How to knit booties with knitting needles: step by step instructions with photos

With the advent of the baby in the family, everyone is trying to provide him with everything necessary. They buy an envelope, a stroller, a bunch of things that for the most part the child does not need at all. But what each newborn really needs is warm booties on the legs. They not only hold sliding pants with constant movements of the baby, but also warm him. Even in summer they use thin or openwork products.

How to knit booties with knitting needles, we will describe in detail later in the article. Also, lovers of needlework will find out which threads are better to choose so that the child is not only warm, but also comfortable. The photographs presented will help you quickly understand how to do the work and how the finished products look. Booties knit very quickly, because for a newborn you will need very few threads. Knitting is carried out both by two knitting needles, and four, depending on the model of products.

How to choose yarn

Before knitting booties with knitting needles for newborns, let's take a look. how to choose yarn for knitting. There are several criteria that you need to adhere to mothers who are worried about the health of the baby. We list them below:

  • Yarn should be intended for children. Such threads pass especially high-quality control at the enterprise and are indicated by the inscription Kids.
  • Before knitting booties with knitting needles, wet the thread and put it on a white napkin. She should not molt. If the paint comes out of the thread, it means that the dye is cheap and can be harmful to the baby's health, causing an allergic reaction to the skin.
  • The threads must be of high quality so that the finished product does not deform after the first wash.
  • Some advise to choose only natural yarn - wool or cotton, but this is not always suitable, because woolen threads are often pricked strongly, and the tender legs of the newborn are not ready for such tests. The child will begin to act up and have to get rid of spiky shoes. High-quality acrylic or a mixture of wool with this material is best suited. Then the product will not be scratchy, will not decrease after washing, and the baby will be comfortable.
  • For winter, booties made of thick threads or tied in two threads are suitable, and for the warm season, only the sole can be tightly knitted, and the upper part made openwork so that the baby is not hot.

One-piece knitting pattern

If you have little experience in knitting, and you do not know how to knit booties with knitting needles, then use the following pattern. There are enough elementary skills: making a set of loops, knitting with a garter stitch, crocheting loops and closing a row. When choosing yarn, always start by knitting a pattern for the correct calculation of loops.

booties pattern

Collect 20 loops and knit at least 5 cm of canvas. Then it is best to iron the sample through a handkerchief and measure with a ruler how long it is tied out of 18 loops (after all, 2 loops are hem). Then the number of loops needs to be divided by the number of cm and we get the result, how many loops in one centimeter.

Completing of the work

Before knitting booties with knitting needles, measure the length of the child’s legs. In a newborn, it is usually 8 ± cm. Calculate the number of loops for the set: double length + several loops for free location on the leg and for stitches (2-3 loops).

Make a set of loops and start knitting with a garter stitch 5 cm high. Then close the loops on one side and the other. Determine the amount by eye, so that the distance is equal to the length of the rise from the end of the finger to the fibula. Then, after every few loops, knit two together, and in the next row, return the previous amount, making crochets. These holes will subsequently be used for lacing.

It remains to tie up the booties. This is done at the discretion of the mother: you can make short ones for the warm season, or you can make long ones, like boots, for winter colds. Having reached the selected length, close the loops, fold the pattern in half and sew the sides, leaving the inlet for the leg. Insert a thin satin ribbon or lace into the holes and tie a bow. Two knitted booties are ready!

Summer sandals with a button

Knitting such shoes for the baby is also made by garter stitch. The pattern is very similar to the previous pattern. The rectangular part is first knitted with a height of approximately 5 cm. Then the loops are closed, and it is tight for the front of the booties. You need to leave the rear lift for the lapel. To do this, leave one or another edge of the pattern uncovered for 6-8 loops. In order not to take extra knitting needles, assemble from the side where there is no working thread, loops on a pin.

booties - sandals

Next, knit the lapel lift on one side and the other and close the loops. Sew the sole and back of the booties. It remains to make a set of loops for the fastener, tying the working thread to the edge of the lift from the right side. Its length is measured by fitting on the baby's leg. For a button, make a hole by knitting two loops together, and in the next row make a yarn. Now you know how to knit booties with knitting needles step by step.

Booties slippers

Next, an easy knitting pattern for low slippers is given, similar to the letter "T". Its lower part is equal to the size of the child’s feet, and the horizontal bar is measured by measuring the distance from the big toe around the foot and back. Such booties (for beginners), knitted with needles, are knitted from a wide part after calculating the loops.

knitting booties pattern

Then they do the closing of the loops on one and the other side, leaving the central part. Having tied the length necessary for the foot of the child, close the loops and sew the product, folding the sides in front with an overlap. Do this for each leg inward. If the baby’s leg slips out of such a slipper, fix the smell with a button.

Bootees "Marshmallows"

Another nice and easy option for knitting booties is “marshmallows”. We will not repeat and describe in detail the calculation of loops and knitting of the products themselves, since everything is clear from the pattern in the photo below.

how to tie booties

The garter stitch of the front part of the booties is combined with the rows of front knit. How the product is stitched, it can be seen in the photo under No. 2 - side and bottom. The front part is assembled at the central point by threads. A flower sewn in a given place, crocheted, with a bead in the middle, looks beautiful. The high part is lowered by folding down - and the booties are ready! Now you know how to knit booties with knitting needles for beginners step by step. Next, we consider a more complex version of products knitted on 4 knitting needles.


After the calculation of the loops made on the sample, start the double-spoke set, as usual. Then divide the number of loops equally into 4 parts, and translate each of them into a separate knitting needle. Tie a working thread to the remainder on the knot. At first, those who have not tried such knitting, it seems that doing it is very inconvenient, but it is only on the first few rows that the knitting needles interfere with each other. With the increase in the length of the product you get used to it and no longer notice their presence.

How to knit booties with knitting needles, for beginners we will tell in more detail below. Knitting is done from top to bottom and starts with a gum 1 x 1. Its length is chosen at the request of the master. Then the number of loops on the front of the knit is added by decreasing on the side. For example, if you had 8 loops on each spoke, then when knitting the central part, take one loop from the sides. It will turn out in the center of 10 loops, on the side knitting needles of 7, on the back - it remains 8. Thereafter, knitting is continued only in front, turning the product either to the front side or to the back, as when knitting on two knitting needles.

white booties for babies

When the required length of the child’s leg is reached, the remaining knitting needles are connected to the process again, and the height of the baby’s leg is matched. The hardest job starts next. You need to create the sole of the booties. To do this, in each row, the last loops are knit together with the side loops on the adjacent knitting needle, gradually reducing their number. The product again turns over from the back to the front side, as with ordinary knitting. At the end of knitting, only two knitting needles should remain. If you know how to use a hook, it is more convenient to close the loops of the last two rows with it, attaching a loop behind the loop to the working thread in turn from one and the other knitting needles.

You can use the gypsy needle, sewing the product by threading from one loop to the next. Such booties for newborns, knitted with needles, have only one small seam that is completely invisible. You can decorate products by knitting a beautiful pattern on the front of the booties.

Knitting from bottom to top

Booties can be knitted in another way. First, the number of loops corresponding to the double length of the child’s foot is put on two knitting needles, and the width and height of the foot are knitted with a garter stitch. Then determine the number of loops for the central part - in the photo below it is highlighted with white yarn. Further knitting continues only to this part, and in each row, two loops are knitted together, one of which is captured from the side part.

beautiful booties for newborns

When the climb is connected, work continues already along its entire length. Knitting is carried out with all the loops to the selected height of the product. They close freely, without tension, so that the child easily inserts the legs into the booties. It is best to knit the height with an elastic band 1 x 1 or 2 x 2. It remains only to make a seam, starting from the sole and ending with the upper row. You can decorate the product with a bow and knots from a contrasting color of yarn.

Different knitting direction

The booties connected by the different direction of knitting look interesting. The photo below shows that the hinges for bending from above are located horizontally. To achieve this effect, the bezel is knitted with an additional set of loops at the back. You can not use the lower part, but simply dial on the spoke the required number of air loops.

booties with a different direction of knitting

To attach them to the main canvas, the last loop is double knitted, together with the closed loop of the bootie top.

Dressing bootees

You can decorate the finished booties by inserting yarn of a different color or by sewing on decorative elements knitted separately. It can be bows, flowers, lapels. In the photo below, the booties are decorated with beads, but for safety reasons, children shouldn’t attach such small details to things, as children are able to tear and put any object into their mouths. And it can be dangerous for the baby’s health.

booties for babies

It is best to knit decorative elements separately and sew them tightly to the product with threads.

Part selection

Booties look spectacular, in which, with the help of different knits, individual details are highlighted. The upper part is usually made with elastic bands, and the front region is distinguished either by a pattern or by threads of a different color.

multi-colored booties

To securely attach the product to the child’s feet, ropes, ribbons or laces are often used. They can also serve as decor.

For beginners, knitting booties with knitting needles for newborns will be easier after our detailed instructions and tips. And photographs will help to do the job correctly and quickly. Good luck


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