Andrei Martyanov - Russian writer: biography, creativity

Andrei Martyanov, whose books are published in more than 100,000 copies, is a man of wide interest. It is difficult to overestimate its influence on the masses and the significance of social activities.

Andrei Martyanov

Childhood and youth

Andrei Leonidovich Martyanov was born in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) on September 3, 1973. He spent the first six years of his life in Yakutia, in the city of Tiksi. Parents moved there to work. And the impressionable little boy absorbed the mysterious, almost mystical, beauty of the North. While walking in the forest, he peered into the outlines of trees, and he saw unprecedented characters, and the wind seemed to whisper stories unknown to the world.

In 1980, the family returned to St. Petersburg. At the age of 7, Andrei Martyanov entered school No. 159, which is now proudly called the Bestuzhev Gymnasium. Already in his school years, the boy showed interest in the humanities: he read a lot, wrote essays well, amazed classmates and teachers with his imagination. After nine classes, Andrei enters a medical school in his hometown, after which he decides to continue his studies at the Military Medical Academy.

Carier start

martyanov andrey books

In the nineties, the future author of science fiction novels first works as a paramedic for the ambulance, and then as a doctor in the hospital of the Ministry of Emergencies, having risen to the rank of captain. Andrey Martyanov devotes all his free time to literature.

In 1996, Andrei sharply changed the direction of his activities. He begins to collaborate with the publishing house North-West Press. According to the official version, he works there as a translator and is working on preparing for publication of novels by New Zealand author Olaf Bjorn Loknit. He translates a series of novels that are a continuation of the story of Conan the Barbarian. This is where the mysterious story of the true author of the works begins.

Mystery Alias

Andrei Leonidovich Martyanov

Persistent rumors were that the novels actually published in the North-West Press were the work of Martyanov. The author did not refute, but also did not officially confirm the conjectures of the masses. In one interview, he only mentioned that under a foreign pseudonym he wrote more than thirty successful novels. According to Andrey, this is not only a commercial project, but also an exciting activity for him, in which he puts his whole soul.

However, in 2011, Andrei Martyanov still admits that Olaf Bjorn Loknit is his pseudonym. Moreover, the chosen one is not simple, but with meaning. The surname “Loknit” was invented by rearranging the letters in the surname “Tolkien”. The author wanted to be like his idol in the world of science fiction and create an epic similar to The Lord of the Rings.

Using the pseudonym Olaf Bjorn Loknit, Andrei wrote several science fiction novels in collaboration with Marina Kizhina. The books were a commercial success and were published in a circulation of 10 thousand copies each.

Andrei Martyanov actively uses other pseudonyms such as Utley Gunnarsson, Kirk Monroe, and Gunther Reichert. But lately, he prefers to publish under his own name. And the first published book, signed by Andrei Martyanov, is The Star of the West.

Creative way

western star

The books of Andrei Martyanov literally from the first page are immersed in a fantasy world from which you do not want to get out. The writer masterfully captivates the plot. So much so that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the book until you read the last page.

The great popularity of novels among readers leads to the fact that Martyanov writes book after book. So, in two years of fruitful cooperation with Marina Kizhina, a series of novels “Messengers of the Times” was published.

Since 2005 Martyanov has been working for Lenizdat. He writes several cycles of books and publishes separate science fiction novels, such as Fafnir’s Trail and World Crisis. Andrei during this period is fond of creating works on historical topics. But he does not describe real events, but comes up with alternative plot twists. So, the “Titanic”, according to the author, does not crash, and its passengers unexpectedly find the Nibelungen treasure and radically change the history of the entire twentieth century.

The author’s interest in the cosmic theme gives rise to a cycle of five books “Enter the Abyss”. In his works, he plunges readers into the twenty-fourth century, where humanity unsuccessfully tries to prevent the catastrophe that a wandering neutron star brings with it.

In addition, Martyanov translated into Russian the ancient Germanic epic “Boyulf”. In addition to adapting to his native language, the author also fictionalized the classic work. This book, like many other Andrei novels, can be read free of charge on the Internet.

"Star of the West"

The debut of the author under his own name was recognized by readers and critics. The Star of the West was awarded the Big Zilant Award as the best book of the year. Since then, a new star has officially ascended to the literary firmament - Andrei Martyanov. “The Heir of Elendil” - under this name, the novel was later reprinted in 2005. The author changed the first part of the work and published it, already collaborating with Lenizdat.

Andrei Martyanov heir


Andrei Martyanov completely immersed readers in the atmosphere of World War II and the Third Reich. Wanderer is the third book of four novels in the Heir series. The writer tells the story of the adventures of Slavik Antonov, who inherited a door leading to the past. Returning to the affairs of bygone years, the hero of the novel risks his life and endangers the lives of many people. Doors lead not only to the past, but also to other worlds, thanks to this Slavik Antonov, and with it readers, can receive answers to many mysterious incidents in history.

"White shark"

Andrei Martyanov never hid his passion for extraterrestrial civilizations. “White Shark” is a fantasy novel about the future of humanity. A catastrophe occurs, and the Earth suffers death. People are creating a new civilization on the planet Mercury. Fighters for truth and justice confront a mysterious organization that exercises its power over the planet.

The continuation of the battle for Mercury is described in the second part of the White Shark series - the Black Horizon book. Assistance from other worlds has already been attracted to the confrontation. What will end the battle - salvation or global catastrophe?

The international cooperation

At the end of 2011, a new stage in the career of a writer began. Andrei Martyanov, whose books are filled with fantastic images and battle scenes, signs a contract with She is world famous thanks to her World of Tanks and World of Warplanes games. Martyanov wrote short news summaries for these games, as well as a historical chronicle of heavy military equipment and aircraft from the Second World War.

martyanov andrey white shark

The short stories written by Andrey can be read on the official website of the games in the personal section of the writer under the title Legends of Tankers and Legends of Aviators. It is also planned to publish historical and historical-fantastic stories of the author as part of the literary project

Online life

In the nineties, Andrei Martyanov consciously accepts Catholicism as his faith. During the baptismal rite, he takes the name Gunther. Gunter subsequently becomes Martyanov’s nickname on the net. Under this name, he leads witty and desperate disputes, which are no less exciting to read than his science fiction novels. Since the writer has a wide range of interests, he consists of several communities and is famous in each of them.

Andrei actively maintains his blog in LJ, where he not only publishes articles on burning topics, but also posts the chapters of his novels. He is not a copyright fighter. Rather, the opposite. In his opinion, there is nothing to worry about if readers get free access to his writings.

Role-playing games

Andrei Martyanov often organizes and takes part in amazing role-playing games. Deep knowledge in the field of mythology and history allows the writer to literally intuitively grasp and equally skillfully fulfill the roles of both the Viking barbarian and the prophet Muhammad, both the historical knight and the mythical Phoenix.

Andrei Martyanov the wanderer

Martyanov organizes all-Union games. Inveterate gamers from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin have repeatedly taken part in his grandiose Wolves of Odin, The Name of the Rose, The Siege of Monsegyur and many others. Such an event not only quenches the thirst for the game, but also significantly broadens the horizons of the author, allows you to meet many interesting people and become a participant or witness to funny and sometimes dangerous situations. All this only benefits the writing of historical and science fiction novels.


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