When are cherries transplanted - in spring or autumn?

Growing cherries does not cause gardeners any particular problems. However, they are required to pay some attention to the tree care features. First of all, you need to find out when the cherry is transplanted. For this process to succeed, a number of rules must be followed. It depends on them whether the tree will take root in a new place and whether summer residents will enjoy a rich harvest.

general characteristics

In terms of its popularity and prevalence, cherry takes the 2nd place after the apple tree and the first among all stone fruits. This fruit tree tolerates lower temperatures much better than its closest relatives - plum and apricot. It has excellent regenerative ability even after severe winter damage, due to shoots, offspring and shoots growing from the trunk.

When to transplant cherry

Cherry blossoms , depending on the variety and region of growth from late March to mid-May and during flowering, is one of the most beautiful plants in nature.

Fruits of cherry-drupes are scarlet, dark red, burgundy or almost black with juicy pulp having a sweet or sour-sweet taste.

Cherry fruits ripen, depending on the variety and region of growth. Harvests of early varieties in the southern latitudes can be harvested by the end of May, of late varieties in the middle lane - only by mid-August. Cherry is especially appreciated for its early maturity. This process begins already in the third year after transplanting to a permanent place in the garden. It is very important to find out when you can transplant cherries to another place. We will talk about this now.


In the process of caring for the presented tree, it is very important to find out when it is better to transplant cherries. In autumn or spring, you can begin to do this work? Experienced gardeners and gardeners will help you choose the right time for this process.

When to transplant cherry in the fall

A spring transplant should be carried out before the start of sap flow, so that the transplanted plant has enough time to strengthen the roots in the soil. Usually during the summer the tree manages to adapt and gain strength. But there are times when a plant transplanted in the spring does not take root and dries.

Therefore, experienced gardeners prefer the autumn transplant, which shows better results compared to the spring. However, the success of this event is largely dependent on the variety. Felt cherries can only be replanted in March, after the snow has melted and the ground has thawed. Transplanting such a tree in autumn can destroy the plant.

Overgrown cherries are transplanted exclusively in the fall. During the spring process, her kidneys bloom too quickly. Food does not go to the root. This leads to improper development of the tree as a whole.

When is a transplant necessary?

When considering when it is best to transplant cherries , the recommendations of experienced gardeners should be considered. They argue that usually the need for this process arises if the plant was originally planted in the wrong place (in a lowland, too close to the house or to other objects).

When can I transplant cherry

If the area occupied by cherries was needed for other purposes, a transplant is also carried out. This action is required for the coppice, as it grows too close to the mother tree. This reduces the overall yield.

Transplant Dates

So when can I transplant cherry ? In our country, you can deal with transplant in both spring and autumn. The features of this process depend primarily on the variety of cherries and on weather conditions.

Among gardeners, autumn planting is considered more preferable, as it gives a greater survival rate. But, as mentioned above, one should take into account the fact that some varieties of cherries can be transplanted only in the spring. In the southern regions, this action is performed in late September - early October. During this period, the tree is already dropping leaves, but outside the window is still quite warm.

It is important to transplant no later than a month before the autumn frosts. If you have already purchased seedlings for planting, but unexpectedly cold weather has come, no need to be upset. You will need to sprinkle the roots and trunks with earth, postpone the planting until spring. Seedlings quite successfully winter.

When is it better to transplant cherry

Autumn planting of cherries in cold regions is not recommended, where winter temperatures often drop below -25 Β° C. Under such conditions, in plants planted in autumn, the root system freezes, as a result of which the tree develops more slowly, and may die at all. In these regions, only varieties resistant to cold and only in spring are planted. A transplant can only begin with the onset of stable warm weather, when the ground has completely thawed and finish by the time the buds open in the trees.

Optimal conditions for transplantation

To make it clear when to transplant cherries (in autumn or spring) , it is necessary to consider the optimal conditions for this process.

When to transplant cherry in autumn or spring
The transplant is carried out under the following weather conditions:

  • warm day; the weather is dry and sunny;
  • outdoor temperature about + 13ΒΊ;
  • lack of night frosts.

It is not recommended to transplant on a rainy and windy day. The weather should be good.

Transplant Preparation

Preparation for this procedure should begin in advance. When transplanting cherries in autumn, a depression in the ground must be created in spring, and for spring work, in autumn. Compost, wood ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers should be added to the finished pit. Under no circumstances should nitrogen be added. It burns the root system. It is allowed to be applied exclusively in the summer, in the form of liquid bait.

When is it better to transplant cherry in autumn or spring

The dimensions of the pit for small seedlings is 80x80 cm. About 0.5 m is the depth. For a large tree, the landing pit should be calculated correctly. Its dimensions are the diameter of the crown plus 20 cm. It is best to transplant young shoots. The younger the plant, the more successful the transplant will be. You can not change the place of growth of trees older than 10 years, since it is highly likely that they will not take root in a new place.

Basic Transplant Rules

When transplanted cherries, prepare the appropriate pit. On a suitable day weather conditions begin to work. The selected cherry bush is carefully dug up, keeping a lump of earth at the base. After that, carefully inspect the root system, removing damaged shoots with a sharp knife. Places of cut are coated with a special solution or paint. In the presence of dry processes on the roots, they are soaked for 2.5 hours.

When can I transplant cherry to another place

It is advisable to transplant cherries with an assistant. This allows you to perform work with minimal damage to the plant. A little soil is poured into the center. A stake is driven into a pit. It exceeds the height of the size of the tree.

Cherries are set in the center of the prepared recess in the ground. The root neck is located above the ground at a distance of 4 cm. When planting it needs to be lightly dug. Spread the roots, sprinkle with earth. Then they are carefully trampled.

Tie a tree to a peg. Around the trunk, a tubercle is poured from the ground. In a radius of about 30 cm make a recess for irrigation. About 25 liters of water are poured there. When it is absorbed into the soil, mulch is added. Complete the transplant with cropping. Leave no more than 7 shoots. The lower one should be at a height of 0.4 m from the root neck.

Features of care depending on the time of transplantation

When a cherry is transplanted, it must be properly looked after. This will allow the plant to quickly grow the root system and gain a good foothold in a new place. Measures to care for seedlings are slightly different depending on the time of year in which the transplant took place.

If the cherry was transplanted in the spring, it requires abundant watering (25 liters of water). Moreover, in the first month after transplantation, this will need to be done every day. After abundance of irrigation is calculated depending on the aridity of summer. The ground around the cherry should always remain a little damp. Before the onset of cold weather, the soil around is mulched. Once a year (in the fall), manure or compost is introduced. You can fertilize with nitrogen 3-4 years after transplantation.

When transplanting cherries, each gardener must decide for himself, based on the recommendations of experienced gardeners. This happens depending on the region of residence, weather conditions, plant variety and type of seedlings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20153/

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