Space Marines, Warhammer 40,000: list

Space Marines are special military organizations of the human empire in the Warhammer universe. There are a huge number of them, and a special code was created for them. Many of them remained unknown, while others, with the courage of their soldiers, immortalized their name in the world of constant galactic wars.

General information about orders

All fans of Space Marine orders should know that they are divided into codex and non-codex. The first category includes those groups that take on faith and blindly follow each point of the Astartes - a guide for all legions (another name for organizations). When creating such a powerful military force, the emperor introduced clear rules in the book and created the structure of orders. The first category of organizations agreed with all the rules, and they are called code. The second one accepted only a part of all strict points, and therefore their name is non-codex. Among the two species, there are legions that have earned themselves immortal glory with a huge number of feats.

Order of the Space Marines

Two famous codex organizations

The orders of the Space Marine are interesting in that among them there are no similar principles of life and internal rules. The most famous of all the legions are the Ultramarines - the guardians of the codex at the highest level. Their observance of the rules comes almost to religious worship, although they have a certain retreat in the form of a detachment of Space Marine veterans. Their internal structure resembles ancient Greece, where there is freedom of speech and democracy. Rules for them are a means of life, and therefore they boldly go into battle to protect the territories of the empire.

The second no less famous legion in the list of orders of the Space Marine is the Imperial Fists. The members of this group are obsessed with discipline and tempering. For them, any minor violation of the internal routine is a reason for severe punishment with the help of a special glove. This tool affects the pain receptors of the brain, and a person experiences incredible torment. According to the "fists", every person should pass such tests, because only pain makes you stronger. For this reason, many voluntarily put on these gloves.

warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Order List

Crows and Salamanders

In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the list of Space Marine orders is incredibly large, but none of them can be compared with the Raven Guard in a guerrilla war. This is a small legion, and its low popularity is due to mutations that sooner or later occur with each member of the squad. Their skin becomes incredibly pale, and their hair with eyes completely black. All covert operations, sabotage wars on enemy territory is carried out by this particular order. Despite the pigmentation of the skin, they can perfectly mask themselves and remain invisible in the right situation.

The Salamander Order is completely different from ravens in its statute. They love direct combat, but only at long range. Their genocode contains a slow reaction, and therefore they even make weapons personally for their fighters. Lizards respect fire and often use it in battle with the help of thunder hammers and flamethrowers. Their differences in the black skin of soldiers and humanism to the common population. Other orders are disdainful of civilians, but the Salamanders in operations take into account that they need protection.

warhammer space marines

Angelic orders

All orders of the Space Marine have their own stories, but Dark Angels possess one of the most tragic stories. This order remained code only on paper, because few people know about the existence of the secret organization “Death Wing” inside it. Its creation was due to a split during the galactic war and the Crusades. Many traitors break away from the organization and hide in the universe. Members of a secret group track them down and kill them. The presence of many secrets and secrets within the organization made all members of the legion incredulous with signs of paranoia.

The Order of the Red Angels also earned a bad reputation for its genocode problems. The soldiers of this organization love an aesthetic approach, but the influence of genes is higher than their mind. To create a new member of the legion, it is necessary to introduce blood into it with a particle of the panarch, which is stored in special tanks. On the battlefield, angels often give in to two disastrous effects: Red Fury and Black Anger. The first in the heat of battle makes you lose control of yourself, and the second echoes of the past brings the mind to the brink of madness.

Space Marines Warhammer 40,000

Famous Non-Codex Orders

In the Warhammer universe, Space Marines may have a thousand members, as the code ascribes, but the Space Wolves completely rejected its rules. They have thirteen companies in their composition, each of which has up to four thousand soldiers. This huge force is controlled by an old warrior named Logan Grimnar. For "wolves" the concepts of honor and valor are paramount. Their genocode feature gives the bodies the features of animals. Thanks to them, they reject the effects of Chaos and have an increased sense of flair.

The second known non-codex order are the "Black Templars." These soldiers used to be in the "Imperial Fists", but decided to discard the rules of the order and continue their independent struggle against all the enemies of the Imperium. They are masters of hand-to-hand combat and are great at any terrain. Their hunt for flotillas of 5-6 thousand never ceases. The constant movement is explained by the lack of a personal base. This armada is commanded by High Marshal Helbrecht.

list of space landing orders

The third category of orders

In the World of Warhammer, 40,000 Space Marines may also have controversial status. Among these, the most famous are the Relicators and the Legion of the Damned. The former received this status due to a craving for Chaos artifacts. When the Inquisition found out about this, the head of the legion was executed, and other members of the army were sent on an expiation campaign. Later this conflict only intensified, the order was excommunicated from the community and the “Gray Knights” were almost destroyed. The remnants fled beyond the empire.

The Legion of the Damned is a remnant of the Fire Hawks. They come to the aid of other space marines in the most difficult moments in the form of spirits. All this is due to the mutations of the psychological impact that occurred after the Warp explosion. Most of the "hawks" then died or went crazy, and the survivors acquired such abilities.


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