The most dangerous fish in the world: list

You can meet dangerous creatures not only on land. Water open spaces are also inhabited by fish that can harm people. We are used to thinking that sharks are dangerous and unfriendly, but there are other predators you need to know about. The article considers the top 10 most dangerous fish in the world.


One can safely answer the question of which is the most dangerous fish in the world - this is a mackerel-shaped hydrolytic, which is also called payara.

This fish is freshwater, lives in the waters of the Orinoco River, flowing in Venezuela and in the Amazon. It serves as an object of sport fishing. This tradition has developed because of the rarity of such a catch and strong resistance to prey when trying to pull it to land.

A distinctive feature of the fish is the presence of two pairs of canines located on the lower jaw. They can reach a length of 15 centimeters. One pair is hidden inside the jaw and is not visible at first glance, and the second is eerily directed upwards. Thanks to this kind and especially aggressive behavior, the fish was called a vampire.

Hydrolik eats any underwater inhabitants, including piranha. He begins his hunt from above, pierces the prey with fangs and swallows. The maximum weight of the caught individual reached 18 kilograms, and the recorded length was about 120 cm.

Brown dog fish

In the top of the most dangerous fish in the world is a brown puffer. You can also find such names as “brown puffer”, “eye-shaped dog-fish” or “northern dog-fish”.

The length of the body of this creature reaches eighty centimeters, and weight - up to 4 kg. It lives in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean in sea and brackish waters. Also, fish can be found on the Russian expanses of the Sea of ​​Japan. As a rule, it occurs at a depth of about 100 m, does not migrate.

A feature of fish is the presence of thorns throughout the body. It is important to know that her liver is very poisonous. It contains tetrodotoxin, which even in minor doses is dangerous to human life. The intestines are less dangerous, and meat and skin are not a threat.

Despite the toxicity, fish is a popular base for various dishes in Japan. There are cases of death after consuming a culinary masterpiece.

The most dangerous fish in the world

Electric eel

One of the most terrible and dangerous fish in the world is electric eel. He is a relative of catfish and can release a discharge of up to 1300 volts, which is deadly for a living organism.

It lives in rivers in the north-east of South America and in some parts of the Amazon. Eel can grow up to 3 m in length and reach a weight of 40 kg.

The fish has a special, not covered with scales, body. In contact with it and receiving an electric discharge, the death of the enemy occurs instantly. These predators practically do not use their teeth in hunting. It is enough for them to stun the prey with the help of current. Acne is also dangerous for turtles, frogs, adult anacondas and caimans. But crocodiles are large enough and can still enjoy such a dish.

Almost nothing is known about the lifestyle and reproduction of these individuals. The fish spends its life in a place covered with lush vegetation, where it can freely hide.

10 most dangerous fish in the world

Goliath Fish

One of the largest and most dangerous fish in the world is the giant hydrocin. It is also called big tiger fish.

An underwater predator is found in the waters of Africa - the rivers of Congo, Lualaba and the lakes of Tanganyika and Upemba. The fish lives in a flock, grows to 1.35 m and reaches a weight of 50 kg. Goliath eats various fish, small animals and can hunt for crocodiles.

A feature of this predator is 32 teeth, thanks to which it successfully copes with the prey. Africans hunt fish as a sport. Her body is covered with large scales, sometimes of a golden hue.

In our area, the giant can be found in decorative aquariums, equipped with many shelters and enhanced aeration. These are exhibition tanks with a volume of more than 3 thousand liters. The predator is fed live fish of small sizes, minced meat or shrimp.


The list of the 5 most dangerous fish in the world is completed by the well-known piranha. The fish grows up to 15-20 cm in length (maximum fixed - 50 cm) and reaches a weight of only 4 kg.

The habitat of piranha is the reservoirs of South America, namely the Amazon River. Also often a predator can be found in the waters of Colombia, Brazil, Argentina. Piranhas are schooling fish that live in shallow water, in silt or deep underwater.

The predator's feature is sharp teeth, which, thanks to powerful muscles, bite into the body of the victim. During the hunt, the piranha behaves quickly and aggressively, it can lie in wait for the victim and prepare for an attack.

Often exotic lovers contain piranhas in aquariums. For this, a container with many shelters, vegetation and active aeration is used.

Top most dangerous fish in the world


Although not the largest in the world, but the most dangerous fish - Vandelia. She is also called "candira." This freshwater fish lives in the waters of the Amazon. Also found individuals in the rivers of Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil.

The length of her body is a maximum of 15 cm (there were individuals the size of a matchbox), and her skin is almost transparent. Vandelia is a parasite fish. She sticks to the victim’s body and feeds on his blood. At the same time, it does not drain the blood, but keeps the wound constant open, which leads to the constant leakage of food.

For humans, it is dangerous because it can climb into any of the physiological openings of the body and parasitize inside the human body. If the fish begins its nutrition, then the person experiences barely tolerable pain. For treatment, only the surgical method is used.

Sawtooth ramp

The top 10 most dangerous fish in the world also got sawfish. It lives in the salty or slightly salted waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Most of the time these fish spend at the bottom, adult individuals swim to a depth of 40 m, and young growth prefers shallow water.

Their feature is a long flat outgrowth, which on both sides is covered with teeth of the same length. Depending on the species diversity, from 14 to 34 pairs of teeth are observed. This part of the body is like a saw and is about a quarter of the length of the body of the ramp.

Fish feed on small relatives and crustaceans. Can live up to 80 years. But due to constantly changing and worsening living conditions, the sawfish is on the verge of extinction.

what does a saw fish look like


The top ten most dangerous fish in the world and replenished wart. It is also called stone fish. This is a marine predator that has sharp poisonous spikes on its back. The length of her body reaches 30-50 cm. Due to its color, it can imitate a stone and lives near reefs, where it can hide.

The habitat of the wart are southern tropical waters, but it can also be found in the shallow waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Also in the vast expanses of Indonesia, the Philippine Islands and on the beaches of the Red Sea of ​​Hurghada, Dahab and Sharm El Sheikh.

If a person pricks on the spikes of a wart, he will experience severe pain, numbness and shock. Poison also causes paralysis and tissue necrosis. The antidote is still not found.

5 most dangerous fish in the world

Hedgehog fish

Another representative of the most dangerous fish in the world is hedgehog fish. The length of her body reaches 60 cm.

It lives in many tropical warm seas near coral reefs. But because of its slowness and slowness, it can be carried by currents into distant waters.

A feature of the fish is its body, which in case of danger turns into a ball with many poisonous thorns. Her bones and viscera are also poisonous. With carelessness, a person can prick and experience strong pain. In case of injury, urgent medical attention must be provided, otherwise the outcome may be fatal.

dangerous hedgehog fish

Brown snakehead

The top 10 most dangerous fish in the world is completed by a fish called the brown snakehead. This is a freshwater predator that can be found in the waters of Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, India and Malaysia.

The body length of the fish reaches almost 1.5 meters, and weight - up to 20 kg. It is an object of sport fishing and can be eaten in places of fishing.

The behavior of predators is aggressive - they hide in the thickets and attack prey from an ambush. They feed mainly on invertebrates, fish and amphibians. They have sharp teeth.

Snakehead can be kept in an aquarium with a volume of 300 liters or more. It is necessary to feed the predator only with live fish. And since representatives of this species can jump out of the water, it is important to protect the stay of fish in artificial conditions.

The largest and most dangerous fish in the world

It is worth noting that there are more than 10 species of the most dangerous fish in the world. All of them are not listed here. But we can say with confidence that people should be interested in the environment, especially for travelers. After all, when traveling to new countries, a person can also face dangers.


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