Russian writer Lyudmila Petrushevskaya: biography, personal life, creativity

Biography of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya is given in this article. This is a famous domestic poetess, writer, screenwriter and playwright.

Childhood and youth

biography of lyudmila petrushevskaya

You can find out the biography of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya from this article. The Russian writer was born in Moscow in 1938. Her father was an employee. Grandfather was widely known in the scientific community. Nikolai Feofanovich Yakovlev was a famous Caucasian linguist. Currently, he is considered one of the founders of writing for a number of peoples of the USSR.

During World War II, Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna lived for some time with relatives and even in an orphanage located near Ufa.

When the war ended, she entered the journalism department of Moscow State University. In parallel, she began working as a correspondent in the capital's newspapers, and collaborated with publishers. In 1972, she became editor at the Central Television Studio.

Creative career

Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya at an early age began to write scripts for student parties, poems and short stories. But at the same time, at that time, she had not yet thought about the career of a writer.

In 1972, her first work was published in the journal Aurora. They became a story called "Across the Fields." After this, Petrushevskaya continued to write, but her stories ceased to be published. I had to work at the table for at least ten years. Her works began to be printed only after perestroika.

In addition to prosaic works, the heroine of our article worked as a playwright. Her productions were in amateur theaters. For example, in 1979, Roman Viktyuk in the theater-judge of the house of culture "Moskvorechye" staged her play "Music Lessons". Theater director Vadim Golikov - at the theater-studio of Leningrad State University. True, the production was banned almost immediately after the premiere. The play was printed only in 1983.

Another famous production in its text called "Chinzano" was staged in Lviv, at the Gaudeamus Theater. Massively professional theaters began to stage Petrushevskaya starting in the 80s. So, the audience saw the one-act work “Love” in the Taganka Theater, in “Sovremennik” the “Apartment of Columbine” was released, and in the Moscow Art Theater - “Moscow Choir”.

Dissident writer

lyudmila petrushevskaya personal life

Biography of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya contains many sad pages. So, for many years, she actually had to write to the table. The editors of the thick literary magazines had an unspoken prohibition not to publish the works of the writer. The reason for this was that most of her short stories and stories were devoted to the so-called shadow sides of the life of Soviet society.

At the same time, Petrushevskaya did not give up. She continued to work, hoping that someday these texts would see the light and find their reader. At that time, she created the play-joke “Andante”, the dialogue plays “Isolated Boxing” and “The Glass of Water”, the monologue play “Songs of the 20th Century” (it was she who gave the name to her later collection of dramatic works).

Prose of Petrushevskaya

lyudmila petrushevskaya creativity

The prosaic work of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, in fact, continues her drama in many thematic plans. It also uses almost the same artistic techniques.

In fact, her works are a real encyclopedia of female life from youth to old age.

These include the following novels and novels - “The Adventures of Faith”, “The Story of Clarissa”, “Daughter of Xenia”, “Country”, “Who Will Answer?”, “Mysticism”, “Hygiene”, as well as many others.

In 1992, she wrote one of her most famous works - the collection "Night Time", shortly before that another collection "Songs of the Eastern Slavs" was released.

It is interesting that in her work there are a lot of fairy tales for children and adults. Among them it is worth noting “Once upon a time there was an alarm clock”, “Little sorceress”, “Puppet novel”, the collection “Tales told to children”.

Throughout her creative career, Petrushevskaya lives and works in the Russian capital.

Personal life of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

lyudmila petrushevskaya stories

Petrushevskaya was married to the director of the gallery on Solyanka Boris Pavlov. He passed away in 2009.

In total, the heroine of our article has three children. The eldest - Kirill Kharatyan was born in 1964. He is a journalist. At one time he worked as deputy chief editor of the Kommersant publishing house, then was one of the leaders of the Moscow News newspaper. He currently works as deputy chief editor of the Vedomosti newspaper.

The second son of Petrushevskaya is called Fedor Pavlov-Andreevich. He was born in 1976. He is also a journalist, producer, television presenter and artist. The daughter of the writer Natalya Pavlova is a famous musician, one of the founders of the capital's funk group.

Piglet Peter

Not everyone knows, but it is Lyudmila Petrushevskaya who is the author of the meme about Peter the Little Pig, who is fleeing the country on a red tractor.

It all started with the fact that in 2002 the writer published three books at once, entitled "Piglet Peter and the Machine," "Piglet Peter Goes to Visit," "Piglet Peter and the Shop." After 6 years, the animated film of the same name was shot. It was after his publication that this character turned into a meme.

He gained fame throughout the country after, in 2010, one of the Internet users, nicknamed Lein, recorded the musical composition "Piglet Peter Eat ...". Soon after, another user, Artem Chizhikov, added a vivid video sequence from the animated film of the same name to the text.

There is another interesting fact about the writer. According to some versions, the profile of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya served as a prototype for creating the title character in the cartoon of Yuri Norshtein "Hedgehog in the Fog."

This is confirmed by the fact that Petrushevskaya herself in one of her works directly describes this episode in this way. At the same time, Yuri Norstein differently describes the appearance of this character.

At the same time, it is known for certain that Petrushevskaya became the prototype for the director when creating another cartoon - Crane and Heron.

"Time is night"

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya Chopin and Mendelssohn

The key work in the biography of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya is the storybook Time Night. It included her various novels and stories, not only new works, but also well-known for a long time.

It is noteworthy that the heroes of Petrushevskaya are ordinary average people, with most of whom each of us can meet every day. They are our work colleagues, they meet on the subway every day, live next door in the same porch.

In this case, it is necessary to think that each of these people is a separate world, the whole Universe, which the author manages to fit into one small work. Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s stories have always been distinguished by their drama, that they contained a strong emotional charge that some novels might envy.

Most critics even today note that Petrushevskaya remains one of the most unusual phenomena in modern Russian literature. She skillfully combines archaic and modernity, momentary and eternal.

The story "Chopin and Mendelssohn"

The story "Chopin and Mendelssohn" by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya serves as a vivid example of her bright and unique creativity. It can be judged by it as a unique domestic prose writer.

It amazingly compares these two composers, and the main character of the story becomes a woman who constantly complains that the same annoying music plays every night behind her wall.


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