Ficus robusta: general information and cultivation

A strong plant with elastic fleshy leaves - ficus robusta - refers to rubber plants. Its homeland is tropical Asia, in these latitudes ficus grows everywhere. At the same time, its height is staggering: the highest specimens reach 30-40 meters. In harsh climates, the ficus robusta survives well in greenhouses, heated greenhouses and living quarters. Its thick greens look great in the interior, and any, even a very busy hostess, can provide minimal care.

ficus robusta

Ficus robusta (photo above) in favorable conditions is growing rapidly. Oval dark green leaves are located around a thick trunk, the upper young shoot is initially twisted into a burgundy-colored tube . As it grows, it straightens out and turns green, while the stipule dries and falls away. Young shoots, as a rule, do not branch well in artificial conditions, so a bush should be formed by cutting the top.

In order for the ficus robusta to develop rapidly, it needs diffused light, but a light partial shade is quite acceptable. Even if the indoor flower is a few meters from the sunlight, it will be able to adapt. The plant is very strong by nature, easily adapts to the temperature and light conditions, so it does not cause much trouble.

ficus robusta photo
Care is reduced to regular plentiful watering, which is carried out as the earthen coma dries up. But the plant will withstand too long a break without much loss. As long as the ficus robusta remains green and does not shed its leaves, the conditions satisfy its needs. In summer, regular feeding and periodic spraying are required. Also, dust accumulates quickly on the dark green of the leaves, so a warm shower will be useful. In addition, the plant likes to be watered with warm, settled water and wiped the leaves with a damp cloth. Ficus responds to this departure with active growth and an increase in lateral shoots.

A strong developed bush is kept in the same soil for no more than two years. Then a transplant is required with the replacement of the soil with a new, enriched composition. Before transplanting ficus robusta, you need to take care of choosing the right soil. Too acidic, as well as alkaline soil, the flower does not tolerate. It requires special land with a pH level of 5.5–6.5.

It is best to choose a spacious floor pot, pour a layer of drainage on the bottom. Then they lay a small lump of earth with a pyramid, plant a plant, spreading the roots, and pour out the remaining soil. Sometimes after transplantation, the lower 2-3 leaves are discarded. This is just a flower reaction, which will not affect further growth.

how to transplant ficus robusta

If you want to propagate ficus, you can apply the same method of planting. But first with a sharp knife, cut the stalk. Usually take the tip or side shoot. Although any part of the plant with one lateral bud and a shoot length of 10-15 cm is suitable for planting. The subsequent change of the pot will not be needed soon. Replacement is made when the entire container is filled with roots, and the bush will be clearly crowded.


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