"Galileo" (park, Samara): photos and reviews

In the Middle Volga region of Russia lies a large millionaire city - Samara. There are many attractions, green parks and squares, as well as interesting places where you can relax with children. One of them is the modern entertainment and educational complex "Galileo" (park). After the opening of this center, Samara began to attract even more guests who wanted to see with their own eyes the wonders that the park had become famous for.

About the complex

galileo park samara address

The Galileo complex (park, Samara) was opened in August 2015. Here visitors are shown various "miracles" based on the laws of physics, chemistry and mathematics. Refraction of light from different angles and focus create amazing effects, adults and children are shown in the action of gravity and inertia, chemical reactions give an unexpected result ... All processes and effects are accompanied by comments and explanations of the complex. They simply and easily explain what is actually happening and why this or that illusion is being created.

In a fascinating way, visitors recall a school course in physics and mathematics, and also learn a lot about themselves. Not only children, but also adults with great pleasure visit this complex.

Amazing rooms, mazes and transitions

galileo park samara baby birthday reviews

What awaits visitors at the Galileo complex? Park (Samara) is a lot of different rooms, halls, transitions with entertaining puzzles and puzzles. And all this with unusual effects and optical illusions. There is also a mirror labyrinth, a room with musical instruments, a chemical laboratory and many more interesting places.

Of great interest is the room with technical wonders: a singing bench, a Keller funnel, a bicycle that manages to "lose weight" in five minutes, a heat gun firing a stream of air.

And how many impressions remain from visiting a room where a real maze is arranged with the help of mirrors! Few manage to get out of it on their own: often after wandering for 15-20 minutes you have to ask for help from employees. It is recommended that you walk with your arms extended forward so as not to hit the mirror wall ...

Other interesting places in the complex

galileo samara park reviews

Unforgettable impressions leave:

  • Ames room is a room with visual effects. If 2 people enter it and stand in certain places, then it will seem to the viewer that one of them has turned into a giant, and the other into a dwarf.
  • Dark labyrinth - it is not very difficult to pass it.
  • Room with a ghost - an unusual picture hangs on the wall, which depicts Count Dracula. As befits a vampire, he is not reflected in the mirror opposite.
  • “Disappearing closet” - if you enter the room, the person “disappears” the body, only the head remains visible, as if he had thrown an invisibility cloak over his shoulders. Such an amazing effect is achieved with the help of a cunning system of mirrors.
  • An exhibition with the ideas of Leonardo da Vinci, Wood, Ames, Einstein and other prominent scientists.

At the exit of the park there is a shop where you can buy educational toys, entertaining sets for experiments, board games and books for curious boys and girls.


galileo park samara

This is one of the most favorite and most visited places in the "Galileo" (park, Samara). Reviews about the laboratory show how interesting and informative it is here. Visitors at the entrance are greeted by a "professor" who conducts a 45-minute workshop "Scientific and Simple." He conducts experiments and in an easy and understandable form describes them in detail, answering the questions of the audience. In experiments with the "professor" everyone can take part.

Especially a scientific and entertainment workshop in Galileo (park, Samara) inspires children who are happy to pour water from a non-spill bottle, pierce a balloon so that it does not deflate (it turns out, this is possible!), Make a paper bridge that can withstand a load of iron, they try to wet a napkin in a glass turned upside down in water, they boil liquid nitrogen, release gin from the bottle.

Additional services

galileo park samara how to get there

Additional services that you can use when visiting the Galileo complex (park, Samara):

  • Child's birthday. The reviews of those who ordered the organization of a children's holiday here are enthusiastic. There are no ordinary animators in the complex, but there are entertainers, "professors" and magicians who will help to have fun and usefully the birthday party and its guests. The staff also serves a sweet table.
  • Field workshops. By order of the "professors" they can come with equipment to a kindergarten, school, boarding school and conduct an interesting physics or chemistry lesson for children there.
  • Thematic contests. Everyone can send their scientific and creative work to Galileo. Prizes await the winners.

Visiting Rules

galileo park samara

Miracle Park "Galileo" is an unusual place, so there are rules that visitors must follow:

  • Entrance to the institution is allowed only in removable shoes or shoe covers;
  • It is not recommended to visit the park for pregnant women, people suffering from claustrophobia, neurological or heart diseases, people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as well as those who are prone to asthma or epilepsy;
  • children under 12 years old are allowed only accompanied by adults;
  • Entrance intoxicated persons is strictly forbidden.

Video and photography are allowed here.


Needless to say, children from visiting this entertainment center are delighted? But what is the opinion of parents about Galileo? Reviews about the park are usually positive. Visitors share positive impressions received in the entertainment complex. This is an unusual and unique place where there are no attractions and carousels, but scientific discoveries and achievements are demonstrated in an entertaining and easily accessible form.

There are very few negative reviews about Galileo, they are all subjective and relate mainly to the cafeteria menu and ticket prices.

Opening hours and prices

galileo park samara

Wonderland Park is open every day from 10-00 to 20-00. The only exceptions are the New Year holidays (from 30.12 to 01.01 inclusive).

A child ticket (up to 16 years old) to visit the park costs 300 rubles, an adult - 400 rubles. For students, pensioners and cadets of military schools discounts apply. Admission for the birthday is free.

Separately paid entry to the laboratory - from 250 to 300 rubles.

Where is Galileo located (park, Samara)?

The address of the complex: Samara city , Dachnaya street, 2/1. Entrance to the building from the Moscow highway in the Leninsky district. You can get to the building by metro, exit at the Alabinskaya station.

Now you know what the Galileo complex is (park, Samara), how to get to it and what to expect from a visit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20085/

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