The bottom of the oral cavity (anatomy). Oral cavity: structure, physiology

This article will examine in detail the anatomy of the oral cavity.

The bottom (diaphragm) of the oral cavity is formed by a multitude of muscles located between the tongue and the hyoid bone . The structure of its mucous membrane is characterized by the high development of the submucosal base, which includes adipose and loose connective tissue. Here folds are easily formed, as there is a connection with the underlying tissues. Under the muscles that form the mucous membrane of the bottom of the cavity, there are cell spaces. Human anatomy is very interesting.

anatomy of the oral cavity

What is the oral cavity?

The oral cavity is the initial (expanded) section of the digestive canal, which includes the oral cavity itself and the vestibule.

The vestibule is a special slit-like space that is limited by the lips and cheeks from the outside, and from the inside by the alveolar processes and teeth. In the thickness of the cheeks and lips there are facial muscles covered with skin from above, and on the threshold of the oral cavity - the mucosa, which then passes to the jaw-shaped alveolar processes (here the mucosa is firmly fused with the periosteum and has the name of the gum), forming on the midline of the fold - the frenulum of the lower and upper lip. From above, the cavity itself is limited by a soft and hard palate, from below - by the diaphragm, from the front and from both sides - by the alveolar processes and teeth, and from the back through the pharynx it corresponds to the pharynx.

The oral cavity is separated from the nasal cavity by a hard palate formed by palatine processes on the maxillary bones, as well as horizontal plates on the palatine bones. It is covered with mucous membrane.


The soft palate is located behind the hard palate and is the muscular plate that the mucosa covers. The narrowed back in the middle of the soft palate is the tongue. In the soft palate there are muscles that strain and lift it, as well as the muscle of the tongue. All of them consist of striated muscle tissue.

The diaphragm of the mouth is formed using the jaw-hyoid muscles. Under the tongue, at the bottom of the oral cavity, the mucosa forms a special fold - the frenum of the tongue with two elevations on the sides - salivary papillae.

oral cavity anatomy

The pharynx is a hole with the participation of which the oral cavity and pharynx communicate with each other. Above it is limited to a soft palate, on the sides - palatine arches, from below - the root of the tongue. On each side there are two arches: palatine pharyngeal and palatine-speaking, which are folds of the mucous membrane, with the same muscles located in them, lowering the soft palate.

In addition, there is a sinus between the arches - a depression in which there is a palatine tonsil (there are six of them: lingual, pharyngeal, two trumpet and two palatine). Tonsils play the role of a barrier - protect the body from the effects of harmful microbes in the oral cavity. Anatomy is of interest to many.


The tongue is a muscular organ covered with a mucous membrane, which consists of distinguishing the root (attached to the hyoid bone), the body and the tip (free). Its upper surface is called the back.

bottom of the mouth anatomy

Muscles of the tongue are divided into:

  • own muscles: contain muscle fibers of three directions - transverse, longitudinal and vertical, change the shape of the tongue during contraction;
  • muscles originating from the bones: the awl-lingual, sublingual-lingual and chin-lingual, displacing the tongue forward, backward, downward and upward.

On the back of the tongue, many growths are formed - papillae. Threaded perceive touch; there are leaf-shaped, surrounded by a roller, and mushroom-shaped - taste. Thanks to the papillae, the tongue has a velvety appearance, and it is the appearance of the mucosa that changes with many diseases.

The tongue is an organ of taste that has pain, tactile, temperature sensitivity. The tongue mixes food while chewing and pushing food when swallowing. In addition, language is a participant in an act of human speech. The anatomy of the oral cavity is unique.


The teeth are located in the oral cavity and are fixed in the holes of the alveolar jaw processes. In each of them there are three parts: the root (in the hole), the neck and crown (protrudes into the cavity). The neck is the narrowed part of the tooth located between the root and crown and covered by the gum. Inside the tooth there is a cavity passing into the root, filled with pulp (pulp), produced by a connective tissue of a loose composition containing blood vessels and nerves.

human oral anatomy

The fangs, incisors, large and small molars differ in shape. In humans, they erupt twice, so they are called dairy (20) and permanent (32). The timely appearance of the former is a sign of the normal development of the baby. What else is the anatomy of the bottom of the oral cavity?

Salivary glands

In the mouth, in its mucous membrane, contains many small glands (buccal, labial, lingual, palatine), which secrete a secret containing mucus on its surface. There are also large salivary glands - submandibular, parotid and sublingual, whose ducts are open into the oral cavity.

The parotid gland is located in front and below in relation to the external auditory canal. Its duct runs along the external side of the chewing muscle, after which it penetrates through the buccal muscle and opens on the mucous membrane of the cheek in front of the mouth.

The submandibular gland is located under the diaphragm in the submandibular fossa. Its duct goes to the upper surface of the bottom of the oral cavity and opens directly into the oral cavity, on the salivary papilla, located under the tongue. The anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity has been studied for a long time.

anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity

The hyoid gland is located on the diaphragm under the tongue, covered with mucosa, forming the fold of the same name above it. It includes one large duct and a number of small ones.

The secret secreted by the salivary glands is called saliva. In just a day, the human body forms it in a volume of about two liters. This is the anatomy of the oral cavity. But that is not all.

Palatine anatomy

The structure of the palate is to subdivide it into soft and hard. The latter, together with the mucous membranes, is a common part that passes into the alveolar processes and creates gums. The hard palate also acts as a special barrier that protects against the nose, which is obtained through a soft tongue that blocks the passage from the mouth to the nose during meals. The front of the palate contains formations called alveoli, which are of no importance to humans, but are indispensable for animals. What else is included in the topographic anatomy of the oral cavity?

Submucosal part

This part of the oral cavity is a slightly loose connective tissue in the form of a clear line. It has a developed network of salivary glands and blood vessels. The mobility of the mucous membranes depends on how pronounced the submucosal part is.

Such physiology makes it possible to successfully interact with external manifestations of the environment: too cold or hot food, improper treatment by an incompetent specialist, smoking, biting the inside of the cheek. But you should not use it, because the resources of each system are limited. The anatomy of the oral cavity and teeth has been studied for a long time.

anatomy of the oral cavity and teeth

Mucosal function

Most of the entire oral cavity is covered with a mucous membrane, which is the key to successful protection of a person from various irritating symptoms. In addition, it has high regenerative properties, is very resistant to mechanical and chemical factors. In the area of ​​the cheeks and lips, the mucosa can be folded, and at the top it is presented in the form of motionless tissue on the bone.

The main functions of the mucosa are as follows:

  • protection - stopping and preventing the development of reproduction of microorganisms in the oral cavity, constantly attacking it;
  • absorption by the body of protein and mineral parts, medications;
  • Sensuality - giving a signal to the body about any pathological processes, threats with the help of a large number of receptors in the oral cavity.

We examined the anatomy of the human oral cavity.


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