Singapore: rest, sights, interesting facts. What to bring from Singapore

Each state in the world has its own capital. In Russia - Moscow, in Italy - Rome, in France - Paris, in the UK - London ... You can list for a very long time, but we will not do this. And can the capital at the same time be the state itself? It turns out there are such cities. Few people will be able to answer the question of what Singapore is. It is a city-state located on islands in Southeast Asia. How can I get here? What to bring from Singapore? We offer interesting information about this city-state that will be of interest to all those who like to travel. You will also learn how much to fly from Moscow to Singapore. Let's start from the very beginning.

what to bring from singapore

Historical excursion

Many people know very little about Singapore. Some are just that he is somewhere in Asia. We will try to fill this knowledge gap. We will talk about what to bring from Singapore a little later, and now we will take a short excursion into the history of this surprisingly interesting and unusual country. The first mention of it dates back to the third century. This can be found in Chinese chronicles. At the beginning of the 19th century, a British port was founded on the island. Later, Singapore will become a center of international trade. Merchants from China and India, as well as some other countries of the world, brought their goods here.

Country basics

Singapore is an island nation. Its territory occupies about 700 square meters. km If we compare with the area of ​​St. Petersburg, then it is twice as much. If we talk about the population, then its number is more than five million people. What nationalities, other than indigenous, live here? The Chinese, Malays, Indians, Europeans, Russians and many others. What countries does Singapore have borders with? With Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. The basic principles of state power are democracy and equality. One of the important sectors of the economy is tourism.

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Curious facts

Now you know that Singapore is an island that is both a state and its capital. But there is a lot of other interesting information about this place, which is not known to every person. Here are some interesting facts about Singapore:

  • It is forbidden to use chewing gum.
  • In Singapore, a large number of fines are provided, including for violation of public order.
  • Tourists can get acquainted with a wide variety of national dishes.
  • In some catering establishments, you can cook your own meals. To do this, you will be given everything you need.
  • Singapore is one of the few countries that has managed to become rich and prosperous from the backward.
  • This is one of the smallest countries in the world.
  • A large number of rich people live here. There are even separate areas.
  • Singapore is the only city-state located on the island.
  • There is a lot of greenery and you can breathe amazingly clean air.
  • Singapore has very large lawns with a width of about five kilometers.
  • This country is the world's largest commercial center.
    souvenirs from singapore

Singapore: how to get there

How to get to this wonderful place? Let's consider several options.

  • Tour to Singapore from Moscow. In travel agencies you can choose the most advantageous offers. There are several options how you can reach this country. You can do this by direct flight Moscow - Singapore (how much to fly, you will find out later) or with one or two transfers. Travel time can vary from ten hours to thirty. Tours to Singapore from Moscow have recently become increasingly popular. It is best to book plane tickets in a few months, it will be much cheaper.
  • A trip from Asia. Depending on the distance, you can choose the following means of transportation: plane, train, bus.
    Moscow Singapore how much to fly

Botanical Garden and other attractions

Every year more and more tourists from Russia and other countries choose Singapore for their holidays. Exotic nature, clean air, a large number of opportunities for shopping and recreation - all this attracts a huge number of people. Let's get acquainted with the most popular attractions of Singapore:

  • Botanical Garden. Entrance here is completely free. It was created in the 19th century. The garden covers more than 50 hectares. Here you can see unusual trees, tropical plants, beautiful and rare flowers. In the garden is the "Orchid Garden", to visit it you need to pay a certain amount.
  • Singapore Zoo. Here are collected animals from all over the world, many of which are on the verge of extinction. The zoo hosts various shows.
  • Concrete jungle. Walls covered with greenery, artificial waterfalls are a stunning and completely unrealistic sight.
  • Winter gardens on the waterfront. What are they? These are huge glass pavilions in which plants from all over the earth are located. Only the queen of all colors, the rose here can be seen in huge numbers, more than a few dozen species. In addition, there is a rainforest with waterfalls.
  • Peranakan Museum. Once a Chinese school was located here. The museum has a large number of ancient artifacts and valuable exhibits.
  • The promenade Marina Bay is one of the main streets of the city. Here is a large number of shops, fountains and skyscrapers.
  • Chinatown. Here you can buy souvenirs and gifts at very competitive prices.
  • Ruffles Hotel Museum. It stores personal items of famous people, including: Charlie Chaplin, Michael Jackson, Somerset Maugham.
  • Sentosa Island is not only one of the best beaches in Singapore, but also a place where there is a lot of entertainment.
  • Madame Tussauds Wax Museum . His collection includes over sixty exhibits.
    tour to singapore from Moscow

Recreation and entertainment

What can tourists do in Singapore? Among the most popular entertainments will be the following:

  • A ride on a Ferris wheel, which offers stunning views of the city and its surroundings.
  • Visits to local bars and restaurants.
  • Many tourists like to visit the oceanarium, which contains a large number of fish and other marine life. The spectacle is so fascinating that here you can completely forget about the time.
  • Visiting museums and exhibition halls.
  • Acquaintance with tropical greenhouses, where you can see several tens of thousands of flowers and plants. The presence of an artificial waterfall gives this place a special charm.
  • Visit to the bird park.
  • Musical laser show. Access to this fascinating spectacle will be completely free.
  • You can become a fan in the night Formula 1 race.
  • You can throw a coin to increase your wealth in one of the largest fountains in the world, which is called the "Fountain of Wealth". It is best to come here in the evenings, when everything shimmers with colorful lights.
  • One of the exciting activities will be shopping. In Singapore, there are a large number of shops offering souvenir products.

We have listed only a small part of the activities that are available to tourists. In Singapore, a huge amount of entertainment for different tastes, and problems with this issue never arises.

gifts from singapore

Gifts from Singapore

After a trip to another country, you always want to leave a souvenir for memory. What is the best way to buy at local stores? Shopping in Singapore has its own characteristics. You can easily make wonderful purchases in the famous shopping centers of the city. But you can also buy souvenirs from Singapore in Chinatowns. There is always a large selection of assortment and low prices, in addition, you can make a discount. What to bring from Singapore? We offer you the most popular options:

  • Clothing with drawings that glow in the dark will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. What do they offer? T-shirts, t-shirts, hats, etc.
  • The locals' favorite flower is orchids. Local craftsmen have learned to perpetuate this lovely flower in gold. Tourists buy jewelry with orchids in large quantities. It can be rings, brooches, earrings, pendants, bracelets.
  • Unusual tea from orchid petals in a beautiful gift box.
  • Embroidered bookmarks for books.
  • Accessories for clothing: scarves, shawls, scarves, scarves, belts, belts.
  • Signature chocolate in beautiful wrappers.
  • Colored glass products.
  • Various stone figurines.
  • Pictures with amazingly beautiful landscapes of Singapore.
  • Silk products with ethnic patterns.
  • Women with great enthusiasm buy dresses from Malay batik with flowers.
  • Therapeutic Thai balm. In what cases can it be used? With sprains and bruises to relieve pain; insect bites; as a warming agent and in some other cases. Detailed instructions for the balm are attached.
  • What cosmetics from Singapore deserve attention? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Here is a large selection of products from Korean, Chinese, Japanese and other manufacturers. The most famous perfumery and cosmetic brands are presented. We recommend purchasing fabric masks with extracts from bird nests (cost about 100 rubles). They not only refresh the skin well, but also form the contour of the face, tightening it.
  • Pay attention to special masks to get rid of the second chin, you will not find them in Russian stores.
  • You can also purchase sun protection products, thermal water and a mousse for washing as a gift.

What to bring from Singapore as a gift to relatives and friends? It can be gold jewelry or a T-shirt with an inscription, or something else. The most important thing is that you bring them your good mood, because in another way you simply will not succeed. Singapore is always a celebration of joy and happiness.

Singapore dollar exchange rate

Necessary information for tourists

Many travelers are interested in prices in the place where they go to rest. How much to take money to Singapore? Everyone decides for himself, but there is a minimum, without which it will simply be impossible to do here. To determine it, let's clarify the Singapore dollar. It will be more than forty Russian rubles. It is best to take American dollars or euros with you, which can be easily exchanged here. 1 EUR = 1, 55 SGD. Data is valid at the beginning of June 2017. Taking into account hotel accommodation, you will need about a hundred dollars or euros per day. The amount is called approximate and depends on the individual preferences of the vacationer, for someone it may be more or less.

Singapore is considered one of the most expensive countries in the world. But, even here you can save. Food bought on the street can be much cheaper than in restaurants or shops, although its quality will also be high. Before the trip, be sure to check the Singapore dollar exchange rate to determine the necessary amount.

What else do you need to bring with you? We list the most basic and necessary:

  • Since Singapore is always warm, you only need summer clothes. Although it is still worth taking a sweater with long sleeves or a cardigan. You may need them when visiting various museums, which are often cold.
  • Get a tourist card, which entitles you to certain discounts. This can be done at the train station or airport.
  • You will also need city guides.
  • What else should I bring with me when traveling to Singapore? Small souvenirs or souvenirs. You will certainly need them if you are invited to visit. One of the national traditions provides an indispensable gift to the owners.
  • Among the things that are worth taking on a trip will be: sunscreens; to protect against mosquito bites; headdress; comfortable shoes without heels.
  • Think about medicines. On any trip you should take: painkillers; antipyretic; as well as tablets to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Remember that the prices in Singapore for the most familiar things for you can be much higher. Therefore, try to purchase everything you need for your vacation in advance.

Useful tips and tricks

Each country has its own traditions, which must be treated with due respect. There are also in Singapore. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, take into account the advice of people who have already been there:

  • Smoking is allowed only in strictly designated areas. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine.
  • Also, a punishment will be waiting for you if you are used to throwing garbage where you have to. On the streets of the city maintained perfect cleanliness.
  • Photo and video enthusiasts should also be careful. To take a picture of an object you like, you first need to clarify whether this can be done.
  • Before entering some temples and houses of local residents, they must take off their shoes.
  • Orchid in Singapore is considered a national flower. Since this plant grows in many places, do not try to tear it. You may have big problems. You can admire the beauty of an exotic flower and enjoy its aroma in the Botanical Garden.
  • What is the most profitable way for me to solve the issue of mobile communications? Connect a roaming service at home or buy a local SIM card.

Tourists reviews

Uncharted, alluring, attractive, beautiful - these are just a few of the epithets that tourists reward Singapore. It is always summer here and the most beautiful flowers bloom, and the locals are successful and happy people. Despite the fact that the laws here are somewhat harsh - this is a wonderful place in which I would definitely like to return. Subject to certain rules adopted in this country, a trip to Singapore will leave the most pleasant experience and will be remembered for many years.


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