Paulownia tree: description, photo, planting and care, reproduction

Adam's, sapphire or dragon tree - all these are the names of one plant, in the botanical classification known as Paulownia from the same genus and family. It is a true leader among hardwoods in terms of growth rate, has quality wood. However, gardeners and landscape designers appreciate him not for that. Paulownia is a tree with an incredibly exotic and beautiful appearance, especially during the flowering period. It is unpretentious in culture, growing rapidly, but thermophilic. How to grow it from seeds, especially planting in the ground, rules of care - all this you will find in the article.

paulownia tree

Plant description

The tree owes its sonorous and unusual name to German scientists: botanist J. Zuccarini and physician F. Ziebold. Having discovered and first described the plant after a trip to Japan, they gave it a name in honor of the Queen of the Netherlands, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg Anna Pavlovna. The birthplace of the tree is Southeast Asia, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan; in Russia in the natural environment it is found in the Far East. The genus includes four species, an imperial (or felt) variety was introduced into the landscape gardening culture.

The deciduous paulownia tree has a straight trunk with a spreading wide crown, leaves are large (up to 25-30 cm in length), located opposite on long petioles. The shape is remotely reminiscent of birch. The leaf blade is three-lobed or deep-toothed with solid edges, without stipulation.

paulownia tree

The decorativeness of the tree is especially impressive in the spring, when many large pale lilac tubular flowers bloom on it, gathered in an upright panicle that resembles candles. A thick aroma fills the space around, attracting pollinating insects. It is recognized that paulownia (Adam's tree) is a good honey plant, along with acacia. Honey has a pronounced aroma, transparent, light in texture, light shade.

According to current data on the nomenclature of modern and fossil species that belong to the plant kingdom, the genus Paulownia has seven species. Let us dwell on the description and features of each of them in more detail.

Sapphire wood

Its scientific name is Paulownia kawakamii. It is characterized by sufficiently rapid growth, reaches three years of age by one meter. The flowers are painted in a sapphire blue saturated color with a yellow middle. Very photophilous, the more sun there is, the better the plant will develop. Choose well-lit places to land. Resistant to weather conditions, lowering temperatures to -17 ° C and at the same time heat-resistant wood. Paulownia of this species prefers well-drained clay soils with a medium reaction ranging from 5.5 to 8.5.

Paulownia Fortuna

paulownia tree photo

Spectacular tree, reaching a height of up to 12 meters, homeland - China. The trunk is straight, branched crown, wide. Heart-shaped large leaves are opposite. The flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences, a characteristic shade is creamy with a dark middle. After flowering, pods up to 5 cm in length are formed. Known as a home plant, it develops in the form of a decorative “fluffy” bush. In leaving is unpretentious and adapts to external conditions. This species is thermophilic, prefers mild winters with a maximum decrease in air temperature to -9 ° .

Paulownia elongata

It is a tall and fast-growing tree. Paulownia elongata, like other species, has a developed branched root system. Flowers with a characteristic pale lavender or white tint and a yellow center. The flowering period is long - up to 6 months. A tree with a slender, straight trunk, branched and spreading crown. Air temperature range from -10 ° to + 48 ° . The leaves have a characteristic heart-shaped shape, light green in color, on a long petiole, without stipules.

paulownia adam tree

Paulownia catalpolate

In appearance and features, this species is a cross between paulownia elongata and felt. The plant is the champion in growth rate among deciduous trees. The annual growth under favorable environmental conditions is up to 4 meters. After 3-4 years, paulownia reaches the sizes that are characteristic of other trees at the age of 20 years. Flowers in shape resemble digitalis, large, with bent petals. Color ranges from pale lilac to almost white. The leaves are characteristic, heart-shaped, with smooth edges and a long petiole.

Paulownia tomentosa

A tree popular in production and culture. Felt paulownia or timentoza is a valuable landscape gardening species that is most actively used in areas with a hot and humid climate. Flowers of a delicate lilac hue, large, are collected in an erect panicle inflorescence. The fruit is a rounded biconvex. Appreciated not only for its decorative qualities, but also for soft and durable wood. In Japan and China, it is actively used to create musical instruments, sports equipment, trinkets, souvenirs, etc.

Paulownia fargesii

paulownia tree planting and care

Less well-known in landscape gardening culture. This paulownia is a tree (photo above), which is commercially significant and widely cultivated. It is assumed that the species has a hybrid origin from kawakamii and Fortuna. At least since its discovery in 1975, quite substantial evidence has been found for this statement: features of the morphological structure, similarity of the set of enzymes. The growth rate is high - up to 4 m per season under favorable conditions. Crohn is uneven, spreading. Lilac flowers with a dark purple middle.

Paulownia tree: planting and care

Representatives of the genus Paulownia are very similar to each other and caring for them is generally the same. All of them are centenarians in the garden and can grow for 100 years. Trees are not demanding on soil fertility and can vegetate even on soils with lime content of up to 2%. The question is different. If you want to get a beautiful, slender and flowering plant, then it is best to provide it with a moderately moist, well-drained soil with pH = 6, clay. The tree does not like extremes: drought and waterlogging.

Seedlings are planted in the ground in the fall (after falling leaves) and in the spring. First, you should prepare a landing pit, the size of which depends on the root system (on average 0.6x0.6x0.6 m). At the bottom, make a drainage, then fill in a small layer of soil, spread the roots of the plant, the root neck should remain at the level of the soil, and gradually fill it with prepared fertile soil. The exotic paulownia tree (description of the species above) should be planted in well-lit and open areas where light shading can occur for several hours, protected from cold winds in winter and drafts in summer. It has brittle wood, so it is easily damaged. All species have medium frost resistance. They confidently withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -20 ...- 25 ° C, but the flower buds freeze out at the same time. In the first years after planting in the winter, the tree should be slightly insulated.

Watering and fertilizing

The tree is thermophilic and hygrophilous. He needs regular watering, especially at a young age (first two to three years) and at high summer temperatures. A sprinkler moisture distribution system for paulownia is undesirable, as it will stimulate the development of the superficial root system, which will ruin the appearance. Water the tree deep. Do not use any kind of insecticides in the immediate vicinity of it, since the plant is very sensitive to them. The need for mineral and organic fertilizers exists at a young age and subject to infertile, depleted soil. In all other cases, paulownia develops normally without top dressing. This is due to the ability of the plant to adapt to the composition of the soil and specific climatic conditions.

Adam tree (paulownia): reproduction

paulownia tree description

Propagation is possible in three ways: seeds, cuttings and root offspring. In the first case, all amateur gardeners should be cautioned. In specialized stores, paulownia seeds are not often found, but still there. It is important to remember that they maintain good germination only in the first six months, and then begin to rapidly lose their ability to germinate. So that the purchase and the expectation of the result are not in vain, take into account the time indicated on the package. Sowing is carried out in early spring in a shallow container. Seeds are carefully distributed over a moistened surface and only slightly sprinkled with earth, covered with glass and placed in a warm and bright place. Seedlings appear after 4-5 weeks. When they will have 1-2 pairs of real leaves, they should be planted in separate pots.

Cuttings and root offspring from a tree can be taken in spring or autumn. In the first case, the branch should not be too long. When planting, bury the stem to the soil level, or leave it 3-4 cm above the surface. Otherwise, the new trunk will bend. If there are several shoots from the root, leave the strongest, and cut off the others with secateurs.

About wood

paulownia fast-growing tree

As already mentioned, paulownia is a fast-growing tree, moreover, it is the leader in this indicator among hardwoods. In this regard, commercial benefits during its landing will be received after three years. The lion's share of sales falls on Southeast Asia, since this is the natural environment for the plant to grow, it has been used by people in this region for about 1000 years. Everything is made of wood: from building materials to surfboards and biofuels. Firstly, it is light in weight and in this indicator takes second place after balsa. Paulownia is like aluminum in the world of metals. Secondly, it has outstanding strength indicators, including tensile strength. Thirdly, it is a good heat insulator, fireproof. In Japan, chests have long been made from its wood, in which they stored only the most valuable things in order to protect them in case of fire.


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