Toroidal cylinder: features, types, installation methods

In the article we will talk about a toroidal cylinder for HBO. Gasoline is becoming more expensive, so many motorists install equipment on their cars that can significantly save on fuel. But this is temporary: the cost of gas is growing even faster than gasoline. Two types of cylinders are used for gas storage - in the form of a cylinder or a torus. We’ll talk about the latter.

Features of toroidal capacities

Such cylinders are installed in a niche for a spare wheel, have the shape of a donut, but it is more correct to call it a torus. By configuration, the cylinder follows the wheel almost exactly. Metal containers are made, its thickness is 2.5-3.5 mm.

Gas cylinders

This type of cylinder is very often used when installing HBO due to such advantages:

  1. There is no need to change anything in the trunk of a car. The cylinder installed in the machine is practically invisible.
  2. Regardless of the location of the rear seats, all the space will be available for use.

Varieties of cylinders

Moreover, toroids can be divided into several types - internal, external. Also, the location of the neck can be internal and external. There are full-bodied containers. It all depends on the exact location where the container is being installed. On sale you can find tanks whose capacity varies in the range of 35-108 liters.

Stop valves

Tank Features:

  1. The inner toroid is placed in the niche that is intended for the spare wheel. In this case, you will be able to save the space of the luggage compartment, but do not forget that you will have to carry the spare tire with you anyway. There are gas cylinders with a vertical arrangement.
  2. On the outside, a gas toroidal cylinder is usually placed under the bottom of the car. This is usually done on SUVs. Be sure to protect the container with a special metal casing. Thanks to this protection, you will save the multivalve from water, dirt, dust, and other reagents.

Cylinder package:

  1. Box for ventilation (sometimes a pipe is used).
  2. Multivalve.
  3. Refueling tube.

How to install a cylinder HBO

The installation of a toroidal cylinder is carried out in accordance with all safety requirements. The tank must not come into contact with the metal elements of the machine. Only allowed through rubber or paronite gasket. The mount should securely hold the tank against movement. Toroidal cylinders are fixed with bolted connections. Mounting holes are recommended to be pre-treated with anticorrosive substances.

Cylinder installation location

To make a gas outflow in case of a possible leak, it is necessary to install a ventilation chamber with a tap outside the vehicle. In toroidal structures with internal shutoff valves, a sealed cover is mounted. Be sure to provide easy access to the multivalve.

The most popular installation sites for propane and methane tanks:

  • trunk;
  • car roof (for commercial vehicles);
  • under the bottom (at the place of installation of the spare wheel);
  • on the frame (trucks, buses).

What is the reserve?

When installing gas equipment, drivers have a problem - where to put the spare tire. Experienced drivers give these tips:

  1. Pack the spare tire in the boot and put it in the trunk. The disadvantage of this method is that significantly reduces free space in the luggage compartment.
  2. Buy a dokatka. Such a design will occupy a smaller volume.
  3. Abandon the spare tire altogether. In this case, instead of a spare wheel, it is enough to carry a portable compressor with you, as well as a kit with sealant to repair tubeless tires.

Before installing gas equipment, a preliminary examination of the toroidal cylinder should be carried out. Based on the results, both the mounting location and the method should be determined.


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