Lapomoyka for dogs: reviews, models, working principle. How to wash the dog's paws after a walk

Autumn and spring are the “favorite” months of dog owners. A visit to the training site at this time becomes problematic. And it’s just that the weather doesn’t allow you to walk outside for too long. With all this, returning from a walk, you first have to thoroughly wash the dog's paws, and then also the floors in the corridor and the bathroom. It’s well known that you should walk with your pet at least twice a day.

Not so long ago, on sale in specialized stores, meanwhile, a very interesting device appeared - a lapomoyka for dogs. Reviews of pet owners such accessories deserved very good. They have a simple construction. The life of the owner of the dog can be facilitated in some cases significantly.

dog cleanser reviews

The principle of the lapomoyki

Such devices are ordinary, not too large containers, in shape resembling a glass or a vase. The dog paw was well received, among other things, because on top of it special rubber inserts are provided to prevent splashing of water and exclude the possibility of injury to the animal's paws. Soft brushes are provided inside the container.

In addition to similar designs, gloves can be used for hosts, towels, etc. There is a lid on top of the lapomoyka.

How to use

The principle of operation of such devices is very simple. In this regard, such devices also have a lot of positive reviews.

It is advisable to prepare a lapomoy before the walk itself. Pass the dog after the walk should be clean. You just need to pour water into the device and put it somewhere near the door - on the side. After returning from a walk, the dog is seated on a rug. Next, they take one of her forepaws and simply put on the device from below. Next, make a glass or vase a few movements up and down. This allows you to wash away all the dirt from the animal's paws.

At the next stage, the container must be set aside and wipe the pet’s hair with the towel that comes with the kit. Next, the washing procedure is repeated with all the remaining paws. After that, you can run the dog into the apartment.

dog accessories

Types of fixtures

The principle of operation of all lapomoyki for dogs is the same. Accordingly, they have a similar design. Lapomoyki for dogs can differ mainly in:

  • the shape of the container;

  • its size;

  • type used for the manufacture of material.

The size

When choosing a lapomoyka, experienced pet owners are advised to pay attention to the second indicator from the list above. The capacity of the device must, of course, correspond to the size of the dog's paws. Before buying, be sure to read the instructions for use of the lapomoyka. Such devices are convenient, judging by the reviews, also by the fact that manufacturers usually indicate the weight range of the dogs for which they are intended. The diameter of modern lapomoyki can vary in the range of about 4-10 cm, height - 9-25 cm.


For the manufacture of such devices manufacturers usually use durable plastic. Judging by the reviews, lapomoyki for dogs are quite rare to break or leak. Plastic has a small weight, which makes the use of the device convenient. The color of the fixture material can be very different. The most practical, of course, is black for dog owners. But you can, of course, choose some brighter lapomoyka.

dog in the apartment

Devices made of transparent plastic are considered very convenient. When using such paw washing, the owner of the dog has the ability to control the cleanliness of its paws during rinsing.

Tank shape

The degree of usability of the device also depends on this indicator. You can buy for your four-legged friend and a simple cheap fixture-cup without brushes - with or without ribs. Such simple designs also earned relatively good reviews from dog owners.

However, it is better to purchase a more thorough and expensive lapomoyka, for example, in the form of a mug. The presence of a handle will facilitate the rinse and make it as comfortable as possible for the animal itself.

Very popular with dog lovers and lapomoyki made in the form of a box. Such models may contain inside several containers designed for water, shampoo and the reception of dirty liquid merging from the animal's paws. Using such a lapomoyka is really very convenient. But it is quite expensive.

So that water and shampoo are poured into the container in which the rinsing is performed, the box-shaped device just needs to be tilted a little. Next, the rinse itself is performed. Then the lapomoyka leans in the other direction. As a result, dirty water is discharged into a receiving container. Thus, pure water can be used for the next paw.

four-legged friends

Positive reviews about dog paw mops

The advantages of such devices, pet owners include, of course, first of all, the fact that they avoid pollution of the corridor and bathroom. These devices have earned good reviews for their ease of use. Even a child can learn to use a lapomoyka in a short time.

Devices of this type are made, as already mentioned, of plastic. And they have a small weight. Yes, and the special dimensions of the lapomoyki do not differ. Therefore, they are very convenient to carry with you in the car. You can simply put the Gourmand in the glove compartment and use it for its intended purpose, for example, in the country house or before actually putting the dog in the car in nature. For this, such modern devices also deserve, of course, just excellent reviews from dog breeders.

Which, according to pet owners, devices have disadvantages

The adaptation of a lapomoyka, according to dog breeders, is thus quite convenient. However, this device has certain disadvantages. These include, first of all, the difficulty of training the animal itself. Many dogs are extremely reluctant to wash their paws, even in a basin or in the bathroom. According to some animal lovers, it’s almost impossible to accustom them to a paw wash.

Also, judging by the reviews available on the Web, the disadvantages of such accessories for dogs include their rather high cost. Despite the fact that constructively the lapomoins are nothing complicated, and the materials on them are most often used not so much, they are quite expensive.

paw plunger

Another disadvantage of devices of this type, dog owners believe the inability to control the condition of the paws of animals. With a manual wash, all injuries, corns and other things on the pads and "fingers" are clearly visible. Using the lapomoyka, the owner may not know on time about the dog’s presence of any problems.

Also, judging by the reviews, the disadvantage of such devices is that when using them it is impossible to wash all the dirt between the fingers of the dog. This is especially true for animals of long-haired breeds. After using the lapomoyka, the owners of such a dog have to additionally carry it into the bath.

The best models

Paw washes in Russia - a fairly new product. Therefore, in relation to the manufacturer, the choice of these accessories for dogs is not particularly wide. Most often in specialized stores you can find models of such brands of paw washing machines:

  1. Paw Wash. Paw washes from this manufacturer usually have a rather ergonomic “vase” shape. They earned good reviews for being made of transparent plastic. There are no brushes inside these paws. However, on the sides of such a "vase" there are usually plastic, not too stiff ribs that facilitate the rinsing process.

  2. Paw Plunger. Paw washes of this brand are high-quality devices made in the form of a mug with a handle. They deserve the best customer reviews. The manufacturer supplies the market with three of their main varieties - Medium, Large and Petit, designed for dogs of different weights.

  3. Dirty Paws Footbath . These lapomoyki are made in the form of a glass with a soft slip at the top. The dog breeders have a good opinion of them, including due to their low cost. The price of them is only about 600 rubles.

  4. Paw boss . Models from this manufacturer are made in the form of a box. They look pretty attractive and, as many dog ​​breeders believe, are very convenient to use.

paw wash

Is it possible to make a lapomoyka yourself

Devices of this type are, as already mentioned, quite expensive. However, they are relatively simple in design. Therefore, if you want to make a lapomoyka for your fourth friend, you can do it yourself. It is easiest to make such an accessory from a large plastic glass, picking up the cover of the corresponding diameter to the latter. If desired, the resulting home-made lapomoyka can be supplemented with small soft brushes intended for washing dishes. They just need to be fixed on the walls inside the glass.

The basic rules for regular washing paws

Thus, a lapomoyka can become a device for a dog owner to be very useful. However, for too wayward pets, such a device may not be suitable. The same goes for dogs with very long hair. The owners of such animals will have to use, most likely, all the same traditional methods of rinsing.

So, how to wash the dog's paws after a walk correctly? When conducting such a procedure, the following rules should first be observed:

  1. At the bottom of the bathtub or basin, you must definitely put a rubber mat. This will prevent the paws from slipping and minimize the risk of injury.

  2. Use cool water for washing.

  3. After the rinse procedure, the pet's paws should be carefully examined.

paw boss

Dog paws are usually washed with just water. In extreme cases, you can additionally use soap. Of course, it is allowed to rinse the feet and with the use of special dog shampoo.


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