Benefits to large families in the Moscow region: a list. Social card of a large family

Russia is a country of opportunity. People in need are supported in every possible way. Recent studies have shown that families raising children are the most vulnerable in the Russian Federation. A particularly deplorable situation develops where there are many kids. Therefore, large families in Russia are beneficiaries. They can count on certain government bonuses. What is it about? What benefits are offered to large families in the Moscow region and in Moscow today? How to get them? Finding answers to these questions is easier than it sounds. And this is despite the fact that from year to year the list of benefits varies.

privileges for large families in the Moscow region

Large families are ...

It is important to understand what kind of citizens we are talking about. What are the benefits for large families in 2017 laid in Russia?

To answer this question, you will first have to give a definition of large families. In the legislation of the Russian Federation it is absent as such. And therefore, families of different composition can be considered large families.

In the case of Moscow and the Moscow Region, social units in which at least 3 children are brought up are considered beneficiaries. Adopted children are also considered. In some regions, large families are established with 4 or 5 children.

Support Types

Now we can move on to government support measures. What benefits are offered to large families in 2017?

All of them can be divided into 2 large categories. Namely:

  • Federal benefits.
  • Regional support measures.

We will consider all possible scenarios. Federal benefits are called support measures that are provided without taking into account the region where citizens live. Regional bonuses are placed only within a particular area.

benefits for large families in 2017

Public transport

Benefits to large families in the Moscow region cover almost all spheres of life of a modern person. What can such a cell of society count on?

For example, a number of transportation benefits. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, having the status of large families, are allowed to use city and suburban transport for free.

The exception is only private taxis. For the use of this type of transport you have to pay in full. But some carrier companies often provide benefits for large families. It is better to clarify them yourself. Such support is expressed by a small discount on fares.

Transport and taxes

What is supposed for large families in the Moscow region? The next interesting support measure is transport bonuses. It's about taxes.

land for large families

Large children are exempted from the said payments in relation to one transport of each category. The bonus applies to motorcycles, cars, buses, scooters and tractors.

Does the family have several vehicles from the same category? Then she can count on exemption from a larger transport tax and on discounts (they are constantly changing) on ​​the remaining payments.

Housing and communal services

But this is only the beginning. Housing and communal services are provided in Russia for large families. In the Moscow region and not only. This support measure is often considered a federal bonus.

According to current laws, large families can count on a discount of up to 30% on payments for utilities. In Moscow and Moscow Region there is a special regional benefit. It allows large families to pay only half the amount of due bills for housing and communal services.

In addition, if the house in which the family lives is heated by a stove, appropriate fuel discounts are provided.


The benefits offered to large families in the Moscow region are different. Many children go to kindergartens.

These cells of society are compensated for the garden. It is equal to 10% of the monthly maintenance of the child. The privilege is enjoyed by almost all large families in Moscow and Moscow Region with tremendous success.

School years

Special attention is paid to children with many children during their education in schools. State bonuses were not spared this area either.

Food for children from large families at the school is organized for free. Minors can count on breakfast and lunch at the educational institution. Children should be fed in the canteens.

In addition, large families can count on:

  • free provision of textbooks and other educational materials;
  • provision of school uniforms;
  • compensation when buying a school uniform for your money.

Some educational institutions exempt parents from paying extra for children. But this alignment is found in individual schools. And you should not count on him. Often, day care groups are free for everyone.

transport privileges for large families

About taxes

Tax benefits for large families in the Moscow region are also provided. They are often expressed:

  • Exemption from payments on cars.
  • Discounts on land taxes.
  • PIT deductions.

Large families are not exempted from tax payments. PIT and property taxes will still have to be transferred. Sometimes the studied category of citizens is fully exempted from land payments.

Of the earth

What's next? For large families, land is allocated as an aid in providing housing. In selected areas, citizens can build houses, as well as engage in agriculture.

To receive such state support it is necessary to meet certain criteria. These include the following features:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation by parents.
  • Availability of registration in Moscow or Moscow region.
  • Lack of land over 0.06 ha in ownership.

In addition, if land is allocated to large families as assistance in acquiring housing, it will be necessary to prove the fact of need. With this, as practice shows, the studied stratum of society has no problems.

The medicine

Medical benefits for large families in the Moscow region are also relied upon. These support measures are considered Federal.

What is it about? Families with many children in Moscow and Moscow Region have the following bonuses:

  • discounts on tickets to sanatoriums (from 50% and more);
  • provision of medicines for children (up to 6 years old inclusive);
  • permits to health camps;
  • service in some clinics out of turn.

The studied category of citizens cannot count on anything else. In private clinics in Moscow and Moscow Oblast, individual benefits for large families are sometimes provided. For example, discounts on service. But these opportunities should not be considered as regional benefits.

food for children from large families at school


We have already studied transport privileges for large families in Russia (in particular, in the capital). In addition to them, the studied category of citizens can count on certain compensations. Financing large families is not too common.

If a family member receives higher education (first) full-time, he is entitled to a monthly compensation of 4,000 rubles. In this case, it is necessary to study at a university in Moscow or the Moscow region. And the average income per person in the cell of society cannot exceed the cost of living of the region. The last indicator is changing all the time.

Student does not meet the listed criteria? Then he cannot receive the corresponding payment.

Birth allowances

Benefits to large families in the Moscow Region provide some support for the cells of society in which children have recently appeared. It is about paying lump sum benefits. Their size depends on the number of children in the family. A regional allowance is allocated even for 1 child.

Large families often face payments in the following amounts of 30,000 rubles. They give so much for the 3rd and subsequent children.

Additionally, the maternity capital of the regional type is issued to the family. Today it is 100,000 rubles. You can only claim payment once.

Labor bonuses

The labor sphere of life also provides for certain support for large families. And not only in Moscow, but also in Russia as a whole.

The benefits for large families in the Moscow Region for employed parents are as follows:

  • Protection against dismissal at the initiative of the employer until the children are 3 years old.
  • Granting personal income tax deductions depending on the number of minor dependents.
  • The right to light work and labor conditions (shortened day, part-time week, and so on).
  • Free training / retraining.
  • Help with employment from the Employment Centers of the region.

Remember all this is simple. After all, such benefits are offered at the federal level. They are laid not only to residents of the capital, but also to all large families of the Russian Federation. In particular, if one of the parents works.

Cultural development

The studied stratum of society may require free cultural development from the state. More precisely, children with many children have the right to attend cultural events, exhibitions and museums free of charge.

This benefit allows you to visit these places once a month. Entertainment activities are also included here. Accordingly, once a month, children, for example, can go to the movies for free.

benefits of housing for large families in the Moscow region

Where to ask

And how to arrange these or other benefits? Where to ask them?

It all depends on the situation. Today, the listed government support measures can be obtained:

  • In educational institutions - educational benefits.
  • At the Federal Tax Service - tax bonuses.
  • ZhEKi, UK - benefits for housing and communal services.
  • MFC - all the benefits listed above.
  • Social services - compensation, payments.

Some benefits do not include pre-registration. To get them, you will have to present a social card for a large family. In the Moscow region and in Moscow, obtaining this document is not difficult. How to do this will be described below.

Social card

A certificate of a large family is easier to get than it seems. This document is issued to one of the parents. With its help, the family will be provided with some state benefits.

A social card is drawn up in the social welfare service. The applicant must bring with him:

  • Photo (size 3.5 by 4.5 millimeters).
  • Application for the issuance of a document.
  • Passport.
  • Birth certificates of children.
  • Marriage certificate (if any).
  • Documents on adoption (if any).
  • Certificate from the registry office of the established form.
  • Passports of all children after 14 years.
  • Documents indicating residence and citizenship of the applicant.

That's all. After a citizen forms a certain package of documents, they will draw up a social card. It is useful for medical and transport benefits for large families. This document confirms the special status of the cell of society.


We found out what privileges are given to large families in the Moscow region today. And where now to issue them, too, is now known.

what should be for large families in the Moscow region

Benefits, as we have said, are constantly changing. And therefore it is impossible to say with confidence that the listed measures of support for the population will be relevant in a year.

In Russia, large families often offer special benefits when applying for loans. For example, if a family takes an apartment in a mortgage. Preferential conditions for lending to large families are something everyone should know about. Similar support for each bank is expressed in its own way.

Where to start registration of the listed benefits? With receiving a social card of a large family. Without it, turning an idea into reality will not work.


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