What documents are needed when applying for a job: list

Most citizens strive to get a formal job. After all, this is a guarantee that in the future they will be able to receive a pension from the state for their conscientious work. Nevertheless, many people often wonder what documents should be provided to the organization’s personnel department when applying for a job. Does the boss have the right to require additional information and recommendations from a past employee's place of employment from a future employee? You will learn about all this in the process of reading this article.


What documents do you need to show to your supervisor when applying for a job? This question is asked by many people, but especially those citizens who are first employed in an organization for the performance of official activities. So, the list of all documents required for hiring is recorded in the Labor Code and other regulatory acts.


Nevertheless, such situations often occur when employers ask for future employees to provide some additional papers, the list of which is not fixed in the labor legislation. For example, if a person gets a job as a guard on a private campaign, he does not need to provide the employer with a document confirming that he has no criminal record. However, in practice it happens in a completely different way.

The most important document

This is a passport. If a citizen is temporarily absent (for example, due to loss or change of surname), then he can present to the head of the organization a document temporarily replacing him, issued by the FMS. This is perfectly acceptable. You must also indicate that you can accept a person to work for a passport if he is a citizen of another state, but temporarily resides in Russia. In the event that a person is considered to be a citizen of the Russian Federation, but does not have a document identifying him in his hands, you cannot accept him for work on a passport. This must be known to all specialists in personnel and heads of institutions.

documents for employment

It is also necessary to say that a driver’s license cannot be a substitute passport document when hiring an employee. The law does not allow this.


So, it is necessary to say here that the list of documents when hiring an employee includes a work book. It is not required to be submitted to the organization’s human resources department only in cases provided for by law. For example, if a person takes a job on a part-time basis, then he should not present the workbook to the boss. Because this document is in the personnel department of the main place of work of the latter.

It is also necessary to say that the workbook should not be provided to the future boss by a citizen who first gets a job. Because according to the norms of the current legislation, it is the responsibility of the employer to draw up this document for an employee who has never been employed before. In addition, labor books for all employees who have worked in the company for more than five days should be issued in the personnel department of the organization. You also need to know about this.

Interesting moment

Here I would like to say that the list of documents when applying for a job includes an insurance certificate. It is necessary for the employer in order to make contributions to the pension fund and in the future to provide a person with a decent pension.

employment history

Thus, SNILS must provide a person employed by the organization’s human resources department. If a citizen does not have this document, because he has not previously performed official activities, then the employer himself must issue an insurance certificate for a new employee. This is indicated by law.

However, not all campaign managers comply with TC standards. It is for this reason that many of them oblige citizens to provide SNILS to the organization, despite the fact that a person is finding a job for the first time. This, of course, is unlawful, it should not be so.

If there is no registration

For this reason alone, the campaign manager does not have the right to refuse a person a job. The exception is foreigners. Nevertheless, not every boss will be able to assign the duties to an employee who does not have a registration, and therefore a specific place of residence. Especially if the position is associated with liability.

documents for HR specialist

Another thing is when a person comes to work in another city, and registration with him remains at his former place of residence. In this case, employment problems should not arise.


When applying for a job, the TIN is not included in the list of documents. Nevertheless, many employers oblige citizens to provide this document upon employment. This is necessary so that there are no problems with the deduction of taxes on employee income. It is not written in the TC that citizens must provide a TIN when they are employed, but this is still necessary.

Fixed in law

If a military citizen is employed, he must provide military registration documents. This rule is spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When hiring documents, they must be reviewed by the head of the organization, after which it is necessary to make copies of them from the personnel department (they will be stored in the employee’s personal file).

new employee in the personnel department

It is also necessary to say here that a military ID is presented upon employment by all military-liable citizens. In our state, these include men aged 18 to 27 years. Citizens who are in stock must present a military ID or temporary certificate, which was issued in exchange for the last document, when applying for a job. It is necessary.

a brief description of

Unfortunately, not all citizens know what documents are needed for hiring. In turn, employers very often use the legal illiteracy of ordinary people. Moreover, managers often draw up their list of documents that citizens must provide when they are employed. In addition, many of them even offer applicants to fill out questionnaires in which the latter are required to provide information about their relatives, former spouses and the presence or absence of a criminal record. Here it’s worth mentioning right away that such information is provided only by persons entering the state or municipal service. For employment in shops and other institutions, such information is not necessary.

military ID for employment

So, the mandatory list of documents required for hiring includes:

  • passport (or other identification document);
  • SNILS (if the person gets a job for the first time, then this document is drawn up by the employer);
  • employment record (at the first employment it is drawn up at the institution without involving a citizen);
  • military registration documents for persons liable for military service;
  • diploma of education (necessary to confirm the knowledge of the future employee).

In addition to the foregoing

Here I would like to once again note some points related to the employment of a person in an enterprise. Recently, the list of documents when hiring began to include a certificate of the absence or presence of a person's criminal record. So, they have the right to demand it from a citizen only in those cases when people with a dark past are not allowed to a certain type of activity. In other words, these are citizens who were prosecuted and had (or had) a criminal record. In particular, this certificate is required upon admission to state or municipal service. For work in child care facilities it is also necessary to provide such a document.

Nevertheless, if a person gets a job in a store, canteen, private company or at a gas station, the head of the organization cannot demand from the future subordinate to provide such information. You must know about this. Otherwise, such unlawful actions of the head of the company can be appealed to the prosecutor and the court.

Education Documents

So, a person enters a job that requires the necessary knowledge and skills. Does the employer have to ask him for a diploma or certificate of completion of special courses confirming his professional abilities? The answer in this case will be positive. For example, a person wants to find a job as a lawyer. Will a citizen who does not have special knowledge in the field of legislation be able to fulfill the duties of a legal adviser? Of course not.

For this reason, the employer must see his diploma. The same applies to doctors, teachers, engineers. All citizens applying for positions that require special knowledge are required to present their education certificates to the campaign leaders. If a person doesn’t go to work in a specialty, then in this case most employers are not interested in having a special education. For example, if a woman has a doctor’s diploma, but due to the lack of vacancies in the hospital, she is forced to go to work as a conductor. In this case, the head is unlikely to be interested in the level of her education.

waiting for an interview

Despite the above nuances, the list of documents when applying for a job necessarily includes a document on the education of a person. You also need to know about this.


The list of required documents for employment includes a medical book. It is necessary in the case when a person gets a job in a public catering, child care facilities, services (for example, wants to work as a cosmetologist or hairdresser). The medical book is filled out by specialists after a person passes a certain examination for the presence of existing diseases. You can purchase this document in the sanitary and epidemiological station of your city or region. The future employee will be told more about this in the personnel department of the institution.


What documents are needed for hiring? This question worries many people who want to get a certain position in the enterprise. So, it is imperative that you have with you an identity document, work record, and education documents.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20086/

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