Should I go to Turkey with a child?

Turkey is a beautiful Asian country with a mild continental climate. Warm sea resorts, amazing monuments of Islamic culture and mysterious cave cities have long been chosen by Russian tourists. However, many parents when planning a vacation are tormented by the question of whether to go to Turkey with their children? The main thing here is to be careful when choosing a resort, because not all of them are suitable for families with kids.

Is it worth it to go to Turkey


This resort, the most popular among domestic travelers, can be considered as an option for families with children. The obvious advantage of this city is its convenient geographical location, since the swimming season is the longest. With little tomboys you can go to Turkey from April to November. However, when sending here with young children, remember that the road from the airport to the city can take several hours, which is quite tiring. If you still decide to choose Alanya, then carefully consider the choice of hotel and beach. It is better to look for hotels in the suburbs of this beautiful resort, since many city beaches, due to the large number of boulders, are not suitable for families with kids.

You can go to Turkey


If in doubt whether to go to Turkey with children, consider relaxing in Belek. Clean sandy beaches, healing air and pine forest will allow the baby to easily endure acclimatization. It is believed that this resort is ideal for families with the youngest children under 3 years old, and in the hotels you can find highchairs and special dishes for babies. In the water you will not meet such dangerous inhabitants as sea ​​urchin or jellyfish. The most comfortable holidays in the Belek area await mothers and fathers with children in August and September, when the sea is still quite warm and the unbearable heat has already subsided.

Whether to go on vacation to Turkey


When considering whether to go on holiday to Turkey with your son or daughter, consider the offers of Kemer hotels. If you want to strengthen the health of the baby, then this resort should suit you perfectly. Mountains protect the city from the wind, and the scent of a pine forest is good for kids and adults. However, it is better not to choose a vacation here with very young children, because the beaches in this area are pebble. In order not to be disappointed in the rest, the main thing is to choose a good hotel, which should not be a problem. First of all, pay attention to the presence in the hotel of entertainment for children: mini-clubs, water parks, pools and slides. Children from 5 to 12 years old will be delighted.


If you are concerned about the question of whether to go to Turkey with children, be careful when choosing this resort. Beautiful hotels and water parks may appeal to children, but you should know that Marmaris is considered a youth resort, where Russians and British go for club life. In addition, the area has very narrow beaches, not suitable for families with children. Therefore, if your child is less than 12 years old, then think carefully before answering your question: "Is it worth going to Turkey exactly here?" However, teenagers Marmaris can impress with amazing boat trips on a yacht and chic water parks.


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