Adenovirus in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Affection of the upper respiratory tract in pets is much more common today than we would like. Adenovirus in dogs develops very quickly and sometimes leads to the most serious consequences. Veterinarians say that many problems can be avoided if the owners knew the symptoms of the disease, first aid, and preventive measures well. Moreover, most often at risk are animals that are in close contact with a large number of fellow tribesmen.

These are dogs that live in large kennels or shelters, attend specialized clubs and exhibitions, and spend time on common walking areas. Adenovirus in dogs proceeds differently, which means that the owner should consult a veterinarian according to the first alarming symptom.

adenovirus in dogs


It is very important to identify it as quickly as possible, otherwise complications cannot be avoided. Adenovirus in dogs causes a DNA-containing virus. It adapts perfectly to the arid climate, as well as to frost, so you should not expect that in the cold season, your pet will not get sick. But when in contact with alkalis and formaldehydes, it is rapidly destroyed. Relatively resistant to high temperatures, but when boiled, it dies at 50 degrees in one minute.

Adenovirus in dogs is not always the same. Scientists are interested in this moment and today have identified two varieties of the disease. This is actually adenovirus and infectious hepatitis. Both of them enter the body by airborne droplets. This is the most direct way of infection, from which there is practically no protection. Even a minute stay near a sick animal can cause a response infection of a healthy dog.

adenovirus in dogs symptoms and treatment

Transmission ways

Let us dwell on this moment a little more. Adenovirus in dogs flashes focal. It begins at one and in a short time applies to all representatives of the species that are within reach. In this regard, animals in the private sector are vulnerable, where there are guard dogs in every yard, and many of them also freely walk around the district. In this case, the spread occurs at lightning speed.

The source of infection is sick animals. The virus is released into the environment during sneezing, coughing, gets into food and water, and remains during bowel movements. There is no net seasonality, the disease can occur unexpectedly at any time of the year. In this case, dogs with reduced immunity are most often infected and sick.

Contributing Factors

Adenovirus in dogs (a photo of a sick animal clearly demonstrates acute coughing attacks) is very widespread and is ubiquitous. But one can get sick, and the other will remain healthy under equal external conditions. Factors that stimulate the development of infection are:

  • Non-compliance with animal welfare standards. This can be close cages, violation of the feeding regime and the supply of animals with clean water.
  • High population density. Even for the kennel there are acceptable rules for placing dogs in a certain area.
  • Lack of preventive vaccination. Incorrect vaccination can also be attributed to this.
  • The defeat of the worms leads to a decrease in immunity and opens the gates of any infection.
  • Genetic problems of the respiratory system in individual breeds. It is the physiological features of the structure in this case that cause any infection to settle on the bronchi and lungs, which greatly undermines the immune system. As a result, the dog becomes susceptible to adenovirus.
    adenovirus in dogs symptoms


Making a diagnosis is a doctorโ€™s business, but each owner must be able to recognize alarm signals and provide first aid. Let's look at how adenovirus manifests itself in dogs. Symptoms can have varying degrees of severity, it depends on many factors. If adenovirus develops after the virus enters the body, then in the first stages the host begins to notice slight coughing of the animal. We can assume that the dog choked with something. However, symptoms progress, nasal discharge is added to them, weight begins to decrease, appetite decreases. The cough becomes strong, exhausting, which is often accompanied by vomiting.

During the examination, the doctor finds enlarged lymph nodes. Listening reveals wheezing in the lungs. The temperature often remains unchanged. The dog is suffering from diarrhea, poor appetite. However, with qualified veterinary care, the prognosis is favorable. The course of the disease is usually limited to two weeks. Saved animals usually remain immune for many years.

dog adenovirus treatment

If the disease is in the form of hepatitis

This is the most formidable form that adenovirus can take in dogs. Symptoms and treatment (first aid) must be voiced by the veterinarian, who will then take up the main therapy. This disease develops rapidly. Just yesterday, a cheerful and cheerful puppy becomes lethargic, refuses to feed. There is great thirst, after which vomiting and diarrhea open. Urine darkens, discharge has an unpleasant odor.

Just a few days later, eye problems begin to manifest clearly. The cornea becomes cloudy, the dog is constantly hiding from the light. With a favorable outcome of the disease, vision is restored. Young animals most often die, therefore it is extremely important to vaccinate puppies on time.

dog adenovirus treatment drugs

At the doctor

First of all, you need to understand what happens to your pet, because there is a specific therapy that treats only adenovirus in dogs. Diagnosis can be complicated by the fact that there are different types and forms of the disease (acute, subacute and chronic). The initial examination is supplemented by the hostโ€™s stories, and then the doctor takes a blood test, by which he can determine the presence of antibodies. Individually, depending on the clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe a biochemical test, as well as an ultrasound scan for damage to the internal organs by the virus. It is very important for a doctor to be able to distinguish this ailment from others that are similar in appearance. Similarly, plague, parvovirus and tracheobronchitis can occur.

adenovirus in dogs than to treat


First of all, remember that only a qualified doctor can treat adenovirus in dogs. Treatment is easier if it is started in a timely manner. Self-selection of therapy is contraindicated, and procrastination is deadly. The doctor should choose drugs that are aimed directly at combating the source of infection.

Be sure to prescribe B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. These are auxiliary tools that make it possible to activate the body to fight, minimize systemic disorders and generally help to overcome adenovirus in dogs. Treatment (drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor) takes place in a hospital or the owner brings the animal to the procedure. It depends on the severity of the patient's condition.

A strong cough, characteristic of this ailment, is removed with the help of expectorants, as well as antihistamines. But antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only in case of secondary, bacterial infection. Based on the condition of the animal, the doctor can prescribe drugs to support the liver, normalize the work of the stomach and intestines.

adenovirus in dogs photo

Diet and content

This is an important point in the question of how to treat adenovirus in dogs. What to treat, it becomes clear after visiting the veterinarian, but in addition to the introduction of the necessary drugs, it is extremely important to follow a diet. Pay special attention to this. Only boiled food is assigned, as fat-free as possible. You can add a little cottage cheese and crackers. The food needs to be crushed and vitamins introduced into it.

The pet must be kept in a warm room, and be sure to limit movement and reduce walks. Watch the dog carefully. Treatment usually does not last more than two weeks. During this time, the dog must fully recover. If the condition does not improve, then either the diagnosis is incorrect, or the treatment is going in the wrong direction, or there is a secondary complication.

Possible complications

What can threaten your pet with delayed treatment or medical error? Let's get it together. If pathogenic bacteria enter the lungs, unilateral or bilateral pneumonia may develop . It manifests itself in the form of a strong wet cough. In this case, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. If you do not pay attention to the first symptoms and postpone treatment, the virus penetrates deeper into the body. Starting with the respiratory system, it quickly moves into the intestine and gradually destroys its walls. As a result, gastroenteritis develops, damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Secretory function worsens, diarrhea, vomiting opens, severe colic occurs. If untreated, the disease becomes purulent or ulcerative.


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