and throughout the country as a whole. If there was a “fruitful” year for nuggets, then the value will inevitably fall and, paradoxically as it may sound, the company that extracts raw materials will begin to lose profit. It is this factor that affects the fact that every year the metal increases by about the same percentage.

But the value of gold is also affected by the extent to which the material is purchased. For example, coins of 999 samples will be cheaper than an ingot of the same weight. This is because it takes longer to create small items.


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