Tomato "Sanka": reviews, features and tips

It is quite possible to harvest the first tomato crop in early June. The main thing is to choose early varieties of seeds and to properly grow seedlings. One of these early species is considered the Sanka tomato. Reviews about this grade are very good. Gardeners appreciate it for its unpretentiousness and excellent productivity!

tomato sanka reviews

Tomato "Sanka": characteristics and description of the variety

From seedlings to the first harvest takes three months or a little more. Tomato "Sanka" - a short plant 40-60 cm tall. Fruits are rounded, with strong skin, juicy red color, fleshy, tasty. In open ground, the fruit mass reaches 100 g. If grown in a greenhouse, then you can achieve a result of 150 g. A tomato variety is characterized by friendly ripening and high productivity: the total harvest from the bush reaches 3-4 kg. Gardeners note the plant's resistance to disease. Tomato "Sanka" you can enjoy eating fresh, it is also great for canning.

Growing conditions

A good tomato crop is guaranteed with a successful selection of seeds and observing the rules for growing seedlings. It is better to grow them in a film greenhouse, but as practice shows, strong seedlings are also obtained on the windowsill. Those people who grow tomatoes on the balcony can safely buy Sanka tomato. You can hear reviews and tips on getting a good harvest in specialized garden centers.

Before planting, it is necessary to select strong seeds, and throw out empty, small and broken lines. Soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, rinse under running water.

We take the soil either bought in a store or harvested for the winter. The composition of the personally prepared soil includes ordinary garden soil, river sand, peat or compost and mineral fertilizers. The soil must be moistened to the desired moisture content, laid out in boxes, pots or cups, to whom it is more convenient. Having moistened the soil well, spread the seeds at a distance of about 1 cm from each other, sprinkle with earth. Boxes are covered with foil and put away in a warm place until the first shoots hatch.

When 3 leaves appear near tomato seedlings , it can be dived into separate cups so that the root system develops into a more powerful one. Watering is necessary as the soil dries, and with the onset of the warm May days it is necessary to temper the seedlings, preparing for planting in the garden.

As soon as the threat of frost passes, you can plant the tomato "Sanka". Reviews of gardeners about transplanting plants into open ground are positive, because the seedlings take root almost immediately and do not get sick. On the site, the tomato requires only timely watering (exclude water from entering the leaves) and mulching the aisles. You can feed a couple of times with a solution of bird droppings or any available organic fertilizer.

tomato sanka reviews photos

What is the popularity of this tomato

Of all the abundance of tomato varieties offered in stores, gardeners still have their own popular varieties, and tomato Sanka belongs to these (for the past 2013). Reviews, photos (on the right) about the grown crop, posted on various forums - this is a direct confirmation. This variety is valued for good early ripening, resistance to late blight disease and ease of care. Many gardeners boast bushes up to 1 m high, contrary to the manufacturers' stated 40-60 cm. They note that the variety does not need to be stepsoned, which means that by the end of summer one more crop can be harvested.

What can be prepared and how to store?

The ripening of tomatoes implies the same processing speed, because the ripened fruit will not be stored for a long time. Tomato "Sanka", which has a fairly strong skin and a medium rounded shape, is great for preservation and pickling, making juice and pasta.

tomato sanka characteristic

Many busy gardeners who want to grow an early tomato "Sanka" on their plot should not be frightened by reviews of friendly ripening. After all, you can collect the fruits in green or barely yellowed, put them in a cardboard box and let the tomatoes ripen in a cool place away from sunlight. Perhaps the taste is a little lost, but in canned form it will not be noticeable.


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