Italian dog bolognese - description of the breed and reviews of dog breeders

Surely you met a dog Bolognese in the city. A charming fluffy creature with a meek and good-natured disposition is perfect to brighten up the everyday life of a lonely person, and also become a fun companion for a child. Great for apartment maintenance. The breed has many names, this is Bichon Bolognese, French and Italian lapdog. The dog Bolognese has Italian roots, and it is named after its historic homeland.

dog bolognese

Breed history

The breed was bred in Italy, in Bologna, which is why it got such a name. By the way, the dog Bolognese then was not at all a “sofa cushion”; they kept these little pussies in the port and on ships as good rat-catchers. But a charming appearance conquered the noble ladies, and soon representatives of the breed inhabited female boudoirs. However, in Italy in those days, another breed was experiencing its heyday, it was poodles. That is why soon the dog Bolognese became curly. The closest ancestors of modern representatives are the Italian lapdog and poodle.

They came to Russia only in the 18th century. Incredibly cute and smart, they lived at the palaces of the emperors, in the chambers of noble ladies. You can find many paintings on which famous historical figures were depicted along with these dogs. Today the breed is going through hard times, there are practically no clubs left which would be engaged in its purebred breeding. Reviews of dog breeders call her the cutest, friendliest creature with which it is very easy to find a common language.

bolognese italian lap-dog

Breed description

Favorite kids - Bolognese. The Italian lap-dog is a cheerful, kind and sociable companion. Playful and charming, he loves life among the sofa cushions, depicting as if one more of them, but at the first call he is ready to start the game with excitement. It is very suitable for living in a small apartment, it will take root well in a private house with its own courtyard. If you want to take walks with a beautiful dog in your arms, then bolognese is also useful for these purposes. The Italian lap-dog has a luxurious fluffy coat, which resembles bobtail wool in its structure and has a tendency to roll into dreadlocks. Reviews of fans of this breed suggest that grooming is simple, but should be regular.

lap-dog bolognese

Breed standards

This is a dwarf breed, easy to care for. Lap-dog Bolognese does not exceed 30 cm in height. Moreover, this applies to bitches and males. The weight of the dog is about 2.5 kg. The head is small, round, the muzzle is short and square. Ears set high, hanging, small. The body is strong, with well-developed muscles, the back is straight, muscular. The neck is high set, straight. Paws are small, oval. Wool is most often white, reaches 10 cm in length. A true dream for girls who like to look after an airy, silky coat. The undercoat is absent, which facilitates the molting period. The pigmentation of the skin under the coat can be gray, brown or blue.

italian bolognese dog

Dog character

Bolognese is a vibrant, sociable, independent, and fun creature. Incredibly affectionate with the owners, playful with children and restrained with strangers, they get along well with any domestic inhabitants and will not harm anyone. They are completely non-aggressive, but sociable and require a lot of attention. You must regularly play and practice with the dog. She cannot stand loneliness at all and loves to be in the spotlight.

Italian Bolognese is a dog that needs to be loved and played with it. Of course, she also will not refuse food, but the interaction is even higher. At the sight of this fluffy snow-white creature, everyone wakes up with a desire to take him in his arms and stroke him. The good disposition of this creature will not allow him to harm even the smallest child. He will dutifully endure all claims on his ears and tail. Judging by the reviews, the dog is very balanced, which is perfect for families with children.

bolognese dog reviews

Puppy selection

Be sure to visit the kennel breeding dog Bolognese. The breed of dogs is incredibly beautiful, photogenic and elegant. You can choose your baby as a whole family, fluffy lumps that play on the green grass will immediately convince you that this is exactly the pet that you need. The rest should be guided by general requirements. The kid should be fun and active, happy to take food. Eyes and ears should be clean without any discharge. The most important thing is to leave the kennel in time, because if the puppies realize that you can play, you will not leave very soon.

bolognese dog photo

Puppy care

First of all, you should find a good veterinarian who will guide your dog from the first days. Care begins with the first anthelmintic and anti-flea treatment procedures, as well as preventive vaccinations. The doctor will develop for you an individual scheme that should be followed. These activities are aimed at protecting health and preventing activities. But for us as owners it is very important how the bolognese looks. A dog whose photo delights must be well-groomed. Proper care is aimed at preserving its wonderful coat in excellent condition from day one. The puppy, like everyone else, loves to play outdoors, which means that it will be necessary to clean the snow-white coat constantly.

From the first day, you need to teach your puppy to combing his hair. Then the baby will quickly begin to enjoy this procedure, which will save you from unnecessary problems. Bathing a long-haired pet will also have to often. But there will be no problems, most representatives of the breed bathe with great desire. According to the breed standards, they are not sheared, only trimming the fur between the toes is permissible.

A separate issue is eye and ear hygiene. Wipe them regularly with a damp cloth. To clean teeth recommend veterinarians only in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity. If the teeth are healthy, then this procedure is not necessary. Reviews say that caring for these dogs is simple and intuitive, the main thing is to love the baby and spend more time with him every day.

bolognese dog breed

Dog food

Bolognese is a dog whose reviews are always positive. A charming, harmless, touching lump does not deserve any other attitude than careful care. At the same time, the owners often go beyond the limit, starting to feed the dog sweets and other products from their table. You can’t do this categorically if you want your pet to live happily ever after. This is a tiny but predator, it needs to fill at least 50% of the diet with high-quality meat products. The crumbs do not need so much, so it is undesirable to buy cheap meat trimmings, which contain more fat than anything else. If you prefer dry food, then choose premium varieties. Immediately discard such delicacies as bird, fish and pork bones. Only after the jaw is fully formed, that is, after a year, it will be possible to give large beef mosles for entertainment. Judging by the reviews, the bolognese in food is unpretentious, but the correct diet must be observed for the health of the pet.


This is not a guard or guard dog, so no training is required. Moreover, bolognese is such a smart and flexible creature that it is a pleasure to educate it. From the first days a puppy stays in the house, you should decide whether he will go to the tray or wait for a certain hour for a walk. Raising a representative of this breed is a game in which a dog learns what is good and what is bad. Encouragement is built on rewards, in exceptional cases, you can deprive the baby of games for a while, but you can not use physical force to this crumb. The kid remembers everything that happens daily around, for which he was praised or scolded, so any of your interaction is part of the upbringing process.

It is especially good to grow bolognese if there is a small child in the family. They will adopt norms and rules from each other, play until you drop and fall asleep in an embrace among the sofa cushions. Faithful friends, they will be inseparable companions, together asking for permission to walk and tasty gifts. Caring for this dog is simple, growing up a bit, the child begins to take on all the responsibilities of bathing and combing the pet with pleasure.


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