Beautiful names for girls

Future parents are always faced with the problem of choosing a name for the child. If you already know for sure that you are expecting a daughter, then you should look at the beautiful names for girls. But here's the problem: which one to choose. This article will hopefully help in this.

Of course, the days of Dazdraperm and Sewers have long passed. But in any case, today you should not chase originality, because the child will be teased at school, he will have complexes. For example, the name Russia is in fashion today, but probably in ten years the girl will not like it very much. And only the parents will be to blame for this. Instead, you can choose no less patriotic and beautiful names of girls - Rosslav, Rosin, the benefit of the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to name the child by any name.

Often, newborn children are named after deceased relatives or in honor of those who had a huge impact on the future dad or mother. If you firmly decided to name your child in honor of, for example, great-grandmother, then try to at least change her name in a modern way, making, for example, Pelageya Polina. In addition, seriously think about the fact that your daughter will receive from her namesake a character, temper, and often fate.

Choosing beautiful names for girls from books or series is also not worth it. So, in the late 80s and early 90s there were a lot of Isaur and Marianne, who in ten years could not forgive the parents of this. The films were forgotten, but Isaur still did not stop teasing on the street. You should not name a celebrity either, because it is unlikely that your daughter will repeat her fate. In addition, children may have emotional trauma due to the fact that they did not live up to the expectations of their parents. Also, do not call the girl by her name, do not take away the individuality of the baby.

Pretty pretty names for girls: Eva, Naira, Anna, Marie, Elena, Katerina, Alla, Zara, Julia, Sofia, Eugene, Alexandra, Marina, Maria, Leah, etc. But even if you have chosen a name, do not rush to dwell on it. Follow the etymology of the name, try to find the roots and meaning. You can find information about the fate and character of the girl who bears this or that name. Why is this needed? For example, the beautiful name Ninel came from the surname of Lenin, written in reverse. In addition, if a daughter knows the history of her name, then this will become a matter of pride.

Looking through beautiful names for girls, think about the environment in which your child will live. For example, in Europe the name of Bogdan will not sound as charming as in Russia. In addition, write the selected names on a piece of paper and write the last name and middle name next to it. This can also play a big role.

Specialists in the field of names say that each name gives its owner certain traits of character. So, Daria or Darina, Gerda, Gertrude, Bozen, etc. will have a firm and unshakable disposition, and Elena, Svetlana, Ulyana, Alina will be soft and complaisant. It is believed that the more feminine and singing the name, the better the owner will be its owner.

Looking through beautiful names for girls, listen to your heart. It is the maternal instinct that helps. If the chosen name causes you only joyful emotions, then it is better not to look anymore. Start calling the girl in your tummy so that she gets used to it.

The choice of name must be approached with particular care. And most importantly, it was to the liking of both father and mother. If you know in advance that the head of the family will be against, then you need to smoothly bring him to this idea. This will help to avoid quarrels. For example, write a list called "Best Names for Girls" and give him the right to choose. But, of course, he will not realize that you like all these names. Let him decide for himself.

In fact, it’s not so important how to name a child. The main thing is that happiness should accompany him on his life path.


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