What to do if you bought expired goods: legal rights and step-by-step actions

What if I bought expired goods? This question is often asked by many citizens who find themselves in a similar situation. In fact, what can be done in this case? First you need to contact the outlet where the expired product was purchased. It is best to have a receipt with you that confirms the purchase of goods in this store. You will learn more about all this from this article.

How to proceed

woman chooses products

So what to do if you bought expired goods? This is a very interesting and controversial question. In fact, there may be several options. The most faithful is to take the expired goods back to the store and insistently ask for a refund for the product, which is no longer suitable for human consumption. However, many people are afraid to carry the purchased goods back and throw them away. Thus, expired products continue to remain on store shelves. But why is this happening?

First of all, because consumers do not want to prove the correctness of the administration of the store. At the same time, sellers themselves do not remove the goods from the window, even though their term has already expired. Because they know that one of the buyers will take this product and, accordingly, the store will not lose profit. In this case, the actions of the owners of the outlet are illegal.

According to law

the law protects the rights of citizens

Sale of expired products is strictly prohibited. The expiration date is indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging. Storage conditions and temperature conditions are also indicated there. In turn, the trading company must monitor the conditions under which the goods are sold (in this case, food). It should be.

But what to do if you bought expired goods? Many experts of Rospotrebnadzor first advise contacting the store where the spoiled product was purchased . By law, a person must return the money. You can always refer to article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Usually funds are returned. Because unnecessary problems with checking outlets are completely useless.

Moreover, the consumer needs to remember that the exchange or return of an expired product is carried out if there is a document confirming the purchase (cash or sales receipt). However, his absence does not deprive a citizen of the opportunity to invoke the testimonies of other persons (for example, the husband bought expired milk with his wife). It is necessary to remember here that the law in such a situation is on the side of the consumer. According to Article 25 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the absence of a consumer's cash register, cash receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to invoke evidence.

In various supermarkets

husband and wife in the store

Many citizens try to buy as many products as possible when various promotions appear. As a rule, they are in supermarkets. Then the goods, the expiration date of which ends, you can buy two times cheaper than their usual value. This, of course, is very luring. But sometimes it happens that on the counter there is a product for a stock whose expiration date is already coming to an end and an already expired product. As a rule, older people do not always pay attention to this and put in their basket in advance unfit food.

In addition

buyers talk with seller

But what to do if you bought expired goods? Where can I complain and how to get my money back? The main thing here is not to get nervous and not to panic, but to remember that the buyer is in most cases right and the law is on his side. You need to contact the store director or the seller with a request to return the money. If the request is followed by a refusal, then you need to write a claim and send it to the owner of the distribution network. If there is no answer, then you will need to write a statement to the court and Rospotrebnadzor. All consumers should be aware of this, so that unscrupulous sellers cannot violate their rights as buyers.


women choose stock goods

So, what if I bought substandard products? Consumers who do not know what to do with this situation and how to protect their rights turn to this issue with lawyers . So, as already mentioned, a buyer who wants to return expired goods and take back his money needs to go to the store where he purchased it and insistently ask the seller or manager of the trading pavilion to return the money spent. The situation will be resolved much faster if the citizen provides a check confirming the fact of the purchase of the product in the specified store. You also need to know about this.

As mentioned earlier, very often supermarkets conduct various promotions. One of these is Pyaterochka. This is a fairly budgetary supermarket, where constantly there are various promotions and discounted goods. But, despite the relatively low prices, there are sometimes expired goods. This is mainly due to the fact that merchants do not have time to remove such products from the window on time.

But if a citizen bought expired goods at Pyaterochka, what should he do in such a situation? Can I get it back to the supermarket? Of course, in this case the answer will be yes. Moreover, it can be done immediately on the day of treatment. Because the administration of this supermarket does not want to spoil the reputation of the store. As a rule, money for damaged goods is returned to citizens on the day they are circulated. Therefore, there is no need to be upset, let alone throw out expired products. You need to take her back to the supermarket.

What else you need to know

spouses think what to do with expired goods

Unfortunately, but because of the dishonesty of sellers, ordinary citizens very often suffer who, by their own ignorance, buy expired goods. This is really very sad. In this case, we are talking not only about food, but also about medicines and cosmetics.

What if you sell expired goods at the pharmacy? By law, medicines cannot be returned back or exchanged. But for expired preparations, this rule does not apply. Therefore, if the buyer finds that the medicine has expired, you need to go to the pharmacy and demand a refund. As a rule, with a check, such issues are resolved very quickly. You need to know this.

For information

Now you need to deal with the issue of returning damaged cosmetics. Moreover, sometimes not only mascara or lipstick, but even toothpaste is expired. It is clear that there will be no benefit from such products. Although by law, cosmetics and hygiene products can not be returned back. But, for expired goods in this category, this rule does not apply.

But what if the store bought expired goods? Once again, it must be said that first you need to contact the administration of the outlet with a request to return the money. If there is no answer, then there are other instances, such as Rospotrebnadzor (store owners are more afraid of it than the courts) and the judiciary. Moreover, you can also write about the violation of their rights as a consumer to the prosecutor's office. This authority is designed to protect the interests of all citizens.

Implications for Entrepreneurs

If, on the shelf of the store, the inspectors find expired goods, then the least that can happen is the imposition of penalties on the owner of the distribution network. But, everything can end and much more serious. If expired products led to severe poisoning and a threat to human life arose, then the actions of the entrepreneur fall under the article of the Criminal Code. This also needs to be considered.


purchase of low-quality goods

If a citizen bought an expired product, what should be done in this situation? How to defend your innocence? Most importantly, don’t be afraid to file a complaint with the store owner. Moreover, you need to demand a refund and make the point workers remove expired products from the shelves.

To summarize a small step-by-step instruction. If you have an expired product sold, you must:

  1. Find the receipt from the purchase and go to the store where the purchase was made.
  2. Try to resolve the issue with the seller or cashier at the supermarket.
  3. If it was not possible to reach an agreement, request a meeting with the administrator or manager.
  4. If there is no check, try to provide witness statements or require recording from cameras.
  5. If the store administration failed to resolve the issue, contact the Rospotrebnadzor, the consumer protection society or the prosecutor's office. In each instance, they will tell you how to write a statement correctly.

What if sold expired goods? Consumer rights are spelled out in legislation. You can always refer to article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". A citizen must bring the purchased goods back and give them along with the check to the seller and demand a refund.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20235/

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