System "Turbo-gopher" - reviews of experts

A book entitled "Turbo Gopher. How to stop fucking your brain and start living ”appeared in electronic and printed versions almost simultaneously. This happened in 2008. The author has not added any changes, additions or new secrets since then. There is no audio version of the system, there is a book "Turbo-gopher", reviews and studies. Distributed in PDF format for free.

What is such a "gopher"?

Dmitry Leushkin turbo gopher reviews

Calling himself "the king of nature", a person quite often does not behave like a king, obeying some of his states, fears, shame, anxiety. Suddenly, the “king” can turn into a small cautious and timid creature, who is afraid to move away from his mink. From the position of a small animal, it’s so more reliable: buried in your complexes and sit yourself, no one will get it! I’m sitting deeply, I don’t see anything, I’m afraid of everything, but I’m safe! Which Turbo Gopher? Read reviews and it's scary!

But some individuals still recall that they are a “royal”, human tribe. The mink becomes less and less comfortable, more often there is a desire to "go out into the world", the intellect turns on and the search begins for ways to change your lifestyle. This is where the fun begins. Rushing from one method to another, grabbing the tops of knowledge and techniques, the “king” rushes between systems to no avail, scolding everyone without exception. And only a few, especially gifted with consciousness and diligence, find their own way, their own system. Having begun to act sequentially, in phases, in accordance with the exact instructions, they grow from small and wary animals into real “kings of nature”.

Who is to blame and what to do

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As you know, everyone finds the path to which his consciousness is ready. And since it is easiest to find the cause of your troubles from the outside, the process begins with the accusation of corrupted karma. The method is good, but ineffective. Rarely does something change, but it warms the soul. Like, it's not me, it's all the distant ancestors heaped up, and now I suffer. Pity, good people, save, perish!

The ancestors, of course, are relevant, but only those who directly participated in the education of this "king". Who influences the origin and consolidation of human complexes? The closest people from the best of intentions can become enemies of their own offspring. After all, it was proved by the galaxies of psychologists that children copy the behavior of adults that are significant to them. And they themselves “suffered” from their parents, grandparents, teachers and other authorities. This is how “karma” has accumulated.

Who are these adults? The authors of many methods, including Dmitry Leushkin, talk about this in detail. “Turbo gopher” (reviews are mixed) clarifies some important points in the head. In addition, the system provides an easy way to solve tracked problems by replacing control units in the brain with the desired ones.

The man finally realized that it was his own “garbage” thoughts that interfere in different situations, forcing him to be practically a slave, a puppet of inner troubles. The “king” behaves differently. He seeks and finds the opportunity to learn to be adequate, react and think consciously, and not under the influence of children's emotions.

A person is “we” or “I”

gopher turbo system reviews

It’s not news that the personality of each individual consists of many “I” or roles:

  • at work - the boss;
  • home - wife or husband;
  • with children - the parent;
  • in the store - the buyer;
  • on the beach - a vacationer;
  • in the kitchen - the hostess, the cook;
  • in bed - a lover;
  • with parents - the child himself, and so on to infinity.

Reviews of Turbo Gopher confirm that using the system’s protocols helps make a person who is fragmented in multiple roles harmonious, holistic, and happy.

The main thing is to know what is in the way

Stop worrying and start living! It is easy to say, but how to do it and where to find the cause of life failures? Everyone already knows that a person makes conscious decisions under the influence of his unconscious experience. That is, at one moment in time, an event occurred that left a “notch” in the internal memory of the individual. The episode itself may fall out of consciousness, and its mental shadow is deposited in the depths of the mind as a subconscious. More precisely, the emotions associated with this life episode tightly imprinted in the inner brain and brazenly, without demand, control the behavior of their master in such situations. In terms of mentality, this saves their owner life.

To cope with this “monster”, or “genie,” as the author of the Turbo-Gopher system calls it, expert reviews recommend contacting psychologists. Years of working on yourself, as well as the financial and brain effort expended, will ultimately bring a certain result.

And for those who want to independently solve problems and get rid of their own troubles at an accelerated pace, there is another - an effective, fast and optimal way. About any system, including Turbo Gopher, including reviews, are always mixed. How many people - so many opinions on absolutely any issue. Reading, studying various systems, there is no result. Only actions directed by focused attention lead to the goal. No action - accordingly, it will not be possible to wait for the result. This is true for absolutely any system or technology.

Differences from other systems

turbo gopher expert reviews

Modern psychology offers many options for cleaning up subconscious pantries from accumulated "deposits" of unnecessary, often unconscious beliefs. Most of them involve the joint work of a specialist and the “king of nature”, who wanted to deal with the consequences of his perception of life. There is a sufficient amount of literature on these topics, a lot of trainings and specialists. Unfortunately, even resentments worked out with the help of these methods, heaps of fears, complexes and fantasies can return at any moment, ruining existence. Each of the psychological techniques at the same time is able to work out only one of the problematic episodes associated with the past.

Reviews of the Turbo Gopher system prove that:

  • skills loaded into the subconscious depths remain there forever;
  • the opportunity to work on "autopilot" is used;
  • work is carried out with a whole heap of psychological episodes and injuries at the same time;
  • the time for obtaining results from the application of practical actions - from a couple of weeks to 5-6 months (depends on the efforts of the "king");
  • the regularity of independent work brings tremendous and stable results.

The Turbo Gopher system (reviews give this confirmation) is one of the most effective independent ways to change your own life.

What is the basis of the system of "package" purification of personal mentality

turbo gopher book reviews

The subconscious is the magical power of man. It is from there that commands and orders for the body about the necessary actions come from. Whoever disagrees, even if he consciously, controlling and directing every fraction of a second of the movement of his mouth apparatus, tries to eat an apple. The lower jaw moves down, then up. Tongue like this, pushing the chewed lump into the larynx. Saliva goes from there to there. And so on.

The bulk of human skills entrenched in the depths of the subconscious and works to the benefit of its master in automatic mode. From there come the instructions of the conscious part of the brain to perform the necessary actions, and not vice versa.

This particular feature is used in psychotherapy and the "Turbo-gopher" system. The negative reviews of some authors do not hide the indignation that this is simply a reworking of other well-known practices. However, such a statement is unfounded and far from reality. Each of the practices works with the subconscious "genie" in its own mode and has the right to exist.

Stages or phases of work

gopher turbo negative reviews

Any strongest system begins to give results only when a person has realized the existence of a problem and has accepted the responsibility for solving it himself. No moaning and tears will be useful without real action and painstaking change in their inner content.

In the first phase of practical work, work is done on opposites (courage and fears, confidence and timidity). The Turbo Gopher system (the most diverse reviews) teaches you to process various emotions with special techniques. In this case, pairs of polarities can be composed independently.

In the second phase, work is underway with the most negative and painful incidents in the past. It is only necessary to write out and study those situations that are easy to remember. There is no need to "dig deep", plunging into the depths of the subconscious.

Everything else can be worked out at the next stage, working with the automatic components of the Turbo-gopher system. Feedback from experts about this phase has been received. As a result of processing past situations, the emotional charge is removed, the mind is cleansed. The reactions and behaviors fixed at the level of the reflex associated with negative emotions simply dissolve. In the future, in a similar situation, a person acts consciously, and not under the guidance of a reaction to mental "garbage" from his own past. Of course, all episodes in memory are preserved, only the emotional coloring of the traumatic event is neutralized.

Free Automated Handlers

After working with the most painful episodes from the past during the first two phases, you can begin to use the so-called protocols, that is, peculiar thematic tools. This is for example:

  • “Quasimord” - processing fixation and dissatisfaction with their external data.
  • “” - problems of acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex for those who are particularly shy.
  • "Nurse" - fear or the desire to "not protrude."
  • “Eye to eye” - for those who hide behind glasses from the world or from interlocutors, afraid to look into their eyes.
  • "Slug" - complete insecurity in their abilities, actions, fear of expressing their opinions.
  • "Mocker" - bullying, ridicule, jokes and other similar material.
  • An empty form, a template for compiling your own protocols for specific or narrow topics.

As a result of the correct development of the protocol, the problem is resolved, the pain goes away, it just disappears. The clearer the intention and observation of what is happening, the better the result and faster speed.

How to use "Auto-Mashka"

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No matter how much you read “Turbo-gopher,” no matter how much you study, no concrete changes will happen without specific practical actions.

How does the Auto-Mashka protocol work? A problem is taken, for example indecision, all thought forms are written out, somehow related to this situation. After reading and running the protocol, the problem “bursts” and ceases to torment. For example, regarding indecision, the following thoughts may be written:

  • Finally, calm down!
  • I hate myself like that!
  • They will laugh at me when my shyness becomes known.
  • We need to calm down already!
  • How can I become more courageous and decisive?
  • Why am I so shy?

You need to write down all the thoughts that go into your head about the problem. When the stream ends, all this is pushed into the "Auto-Mashka", read out and launched into processing.

The subconscious is very obedient. It received the task and carefully fulfills it. And a person can calmly go about their business. Typically, such activity is observed a day after working with the protocol on any of the topics. It is necessary to “catch” such a moment and write down everything that creeps out of my head. Then run into the "Auto-Mashka". The result is provided.

Similarly, the processing of negative beliefs, disbelief, and doubt is carried out. They can be personal or general, like someone’s “smart phrases”, sayings, folk sayings:

  • Do not lean out and be more modest;
  • be like everyone else, do not stand out;
  • rather be humble rather than brazen.

All this nonsense, in exactly the same sequence, needs to be pushed into the "Auto-Machine", read, run and breathe freely.

About the search for enlightenment

Those who came to the Turbo Gopher system, reviews studied about various other ways, tried to find themselves true and free. Those who are looking for spiritual enlightenment, who are confident in the complexity of the world order, can really come up with practices such as PEAT or other psychocorrectional methods.

For those who need not just a sense of clarity and awareness, but, above all, quick practical results, the book "Turbo Gopher" is suitable. Reviews are reviews, but you need to have your own opinion. If information has come, then this is not just. It is better to study, use, and only then evaluate the system, after receiving the results.

"Freebie" dubbed "Turbo Gopher" negative reviews. From a freebie does not sausage during kickbacks, there is no depression and desire to send all these gophers and the rest, taken together, to hell. And not everyone is given the opportunity to independently and correctly “load” themselves into a future dream. The effect of working with protocols is that problems do not hide even deeper, they simply dissolve. Remain memories of previously experienced emotions and events. The practitioner's reaction to previous stimuli changes dramatically. A shy person becomes confident, timid - brave, guilty - calm and healthy.

Financial problems are solved on their own, relations are being established, the body and consciousness are being improved. Only spiritual enlightenment does not come. Those who seek precisely and only this can use other, more complex and lengthy practices. After all, everyone finds what he is looking for. And many come to the Turbo Gopher system. Reviews of the book and the results obtained for many years will help our compatriots to find their "I" in the intricate expanses of their own subconscious.


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