The location of the crematorium in St. Petersburg

In addition to the traditional burial with the burial of a coffin with the body of the deceased in the ground, in St. Petersburg there is an alternative opportunity to say goodbye to the deceased. This is a cremation procedure, when the body is burned, and the ashes are enclosed in a special capsule located inside the funeral urn. This vessel can later be buried in the ground or in a special niche of Columbaria. Moreover, if necessary, the urn can be transported with you from place to place. In this article we will talk about the location of the crematorium in St. Petersburg, and what are its features.

crematorium in saint petersburg

Cremation in St. Petersburg: what, where, when?

In St. Petersburg, there is only one institution that performs the procedure of cremation. By the way, there are three of them in Moscow. In smaller cities - often not a single one. The launch date of the crematorium in St. Petersburg is 1973. And for more than forty years now, he has been helping citizens to guide their deceased relatives and friends on their last journey. This is quite convenient, because burying an urn with ashes is much easier than digging a fresh grave (especially in winter), ordering a table for it, a fence and all other surroundings, by the way, is quite expensive. However, this method of funeral has its opponents, mainly ideological. This is primarily about the Orthodox Church, whose traditions, originating from Byzantium, require the burial of the body in the ground. With adherents of other faiths, as well as with those who do not profess any religion, things are easier. One way or another, but every day in the crematorium there are several dozen procedures for burning the bodies of the deceased. In St. Petersburg they got used to this practice, and it costs much less than traditional funerals. At the same time, at the request of relatives, a priest can be invited to the crematorium to perform the funeral service. If the deceased person professed some other religion, then for similar rites, you can invite any other person authorized to perform a minister of worship.

Crematorium device and services

To hold a farewell ceremony in the crematorium building in St. Petersburg, the administration of the institution places one of the meeting rooms at the disposal of the meeting. There are nine in total: four small halls, three medium-sized halls, one large and another, the largest, central. All of them are equipped with seats for the comfort of the audience, as well as a special pedestal for installing the coffin. The ceremony is supported by silent music corresponding to the event. Halls are illuminated by fixtures that provide a smooth, soft light. To avoid stuffiness, each of the halls is equipped with a good ventilation system.

how to get to the crematorium in saint petersburg minibuses

Crematorium in St. Petersburg: how to get there

If you decide to use the services of a crematorium, then you probably have a natural question about how to get to it. There are several ways to get to the crematorium in St. Petersburg. Minibuses to it go only under one number - No. K149. You can catch it at the metro stations Lesnaya, Sportivnaya, and Petrogradskaya. The second way is by bus. Route number 138 from the metro station "Square of Courage". The stop is called “Crematorium”.

If you drive to your destination by private car, you need to get off the ring road to Shafirovsky Avenue (there will be a sign) and drive to the crematorium. The address of this institution is Shafirovsky Avenue, 12.

crematorium in saint petersburg how to get

The working hours of the crematorium in St. Petersburg

The institution begins its work at 09:00 in the morning and ends at 18:00 in the evening. But you need to keep in mind that the services associated with the ceremonies and the issuance of urns with ashes, you can use only until 17:00. And getting medical certificates is even less - only until 15:00 in the afternoon. The crematorium has no days off. But on the weekend the morgue, which is part of the complex, closes. It prepares the bodies of the dead for cremation or traditional burial. On weekdays, the morgue is open around the clock.


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