Dialogue speech. Teaching dialogic speech: theory and practice

Speech performs many functions in a person’s life, the main of which is communicative, that is, with the help of speech a person communicates, this is an instrument and a means of communication in society. The goals of communication are different - this is maintaining contacts, and sharing information. Speech functions are actively mastered from an early age. It is its formation that stimulates the child to master the native language.

Dialogical speech in children acts as an important form of verbal communication, in its depths a coherent form of expression of thoughts is born. Moreover, the dialogue can act as an elementary everyday conversation, and can develop into a philosophical and philosophical conversation.

Teaching dialogic speech is one of the main tasks in the development of speech of preschool children.

The concept of speech activity

The very concept of “dialogical speech” includes two terms, each of which must be considered separately.

Speech is a mental process, communication of people using language means. That is, human speech is used to interact with others.

The activity of verbal communication is an important function of human consciousness. People must self-develop, self-organize, shape their personality and character. They are constantly changing, changing their inner world, and all this happens as a result of communication.

The main task of speech is to establish communication between people. First of all, it is necessary for communication: it allows you to express your thoughts and understand the thoughts of your interlocutor.

Dialogue speech

The meaning of dialogue in communication

From the Greek language the word “dialogue” is translated as “conversation”. That is, this is a form of communication that provides for the exchange of remarks. They have a certain linguistic composition, which is formed against the background of the perception of someone else's speech.

Some scientists believe that dialogue is not just a form of speech, but one of the types of human behavior. In order to communicate and interact with people with it, the child should master a whole set of speech and social skills, which he learns gradually.

During the dialogue, people usually exchange opinions and thoughts, each subsequent remark depends on the previous statements of the interlocutors. It should be noted that this process occurs without prior deliberation and the formation of a conscious statement.

Usually all dialogs are short.

Speech reaction

Psychologists believe that dialogue should be considered as reactions that arise between people. These are spontaneous reactions, and they are based on a specific situation and replicas of the interlocutor. In other words, dialogue is a sequence of cues that depend on each other.

Dialogue components

Dialogue is a form and method of communication. It consists of statements, sometimes takes the form of questions and answers, explanations and objections. During the dialogue, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, tonality play a large role. All these tools of speech put their meaning into the utterances, and even sometimes change their meaning.

If several people communicate, then in the scientific community, some scientists call this dialogue a polylogue.

The concept of dialogic speech

Scientists associate dialogue with the natural need to communicate.

Usually dialogical speech is accompanied by such ways of exchanging opinions and thoughts: tone, facial expressions, gestures. Despite the fact that the dialogue is short, the interlocutors perfectly understand what is at stake.

During the dialogue, people, as a rule, use a conversational style, they express their opinions briefly, sometimes abruptly, often not saying phrases. Most commonly used are simple sentences, unionless. A coherent dialogical speech is obtained due to the participation in the process of two or more interlocutors.

Children say


Usually dialogical speech is involuntary. A person uses all kinds of patterns in it, that is, stable stereotypes. He uses his own communication formulas in a conversation, which he uses in a specific situation and in relation to a specific topic of conversation. Speech formulas make communication easier.

Usually people don’t use complex sentences in a dialogue. Most often these are abbreviations, incorrect colloquial word formations, slang forms.

Dialogue in children

Communication with peers is an important component for the development of the child, his social formation. Children communicate constantly, they exercise in the development of speech, learn communication through dialogue. Teaching dialogic speech contributes to the development of independence.

Speech is a child’s creative function, the sphere of manifestation of the ability to know, self-develop, build one’s character and personality through communication (dialogue) with other children and adults, other cultures and worlds.

Speech is a means of communication, understanding and expression. Communication with others is carried out using coherent speech (a set of logically combined sentences). It traces the close relationship of mental, psychological and speech development. It solves the following problems: the formation of vocabulary, grammar and phonetic structure. In a coherent speech, all the achievements of the child in mastering the language are visible.

Dialogue speech of children

That is why the main task in teaching the baby is to develop coherent speech in him.

For a long time, scientists have been discussing the question of whether to teach a child dialogical speech, or whether he will master this ability spontaneously as a result of communication with people. Practice shows that a child needs to be taught to properly conduct a dialogue, to develop his skills to listen and understand what he is told, to teach him to enter into a conversation, to support him, to ask questions and answer them, to explain, argue, object. The child must learn all these skills, since the most common form of communication between children is dialogic speech.

Teaching conversational speech in kindergarten

The kindergarten program provides training on this skill. Work on the development of speech is aimed at developing the skills necessary for communication.

Methodological methods of speech development are divided into three groups:

  • visual;
  • verbal;
  • gaming.

The verbal method of development of speech includes conversation. It is used when the child already has experience and some knowledge about objects, phenomena, processes. As a rule, it is more effective with children aged 5-6 years.

Dialogue in Preschool Children

Mastery of the native language, the development of dialogical speech are important acquisitions of a child in preschool age.

The main objective of kindergartens is the development and formation of independent coherent speech in children, that is, the ability to talk logically, clearly, consistently about phenomena and events.

Dialogue Features

The features of dialogic speech are the following points:

  • Participants in this form of communication always know what is at stake.
  • Dialogue always proceeds in a specific situation and is accompanied by intonation, gestures, facial expressions.
  • Speech in it can be shortened, incomplete, fragmentary.
  • In this form of communication, narrative, incentive, interrogative sentences are presented.
  • Speech is presented in the form of simple sentences that use interjections and particles.
  • Speech is situational in nature, depending on the situation and relations between the interlocutors.
  • Each next replica depends on the previous one.
  • The speech is brief, since the interlocutors understand each other perfectly, a lot is not pronounced, but implied.

The role of dialogue in child development

Dialogue is very important in the development of the child. This allows him to better learn the basics of his native language, learn how to use language tools to express his thoughts.

Children learn speech through dialogue - this is the practice of communicating with other people and children. Speech pervades the whole life of the child, which is why it is the main factor that affects the formation of the personality of a young person.

But unfortunately, many modern preschoolers are able to conduct only simple forms of dialogue. Children speak briefly, they cannot maintain a conversation for a long time, rarely they start it themselves. They are not able to reason, argue, prove. But if the child does not master the skills of dialogue, he will not be able to develop monologic speech.

Coherent dialogical speech

Teaching dialogical speech is possible only with frequent exercises, only in this way children master the basics of phonetics, replenish vocabulary, study the grammatical structure of speech, and broaden their horizons. Dialogs allow the child to evolve.

The main components of the dialogue:

  • coherent speech;
  • etiquette of communication;
  • non-verbal communication;
  • ability to maintain a conversation;
  • ability to communicate while performing joint actions.

Activities for children on the development of speech

Classes with children are held in kindergartens in such a way as to develop abilities for dialogues and monologues. This helps the child communicate freely.

Dialogue in preschool children differs depending on the age of the child. In young children, only the ability to understand the surrounding world is formed. At this time, the foundation is laid for the formation of the baby's speech. Children speak a lot, they learn to formulate thoughts correctly, express their desires, answer questions, ask them. They take the initiative, they themselves start talking on a variety of occasions.

Dialogue Forms

It is important to teach the child to share experiences during this age period. Let him tell how he played, what he saw, whom he met, let him learn how to say goodbye and say hello. It should be encouraged to dialogue.

At the age of 4-5 years, children continue to take the initiative to start a dialogue. They continue to learn to ask questions, talk about their impressions, experiences, emotions.

It is necessary to teach the child to answer questions briefly and in detail, collective communication. At this time, the foundations of cultural communication are being laid. They learn to greet and say goodbye, correctly answer the phone, do not interrupt adults, and so on. These are all components of the dialogue that continue to develop, and at the age of about 6 years old, the child develops monologue skills.

The development and maintenance of the dialogue is possible only with the ability to listen to the interlocutor and understand what he is saying, the ability to ask questions and answer them. The dialogue develops the skills necessary for a monologue, which is born in dialogical speech.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20202/

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