How to tie a hijab - a traditional Islamic women's scarf

Translated from the Arabic hijab - it is a veil, a barrier, a curtain. This is a type of clothing made of opaque fabric that completely covers the entire body, except the face, hands and feet, and keeps Islamic women from striving to please other men. However, in the modern world, an Islamic traditional women's head scarf is considered to be a hijab.

how to tie a hijab

Religion requirement and fashion accessory

The hijab, originally intended to hide female beauty, today is very popular even among representatives of other religions. The modern fashion industry offers a large selection of textures and colors of national Islamic shawls, and many options for tying them make women more stylish and elegant in comparison with the fair half with their heads uncovered. Islamic girls have been taught how to tie a hijab since childhood, since according to Sharia law from 7-10 years of age, as soon as the forms begin to give out to her a young woman, she will be forced to hide behind, demonstrating modesty.

How to tie an Islamic scarf correctly

hijab is

There are tons of beautiful ways to make a hijab. First of all, it should be noted that the length and width of the canvas should be at least one and a half meters, otherwise it will not work to tie it beautifully. The extra 20-30 centimeters will make it possible to dream up with folds and drapery. The scarf should cover the entire head and chest. Ears, neck and hair should be hidden. Having collected all the hair, it is necessary to carefully lay the scarf on the forehead along the hairline, fix it on the back of the head under the hair, and then in the most diverse ways near the chin. To do this, you need a beautiful pin or brooch. Since it will be difficult to knit a hijab gracefully the first time, it’s worth starting with the simplest method: turn the scarf on one side of the 10 centimeters, then lay this edge around the face and fasten it in the form of a cap at the back, while leaving free ends of different lengths. Wrap the short end around the neck, and lay the long one on the chest with soft folds and secure with a smart brooch on the shoulder or at the temple level. It is very convenient to tie the hijab on a special cap, which will hide your hair from prying eyes and will help in case the shawl shifts.

Some wearing requirements

wedding hijab

Hijab can become a real decoration and a fashion accessory if you harmoniously select several shades of different fabrics that resonate with the main color of the outfit. Some ethics of wearing an Islamic headscarf should also be taken into account: don’t wear transparent tight clothing with it. As for the colors, there are no strict restrictions. Even a wedding hijab does not have to be white, with the exception of inscriptions and various symbols. Since you need to tie a hijab in both winter and summer, it is advisable to choose a fabric in accordance with the season. Silk, satin, chiffon and chintz shawls of pastel shades are well suited for the summer, while in the cold season woolen materials of a darker color are preferable. Muslim women wear a hijab to show respect and love for Allah, but today this shawl has become a fashion accessory and has taken its rightful place in the wardrobe of modern fashionistas who do not profess Islam.


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