Handgam: how to make at home without PVA glue from shampoo?

What is a handgam? Many probably hear this name for the first time. But if you recall the famous and sensational American TV series “Ghostbusters”, the nickname of one of the representatives of the other world - Lizuna will immediately come to mind. And hendgum is a toy-lizun.

Why does she have such a strange name? The answer lies on the surface: the toy has the ability to adhere to all kinds of surfaces. The jelly-shaped slime does not melt in the hands. The toy does not like dirty hands. All dirt from the palms will remain on the slime. As a result, the toy will lose its attractive appearance. The surface of the hendgam has the property of sticking to itself all the dirt, dust and any fibers. For this reason, the lizun should be stored in a container under a closed lid in a cool place. Elevated temperature is best eliminated so that the elasticity of the toy is not violated. But warm water is suitable for swimming. Here is such an unusual and interesting handgam. How to make such an integral attribute of modern children?

handgam how to do

Currently, many toys, infusions of medicines, crafts for the exhibition are made with their own hands. The question of how to make handgams at home is quite reasonable in this context. In general, is it possible to make such a toy?

Of course you can. And there are several ways to create it.

Handgam: how to do?

For the manufacture of lizun you will need polyvinyl alcohol in powder and sodium tetraborate. Alcohol must be diluted according to the instructions. Then you should put the container on a small fire, stirring constantly. After boiling, the mixture is cooled. Next, you need to dilute the powder of sodium tetraborate, purchased in a pharmacy. 250 milliliters will need 1-2 tablespoons. For a toy, you need to take 3 parts of a mixture of alcohol 1 part of tetraborate, you can add food coloring and essential oil.

Stir until smooth.

From starch

How to make handgum without glue? Now consider a simple and more environmental way. Lizun will be obtained only when using starch and water. You need to take one tablespoon of potato starch. Twenty grams of water will also be required. Starch is bred in a warm liquid. If we need only 20 grams of water, then the same amount of starch will be needed. To make the toy bright, you need to add paints and sparkles to the mixture, and for elasticity add a drop of essential oil. Mix everything and put the resulting mixture into the microwave for thirty seconds. Now, under the influence of high temperatures, the future lizun will get rid of excess fluid. It remains to roll up the mixture in the form of a ball. Now you can play with handgum.

how to make handgum without glue

Why was the recipe talking about warm water? The fact is that cool or cold water does not allow the components to mix. Well-known methods for making lizun always involve the use of glue and shampoo.

From plasticine

And how to make handgams without PVA glue? Very simple: from plasticine. To do this, gelatin should be dissolved in water. Allow to swell for one hour, then place the resulting solution on fire and wait until it boils. Put 50 milliliters of water in the same way as with a gelatinous solution, put on fire. Let it boil. Then you should choose plasticine by color, melt it. All plasticine must not be thrown into boiling water at once. You need to add it gradually, in small pieces, and stir constantly. Combine gelatin, molten plasticine and mix again. This creation option does not provide maximum elasticity for a lizun, but the toy will be ready.

Glue "Titan" + shampoo

If there is an individual intolerance to PVA glue, you can try a different manufacturing method. Which one? Now we will tell you how to make handgams from shampoo and without PVA glue. In order for the slime to work out, and the child would have a toy, you need to buy Titan glue. It is usually sold in building materials stores. He will give the toy the necessary elasticity. The slime will turn out soft, will not stick to surfaces.

You need to take 3 parts of glue and 1 part of shampoo. The color of the toy will be what shampoo has. Mix everything thoroughly in a plastic bag until a homogeneous consistency. If you add more than the prescribed norm of shampoo, more elasticity is added, and glue will give the toy elasticity and strength. You can do the same with color. Now you can play with the lizun.

how to make handgams at home

From flour

And how can you create handgams? How to make it, for example, from flour? The slime made in this way is suitable for three year old children in order to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. This toy is made from natural products, and therefore harmless to babies. Three-year-old little ones are just starting to get used to hygiene and cleanliness. And for this reason, they do not always wash their hands without reminding the elders. Pulling his hands in his mouth, the baby will not be able to get poisoned with chemical additives that are contained in the glue.

The following ingredients will be needed: sifted flour in the amount of three hundred grams, cold and hot water, food coloring. All of the above is connected in one container, stirred so that there are no lumps. Then put the mass for three hours in the refrigerator. That's all, the slime is ready.

how to make handgam without glue pva

Last option

Another recipe for an original popular toy. We will make handgams out of paper. It is impossible to imagine what a slime should look like, which should be sticky, sometimes with a liquid consistency, when it is done like this? But everything is subject to visionary parents! A sheet of plain paper for the printer is torn lengthwise into three parts. From each part, you need to fold the strips along and connect with each other with glue. Now the received long pieces of paper need to be intertwined. All that happened, turn into a circle and fasten with a stapler. Get a ball.

how to make shampoo handgam

Of course, the toy will not have any elasticity, but you can make it together with the baby and explain that Lizun is a figment of the imagination of the filmmakers. Parents and the child will see him in a completely different light.

This toy is needed for the baby in the process of developing his mental abilities. After all, if the hands of a child develop, then it becomes smarter.


The usefulness of handmade toys is undeniable. How to make it, now you know. It is very important that the child himself participates in its creation. Development, creativity, communication will make the baby spiritually richer than many of his peers. Children who create beauty with their own hands are accustomed to the accuracy and thoughtfulness of their actions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20119/

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