Wise phrases about life, people and opportunities

Mathematics is the only thing where you can prove something using theorems. To prove one’s view of the world order is at least ignorant, as insulting as possible. But wise phrases about life, people and the world as a whole do not agitate the public to live according to their laws, they reveal to us the worldview of other people who have lived before us and have reached certain heights. You can agree with these statements, or you can let them slip by our ears, in any case, they make each of us clearly understand that everyone thinks about life, but sees it differently.

Our achievements

Thomas Edison once said:

Most people miss the opportunity, because it is dressed in overalls and looks like a job.

This wise phrase has lived for more than a decade and has successfully reached our days. Is it relevant now? Yes, definitely! What will we have if we analyze the bulk of society? Most people hate their work, but they go there all the time, as it should be. And more than once it happens that a person is offered a new place, in the same position, with the same salary. It seems that it is not surprising that he refuses, getting used to his place for many years.

Wise phrases

This is his main mistake: he did not make a decision. Suddenly, in a new company, his career will immediately go up, the work will bring pleasure and, as a bonus, a solid profit ?! But the chance has been missed, and no one will ever know about it.

Falls and the way is right

Kano Jigoro once remarked:

If you fell seven times, get up eight.

This wise phrase with meaning describes how to achieve your goal. That's just not everyone can rise after the falls. Disappointed once in something, people stop making efforts, they look for what has been tested, safely and, no matter how you look, is futile.

Moreover, no one said that achieving something is simple, sometimes:

You should turn off the right road to be on the right track.

This is a statement of Aurelius Markov.

Society constantly imposes on us an opinion on how to live. You need to go to work, you need to create a family, you need to give birth to children. If you did this, then you are a successful person - get a pension in old age and do not deny yourself anything. But is the person happy at the same time?

Wise thoughts, phrases

Without hesitation, people do what has been tested by centuries of experience. And if someone once had the thought of buying a house on the outskirts of the city, quitting work, writing books on long winter evenings, and traveling around the country in the summer in the company of an old, shabby but cunning cat, he would immediately drive her away. It’s strange, it’s not accepted, it’s scary. As Chinese wisdom says:

If people aspired to improve themselves instead of saving the whole world, if they tried to achieve inner freedom instead of liberating all of humanity, how much they would do to truly liberate humanity.

And rightly said Terry Pratchet:

A normal family man who goes to work every day and takes responsibility for his duties is not much different from the nutty psychopath.

Courageous Doors Open

Miguel Cervantes once said a wise phrase:

The one who loses wealth - loses a lot, the one who loses a friend - loses even more, the one who loses courage - loses everything.

And in earlier times and now, only courageous people achieved something. No matter what they wanted: money, power, love, they went forward. This does not mean that they were not afraid, does not mean that they all had influential patrons. Such people simply understood that if they retreat now, then they will regret their whole lives. Reluctantly, restraining trembling in the knees, effort of will, returning the soul from the heels to its proper place, they made efforts and moved forward.

Friedrich Goebbel once said:

Great people are the table of contents for the book of humanity.

And all these great people managed to tame their fear, found courage and achieved something significant.

Wise Phrases and Clever Thoughts


How many more wise thoughts and phrases have been written about life, not to count. And, re-reading them all, I want to involuntarily notice that what kind of person, such and his life. People will never fully understand each other, but they are forced to live in the same society and must somehow coexist. Here are some wise phrases on how to achieve this:

  • There has not yet been a person who for a worthy deed would not have received the appropriate award.
  • People with many ideas are never serious.
  • If you want to be original, always tell the truth.
  • You can learn from everyone, but you don’t need to imitate anyone.
  • Even if you see that a person is lying, try to understand why he is doing this.
  • Indifference is a deadly poison for the human soul.
  • You can judge a person by what he laughs at.
  • The best that is in a person’s life is friendship with other people.

Heart wants to scream

A person’s life is humiliatingly short, and while we go through wise phrases and clever thoughts, it goes by, dissolving into eternity in seconds. And everything will be in life: joy and sorrow. Perhaps the second will be more, but there is no better teacher than unhappiness. Moreover, a soul that has never seen suffering will not be able to know true happiness. Yes, and there was no such person who would constantly win the lottery.

Wise phrases with meaning

Each person should have something for which he is ready to die. And if this is not there, then he needs to start all over again: throw the book of life into the fireplace and open a new, not tainted tome, because the hardest thing is to rebuild the old.

People are dynamic substances, they should not stop there, being content with dull work, a TV in the evenings and leisure in the bar on weekends. Life is full of colors, and the human heart is full of desires. No need to deny yourself a little nonsense, little desires and serious requests. Let the person look a little strange at this time, let him be considered crazy, but he will probably feel happy for the first time. To be happy is the true purpose of our existence. Ultimately, life is just a fable, valuable in its content, but not in any way long.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20195/

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