Payments to low-income families: sizes, how to get

The state does not leave people with disabilities and poor families in trouble. For various categories of individuals, cash benefits and social benefits are intended. This article will address the issue of what payments are due to poor families, since in 2018 the state significantly changed its policy in the framework of providing the poor, setting a course for increasing benefits and increasing the number of benefits. In the article, we consider the types of assistance for low-income people, the criteria for their receipt and the package of documents required to provide state support. The information contains relevant data, based on the latest legislative changes.

Family Recognition

In order to receive state aid, it is necessary to meet the criteria of the low-income population. A family is recognized as poor, whose income in terms of each member is lower than the subsistence minimum that is established in the region in which she lives.

Child allowance

The acquisition of payments to low-income families involves contacting the social protection authorities and providing documents confirming the level of earnings for each individual family member.

The cost of living may vary depending on the place of residence and local government regulations. For example, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, PM is 20 thousand rubles, and in the Belgorod Region - only 8 thousand rubles.

Benefit Criteria

The main criterion for the provision of state support is poverty, which is determined on the basis of average income. But, besides this, there are other conditions for receiving benefits:

  1. Cohabitation of children and parents. An application for payments to the poor will not work for a family in which a married couple lives separately or together, but there was no registration with the registry office.
  2. Need for independent reasons. That is, state aid will not be provided to families where one of the parents suffers from alcoholism, drug addiction or other disorders. Receiving benefits assumes that all adult family members work, study, or are registered at an employment center.

The status of a large family or the presence of pensioners or disabled people in it gives priority to the criteria for the need to receive social benefits for the poor.

Help for the poor

It is possible to divide cash benefits for low-income citizens with children into two categories: payments made on a common basis and allowances received on the basis of the status of a poor family.

It is also worth dividing state support into: one-time (that is, one-time) and monthly.

Lump sum payments received on a common basis

Many assume that, by acquiring low-income status and receiving certain benefits and allowances, they are deprived of the opportunity to receive payments provided to all citizens based on a specific case. Obtaining the status of a "poor family" by a certain segment of the population does not preclude the possibility of accepting state aid, which is provided upon the occurrence of specific conditions for all citizens of Russia. Therefore, it is worth recalling what benefits poor citizens can receive on a common basis, regardless of their specific status.

Pregnancy Payments

After registration in the antenatal clinic (for up to 12 weeks), a pregnant girl is entitled to a one-time payment of 614 rubles.

Monetary allowance can be obtained by confirming a certificate of registration, which is submitted along with the documentation for the adoption of state aid for childbirth and pregnancy.

If the girl works, then certificates are submitted at the place of her work. Documentation is sent to the department of social protection and the multifunctional center when the girl is recognized as unemployed.

Third trimester allowance for military wives

After 180 days of pregnancy, the conscript's wife has the right to receive a one-time monetary allowance in the amount of 25 thousand rubles. Mandatory conditions for its acquisition are:

  • gestational age - III trimester;
  • officially registered marriage with a soldier serving in the conscription service at the moment or has been dismissed, but no later than 6 months before the appeal.

It should be noted that for wives of contract soldiers and cadets such payments are not provided.

Documents that must be submitted to the social welfare department or MFC:

  • certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, if the husband is still serving, or from the military commissariat, if he has already been dismissed;
  • a certificate confirming the gestational age, which should be indicated in days;
  • a photocopy of the applicant’s passport;
  • marriage registration document;
  • personal account number where funds will be transferred.

One-time payment for the birth of a child

Monetary allowance for the birth of a child is paid to everyone, without exception. This applies to single parents and employed. To receive benefits, you must apply with a package of documents at the place of work or to the department of social protection. Documentation:

  • copy of baby's birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • photocopy of the identity document of the applicant;
  • a certificate confirming that the other parent did not receive the benefit, it is issued at the place of work or at the social welfare department.
    Payment for the birth of a child

The minimum payment is 16,350 rubles, which is paid to everyone, regardless of which account the child is born to this family. However, different conditions may establish allowances for the amount of allowance. For example, the payment to the poor for a child will be higher than for a couple with a normal income.

Adoption Payments

As with the birth of a child, the allowance for the adoption of a child in the family is paid at a time and for each new member of the family. Payment is made after the entry into force of the judicial decision on adoption, but no later than 6 months from the date of the decision.

The standard amount of payment when establishing guardianship is 16,350 rubles, as well as after the birth of your own child.

The allowance can increase at times if you take a disabled child, a baby up to 7 years old, several blood brothers or sisters in the family. In this case, it reaches 125 thousand rubles.

The documents necessary for obtaining a food allowance are identical to those described above, but they are supplemented by a court decision on adoption and a certificate of disability, if the child has limited capabilities.

Low-income family benefits

Payments to the poor can either be assigned or canceled by local acts. Therefore, the availability of a particular benefit will depend on the place of residence. The size of payments to the poor will also depend on this. Below will be presented general information on obtaining monetary allowance for the poor.

Types of Help for the Poor

In the framework of state support for low-income families, citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive:

  • free legal advice or other type of legal assistance;
  • food, clothing and material support;
  • lump-sum payments upon the occurrence of certain conditions;
  • monthly allowance per child;
  • state scholarship for a student;
  • subsidy for utility bills;
  • housing support.

Free legal aid

It turns out to be lawyers engaged in such activities and legal clinics that are specially created for this. To get legal advice, you need to apply for a certificate of average income per family member or income of a single living citizen and the cost of living in the region of circulation.

The certificate is issued on the basis of the following documents:

  • application for issuance of a document;
  • copies of a passport or other identity document;
  • work book, if at the moment it is on hand;
  • certificate 2-personal income tax three months before the date of treatment;
  • certificate of family composition.

The document is issued free of charge on the same day, after applying. After its acquisition, you can contact a lawyer or a legal clinic. It is worth noting that not all legal organizations can provide legal services for free, even if they have the status of a poor family. Those professionals who provide free legal advice can provide legal services without an income statement.

Food aid

To apply for this type of state support, you must:

  • write a corresponding application to the department of social protection of your city;
  • carry with you an identity document of the applicant with mandatory registration at the place of appeal;
  • the presence of a document that confirms the difficult life circumstances of a person, which makes him in need of social assistance;
  • get a certificate of diabetes mellitus if a diabetic food package is required (issued only upon initial use);
  • present a document confirming earnings for each family member.

You can submit the original papers or their copies, which are certified in the prescribed manner, or both.

Queue for social assistance

The application is submitted to the center for social services or assistance to families and children, if any, in the applicant's city of residence.

Having received the application, the commission considers it and makes an appropriate decision. A poor citizen with a positive decision will be notified of the right to social benefits to the poor.

For a resident of Moscow, food assistance can consist of transferring 1000 points (equivalent to 1000 rubles) from an electronic food certificate to a social card. With the help of it you can pay in the supermarket, but he will not be able to pay for some prohibited products. For those who do not have a social card, assistance will be issued in the form of a food package.

Clothing assistance

The situation is similar with the receipt of clothes and shoes. The application is written to the center for social services or assistance to families and children. The documents that are required for circulation are identical to those written above.

Clothing aid is intended for people with disabilities, citizens of retirement age, families with children, low-income citizens who are in difficult life circumstances.

The commission will need strong evidence that confirms the status of a citizen applying for social support.

As well as with food aid, points will be sent to the citizen’s social card (here 1 point is equal to 1 ruble), which can be spent exclusively on the necessary things that are indicated in the application.

The payment for a child to poor families with children for the purchase of clothes and shoes is set at 2000 points. The social services center also provides support for the purchase of durable goods such as a refrigerator or a washing machine.

Persons who do not have a social card will receive assistance in kind.

Material help

Social payments to low-income families, people with disabilities, citizens of retirement age and people in difficult life circumstances can be obtained by submitting an application to the social protection center. The state provides for one-time assistance and monthly assistance, depending on the conditions of appointment.

Making a manual

Documents that will be needed to receive a one-time payment of benefits to the poor:

  • application for financial assistance;
  • passport;
  • proof of income for the last three months from all family members;
  • extract from the house book or a single housing document (a certificate issued by the housing and communal services, HOA or hostel, is also suitable);
  • a document confirming the existence of difficult life circumstances (certificate of damage caused, receipt of expenses incurred).

Within 30 days, the commission will consider the issue of satisfaction or denial of payment to the poor.

The size of the lump sum payment will depend on the region of residence and on the life circumstances that prompted you to receive social assistance. For example, in Vologda, this amount ranges from 350 to 11,000 rubles, when in St. Petersburg you can get emergency assistance in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles.

One-time payment to first graders

Many parents try to receive this type of social assistance before September 1, but it is worth noting that the deadline for treatment is considered to be 6 months from the moment the child enters primary school. The amount of payments to poor families will depend on the region of circulation. Documents for applying:

  • applicant's passport;
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • certificate of the number of family members received from the management organization;
  • 2-PIT for the last three months;
  • certificate from the educational institution about the admission of the child.

What are the benefits for children of the poor as part of admission to a general educational institution? For each region, this figure is very different - from 1 thousand (Vologda, Bryansk) to 5 thousand rubles (Moscow, Perm Territory).

However, in Moscow, help is possible only for the poor and large families, the payment of which is interpreted as "for the purchase of a school uniform." In other regions, compensation is provided for the costs of parents who buy school supplies at their own expense, and the money spent is reimbursed to them upon presentation of a check.

Monthly payment to the poor

This type of social assistance is regulated at the federal level, but the amount of benefits - at the regional level. The main principles of processing payments to low-income families:

  • the application and documents are submitted to the social security authority at the place of residence;
  • subsidy is possible by any of the parents;
  • A regional payment is made out only for persons permanently residing in a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

At the federal level, monetary allowance is established only for a child under 1.5 years of age. Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation have decided payments to poor families and for children from 1.5 to 3 years. Poor families, this trend does not apply, because their children receive benefits up to the age of 16 years, and after - social scholarship.

Family conflict

The amount of payments to the poor per child is very dependent on the region of residence. Since the cost of living in Moscow is 20-40% higher than in other regions. In St. Petersburg, PM is 15-30% higher.

What are the benefits for the poor? For children under the age of 1.5 years, the following allowance for poor citizens is laid:

  • Moscow - 1,550 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 520 rubles;
  • Belgorod - 290 rubles.

From 1.5 to 3 years:

  • Moscow - 2 550 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 900 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 520 rubles;
  • Belgorod - 290 rubles.

From 3 to 7 years:

  • Moscow - 1,550 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 900 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 520 rubles;
  • Belgorod - 290 rubles.

From 7 to 16 years old:

  • Moscow - 1,550 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 800 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 520 rubles;
  • Belgorod - 290 rubles.

Provided that the parents are disabled or have a disabled child or are suffering from HIV infection:

  • Moscow - 6,000 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles (with special needs up to 13,000 rubles);
  • Yekaterinburg - 1,100 rubles;
  • Belgorod - 1,200 rubles.

Social benefits for large families

The allowance is issued in those regions where a low fertility threshold is displayed for every third child and subsequent. Payment to the poor is provided until the child reaches the age of 3 years. After the fact, the allowance is not paid, therefore, in order to avoid arrears, you need to apply in advance.

The large family

The size of allowances for benefits for large families of poor families for each child starting from the third:

  • St. Petersburg - 10 100 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 2,000 rubles;
  • Vologda - 10,000 rubles;
  • Sakhalin - 14,500 rubles;
  • Tambov - 7,000 rubles.

Foster parents or guardians are also eligible to claim benefits.

Social scholarship

Students who are studying full-time at the expense of budgetary funds, who are citizens of Russia and one year before applying for at least one of the types of social assistance listed below can apply for this type of allowance:

  • targeted social assistance;
  • lump sum payment to persons in difficult situations;
  • social payment from the social security authority;
  • subsidy for utility bills.

You will need the following documents on payment to the poor:

  • passport;
  • a certificate issued from the place of study on the fact of the stay of a person applying for a social scholarship.

A certificate of the right to social assistance is prepared within 14 days from the date of application by the department of social protection of the population.

What are the benefits for the poor in full-time education? The amount of the allowance is set at the discretion of the educational institution. On average, the amount of social scholarship for universities is 2 thousand rubles, and for colleges - 700 rubles.


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, :

  • passport;
  • ;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • 2- ;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • account number;
  • copies or extracts from work books.

Depending on the circumstances of receiving the allowance, the list of documents can be replenished with various papers (for example, a certificate of disability or health status). The procedure for processing social payments takes from 10 to 30 days. The application can be written to the social protection department of your city, the International Financial Center or the Internet portal of the State Service.

Only working citizens who are studying full-time or who are registered at the employment center can receive benefits. Since social assistance is possible only for people who are in distress for reasons beyond their control.


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