How to measure the temperature of a dog: methods and options of devices

The main indicator of the health of the body is body temperature. If you have any ailments (most often this is a refusal to drink and eat, lethargy, a hot and dry nose), the animal first needs to measure body temperature. Only after this can you call the veterinarian and tell the data about the change in the temperature of the dog. How to measure the temperature of the dog is a rather difficult question. However, subject to certain nuances, this procedure will not bring discomfort to the animal.

how to measure the temperature of the dog

Normal temperature

The question of how to measure the temperature of a dog, sooner or later, is asked by each owner. A certain breed and age has an individual temperature indicator, it is easier to accustom an animal from a young age to measuring temperature, then the slightest fluctuations will immediately be noticeable. This will allow the doctor to more accurately determine the diagnosis.

Like a person, any pet can have slight temperature deviations from the generally accepted norm. Not in all cases this indicates a disease, perhaps the dog just has such individual characteristics of the body.

temperature in small dog breeds

The average body temperature ranges from 37.5-38.5 degrees Celsius. In puppies, the temperature can be one degree higher. The temperature in small breeds of dogs is 38.5-39.0 degrees, and in large - 37.5-38.3 degrees.

When measuring temperature , external factors must also be taken into account. As you know, dogs do not tolerate the summer heat, so during this period a half-degree increase in body temperature is possible, which is in no way associated with the presence of diseases in the animal.

How to measure the temperature in a dog that has symptoms of the disease, you need to think in advance, even at the planning stage of the purchase of the pet.

How to measure the body temperature of a dog

For measurement, you can use a mercury or electronic thermometer. The latter is more preferable, since it takes less time to measure and after the end an audible signal is given.

Using a mercury thermometer is not very convenient, since it takes 3-5 minutes to measure, and not every animal can withstand such a time. Temperature measurement with an electronic thermometer takes only one minute, which allows this procedure to be carried out completely painlessly for the animal and not to torment him for too long.

how to measure a dog’s temperature

The dog thermometer must be disinfected after each use. The animal must have its own personal thermometer. For convenience of analysis of temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to maintain a table in which indicators are recorded daily during the day (usually measurement is carried out in the morning, afternoon and evening).

How to measure a dog’s temperature

Measurement of temperature in animals is carried out rectally (through the introduction into the rectum). A little cream or petroleum jelly is applied to the tip of the thermometer. The animal must be laid on its side, holding, take the base of the tail, push it to the side and introduce a thermometer 1-2 cm.

After that, it remains to wait for the sound signal (if an electronic thermometer is used) or wait about 5 minutes for the most accurate measurement.

How to facilitate the procedure

It is recommended from an early age to teach your pet to measure temperature. To do this, it is better to develop a reaction to the “be treated” command. In the process of measurement, it is important to talk gently with the animal so that it is not frightened and feels more comfortable. After completion, it is necessary to reward the dog with something tasty as a reward.

dog thermometer

How to measure the temperature of a dog, everyone determines for himself. One pet has enough gentle strokes, another needs good encouragement as a delicious meal or an extra walk. It is necessary to feel your pet and know its habits in order to be able to entertain him with something or distract him from an unpleasant procedure at the right time.

How to measure the temperature of a large dog is not an easy question. In the best case, it is necessary to have an assistant who can hold the animal while it will resist.


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