Non-retractable bayonets: anchor

An anchor knot, otherwise called a fishing bayonet, belongs to the category of non-tightening. He is one of the most reliable in his group.

Date of occurrence

Opinions differ on this subject. Some sources believe that the fishing bayonet was invented only in the last century, somewhere on European ships. However, there is other information, according to which this node is already counting the fifth millennium. Based on this theory, it can be assumed that the bayonet was previously used for other purposes. He was probably borrowed by one of the ship owners, after which he received wide publicity.

Application area

As the name implies, the anchor unit is used in shipping. It is believed that no more reliable bayonet was invented for cables that are subjected to increased tension. Before the appearance of steamboats and other modernly equipped vessels, with the help of this unit, the anchor brackets were fastened to the rope. Of course, now he is not so popular because of the appearance of other technologies, but he is able to come in handy for other domestic purposes.

anchor node

The fishing bayonet is similar to another simple knot used in marine affairs. It is distinguished by the knitting technique: when the desired object is surrounded by a rope, the last one is passed under the first layer of the rope, i.e., a barrier. When used in shipping, the free end of the rope is fastened to the fixed one. So, the anchor unit is able to withstand any traction. The main thing is to choose the right cable. Since it is he who can tear, regardless of the technique of attaching it to the object. The bayonet is often used in other areas where ropes are used to lift or hold a large object. For example, in private construction.

Anchor knot: how to knit?

To avoid misunderstanding among readers, a step-by-step instruction without the use of marine terminology will be presented below:

  1. Wrap the cable around the subject twice. Do the second run-off without a pull, otherwise the rope will not pass under it.
  2. Lower the running end of the rope over the stationary one, hold under a freely lying loop, slightly tighten.
  3. Wrap the remaining length around the main part of the cable. Insert it into the resulting loop.
  4. Secure the free end with a fixed one using a tie or wire for added safety.

anchor knit how to knit

As previously mentioned, the anchor assembly is very similar to another, the name of which is a simple bayonet with a barrier. People unrelated to the shipping industry often confuse them. And this is not surprising. However, it is worth remembering: when performing serious work, this node fits much better.

Additional half-bayons (the actions described in paragraphs 2 and 3) make it safer. And if that knot, with which the anchor is confused, was actually used to fasten any parts of the vessel, he would quickly receive new modifications. Otherwise, he could not be trusted with strong traction cables.

Marine nodes

This category includes bayonets - non-tightening nodes that serve to attach the cable to the subject. They provide convenience and reliability of use. Marine nodes, unlike fishing, leave the possibility of repeated use of the cable without damage. They allow you to use a minimum of effort to free the load.

anchor knot photo

The anchor node, the photo of which is presented above, belongs to this category. Now it is used in the field of mountaineering. He is popular among the owners of some models of yachts. Initially, bayonets were used to moor ships to mooring bulls, but over time they were adapted for other needs. However, it is worth mentioning that the nodes of this family require a fight. Otherwise, they will not be able to perform their functions because of the danger of spontaneous dissolution.


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