How to get a cadastral passport of a land plot. The cost of the cadastral passport of the land

The procedure for collecting documents necessary for state registration, for example, an apartment purchase and sale agreement, is very complicated. One of the required documents is a cadastral passport. Its receipt can not be called a troublesome business, but it will not be superfluous to know its order. Therefore, before you get down to business, you should find out all the answers to the question: "How to get a cadastral passport of a land plot?"

general information

how to get a cadastral passport of a land plot

A cadastral passport of a land plot (CPSU) is a document that contains the technical legal characteristics of a plot put on cadastral state registration as a real estate object. Each of them has a cadastral number - a special number for the registered plot in the state cadastre. The KPZU was introduced with the help of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 221 - FZ of 07.24.2007 (p. 4 against 14).

KPZU recalls an extract from the cadastre of state real estate, where there is all information about this object. According to the Federal Law No. 221- “On State Real Estate Cadastres” (later - the Federal Law), generally accepted data added to the state cadastre can be provided to everyone at the request of the cadastral registration authorities. This information is provided no more than 5 worked shifts from the date of receipt by the cadastral registration authorities (Federal Law, part 8 of article 14).

What you should know

land cadastral passport form

In order to get the CPSU, you will need to contact the territorial division of the cadastral registration authorities - now it is considered the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" - with a passport and preferably with a cadastral number. In some cases, the employee who accepts the application will ask for a phone number, since the alert about the readiness can come in the form of SMS. As they accept the application, they issue a receipt with the date when they should receive a passport. If you do not know where and how to apply, then you can turn to consultants on this topic for help. Together with a specialist, you can quickly and easily issue a cadastral passport of the land.

Site passport: the process of obtaining

The form of the cadastral passport of the unfinished building land was approved by Order of the Minister of Russia in 2008 No. 32 “Approval of the forms of the cadastral passport building, unfinished construction objects or premises” (Appendix No. 1).

The issuance of a cadastral passport of a land plot is managed by the authority that makes the cadastral registration of the object, the territorial department of the Rosreestra department, at the request of each electronically or on paper within 20 days from the time of application submission. Obtaining a RAM is possible only when the site has a cadastral number. When there is no number, it will be necessary to register the land, otherwise the transaction will be impossible.

Land: accounting in Rosreestr

order a cadastral passport of the land

To register the land in the management of Rosreestra, you must provide the following documents:

- certificate of inheritance of the object,

- extract from the owner's book or the decision of the local administration.

Data on the state real estate cadastre before the date of amendment to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is provided free of charge. But you can choose another option, when the BTI or someone else offers their services to receive a document for money. There is nothing illegal here, you will simply pay for the fact that someone will run for you.

Problem getting a passport

cadastral passport of the land

Usually, when applying to the cadastral registration authorities with a statement on the provision of data on previously registered land plots, as well as on the cadastral passport, it is specified that these data are not included in the cadastre. If these data are not available, then they simply have not been transferred to the authorities that register land plots in the prescribed manner. Then it is required to apply with the necessary application to the cadastral registration authorities with a request to carry out accounting for a specific object.

With the previously registered site, problems may also arise when obtaining a passport. Such a document, according to the law of the Russian Federation, is not provided if:

- there is no cadastral information about the coordinates of the desired point on the border of land;

- one border of the site intersects with another border according to the cadastral data of the latter.

It is worth saying that these problems are common. If you have been refused a cadastral passport for an interested person, you need to correct the factors that served as the reasons for the refusal provided by law. First, you need to go to the cadastral accounting authority with a request for an amendment to the data of state real estate cadastres. Note that, according to the law, they cannot refuse to issue passports of already registered land plots required for individual garage or residential construction.

Cadastral passport of the land: all the nuances

obtaining a cadastral passport of the land

How to get a cadastral passport of a land plot, if you have not encountered this procedure before? It is possible to obtain a cadastral passport when your land is registered with the cadastre and it has a cadastral number. In this case, the procedure is greatly simplified. Documents should be collected, which consist of an application, photocopies of the passport, copies of the certificate of the cadastral number of the parcel that is assigned to each land plot, and a certificate of the land plot. It is all these documents that are submitted to the Rosreestr, located at the place of the property. The time for issuing a cadastral passport of a land plot is equal to 30 days when the plot is not registered with the cadastre and is registered for the first time. To do this, you will need a statement, an act of coordination of the border with neighbors, a survey plan and a receipt on payment of state duty (for legal entities - 1000 rubles and for individuals - 100 rubles).

Collection of documents for registration

issue a cadastral passport of the land

The boundary plan is made up of individual organizations doing this for a certain amount. The cost of surveying ranges from 5-20 thousand rubles. To all this, individual surveying organizations can provide other services, for example, to help register a cadastral passport. The cost and duration of the preparation of the survey plan depend directly on the location of the site and the urgency of the work. Usually this procedure is very long, it can last up to six months. All these documents are referred to the territorial authority of Rosreestr at the place where the object is located. You will need:

- an act of coordination of the border with a neighboring section;

- certificate;

- boundary plan;

- application for the registration of the site;

- the number of the cadastral plot when it appears in your certificate;

- A copy of the certificate of land, pre-certified by a notary;

- a notarized power of attorney or passport of the owner who represents his interests.

Recent Activity

The next step is to go to the website of the State Service and find the following service: “Providing the data specified in the state real estate cadastre”. In order to submit an application for the provision of this information, it is required to fill out an application in electronic form, recording the data on the required information and on the information of the applicant. After completing the application, the system will process and send a request to the Federal Registration Service to check the data recorded in the application and make a final decision. To find out the current status, use the "My Applications" section in your account. When the process is completed, the system will give you an answer and provide the result of the service. If a failure occurs, the system will also report an error.

The cost of some documents and services

The applicant can find out the result in his office on a single portal of public services. Information can be obtained through the WEB-site, by mail, through e-mail, through a representative or in person. The data type of the RAM is usually provided for no more than 5 business days.

issue of a cadastral passport of a land plot
To receive a cadastral passport of a land plot in electronic format, the cost of a service to a legal entity will cost 300 rubles, and to an individual 50 rubles. You can pay by bank transfer. If you need to receive a cadastral passport of the land plot on paper, the cost for legal entities will be 600 rubles, for individuals - 200 rubles. You can order a cadastral passport of the land on the Internet. First, register on the public services website and fill out the electronic application form.

The cadastral passport includes several forms: B.1-B.4.

In No. 1 - data on the land:

- area;

- cadastral value ;

- determination of the category of land and purpose (IZHS and others);

- data about the site;

- cadastral number.

In No. 2, the site plan is issued after a land survey. If the survey is not completed, then this form will not be issued.

In No. 3 and No. 4 write down data on restrictions and burdens concerning the land plot. For example, assign the site to the zone of passing engineering communication or environmental protection zone.

How to get a cadastral passport of a land plot, if there is a cadastral number? When your site is registered with the cadastre, and it has a number, then there will be no difficulties in obtaining a passport. You can get your passport in two ways:

- Collect all the necessary documents together with the application, a copy of the passport, cadastral number and a copy of the title document.

- Submit these documents to Rosreestr according to the location of your site.

And you will be issued a cadastral passport within 30 days. After reading our article, you now probably know how to get a cadastral passport of a land plot. Knowing the basic nuances, you do not have to spend a lot of time collecting documents. And this increases the chances of a quick cadastral passport of the land.


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