Inhaler for babies: review, specifications, reviews

Can babies breathe with an inhaler? The vast majority of pediatric pediatricians answer this question in the affirmative. Inhalation with a cold is one of the most effective ways to thin the mucus and deliver the active substances to the affected area. The times when a pot of boiling water and hot potatoes were used for medicinal purposes have passed. Today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a huge number of devices intended for inhalation. Newly made parents can choose the device that suits them, based on the requirements and financial capabilities.

Types of products

which inhaler for babies is better

There are several types of inhalers:

  1. A steam device that heats a therapeutic suspension to a certain temperature, turning the contents into steam that a person inhales. Inhalers of this type are only suitable for exposure to the upper respiratory system.
  2. The compressor nebulizer operates under the action of a reciprocating compressor. He drives air through a narrow hole. Thus, the drug breaks up into small components and penetrates into all parts of the respiratory system, including the lower ones.
  3. Ultrasonic devices. The principle of action is high-frequency waves, under the influence of which the drug breaks up into small particles. Due to this, the drug penetrates the lower parts of the respiratory system.
  4. Mesh nebulizers are inhalers that are ideal for infants. The most modern type of appliances. The splitting of the drug occurs due to the vibrating membrane and mesh with small divisions. A significant disadvantage of mesh nebulizers is the high cost.

Ultrasonic inhalers are most effective.

Steam inhalers

Can infants breathe with an inhaler

As a result of the action of the constituent elements of the device, the liquid turns into steam. Once in the respiratory tract, the smallest particles of the drug help increase blood circulation and thin the sputum.

For inhalation, infusions of herbs, as well as vegetable oils, are suitable. As an active ingredient, you can use saline, mineral water and various medications. The main disadvantage of steam inhalers is the fact that the particles settle exclusively in the nasopharynx. That is why such devices are effective only in the case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The disadvantages of steam inhalers also include:

  • the inability to use to treat newborns;
  • some drugs lose their healing properties under the influence of temperature;
  • it is forbidden to carry out steam inhalation at elevated body temperature.

If you follow the instructions, such devices can provide effective assistance in the fight against cough and runny nose in children.

Most popular models

Among the huge number of models of steam inhalers for babies, the following products are most popular:

  • MED2000 Cow-device with an interesting design and high efficiency, suitable for inhalation in infants;
  • B.Well WN-118 - the inhaler is suitable for the treatment of all family members;
  • "Chamomile-3" - the device is intended for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract in children and adults.

These are the most sought after models. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find more than a hundred types of steam inhalers.

Ultrasonic Nebulizers

photo inhalers for babies

The effectiveness of such devices is due to the work of piezoelectrics. Under their influence, the contents of the drug turns into an aerosol from the smallest particles, which, due to their size, freely penetrate the bronchi and lungs of a person.

Ultrasonic nebulizers are virtually silent. The main disadvantages of the devices include a limited list of drugs suitable for use. For therapy, you can use only saline and mineral water. Herbal preparations and special suspensions can disable the device.

The indisputable advantages of ultrasonic nebulizers include high efficiency and the possibility of use for the treatment of newborn children and infants in the presence of suitable nozzles.

The most sought after models

It is worth noting the most popular models of ultrasonic nebulizers:

  • A&D UN-231. The brand of the Japanese manufacturer. The device is powered from the network. The inhaler is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract. The best option for both adults and children. This model of ultrasonic nebulizer is equipped with an air jet adjustment function. Due to which it is possible to influence a certain area of ​​the respiratory system. The main advantages of the device are compactness, low weight, as well as long life and the presence of automatic shutdown. The disadvantages of the device include a limited list of acceptable drugs, as well as the small length of the tube.
  • Omron U17. The main feature of the device is a long period of continuous operation. The nebulizer can work for three days. The device has a lot of advantages: the presence of a monitor that reflects information about the operation of the inhaler; the presence of a timer; noiselessness; the ability to carry out oxygen therapy; the presence of auto power off.

The disadvantages of the device include high weight, as well as high cost and high consumption of drugs.

  • Little Doctor LD-250U. The device is suitable for treating infants. The presence of three operating modes allows you to adjust the device for adults and children. The device is suitable for combating diseases of all parts of the respiratory system. This model does not have significant drawbacks.

Compressor Devices

how to make inhalation of a baby through an inhaler

A compressor nebulizer converts the medicine into tiny particles using compressed air that enters the chamber under pressure. Heating of the contents in the process does not occur, which is why it is allowed to use any medications, including hormones and antibiotics. Many devices in this category are equipped with the function of switching dispersion modes. This allows you to choose which sections of the respiratory tract will be affected.

The disadvantages include large dimensions and noise during operation.

Compressor devices can be used to treat children from the first days of life.

Popular compressor inhaler models

mask inhaler

It is worth noting several models that are especially popular among consumers.

  • Omron NE-C24 Kids. The device is suitable for the treatment of both adults and children. The kit includes masks for babies, older children and adults. The advantages of the model include an attractive appearance, simplicity of design. The noiselessness of the device, as well as the economical consumption of drugs are an indisputable advantage. There are no significant disadvantages of the device.
  • Omron CompAir NE-C28. A huge advantage of the device is the possibility of using a wide range of drugs. Unlimited service life is also an indisputable advantage of the device. The disadvantages of the device include large dimensions and noise during operation.
  • B.Well WN-115K. A nebulizer in the form of a train from an English brand. Design designed specifically for toddlers. You can control the device with just one button. The disadvantages of the model include noise during operation.

Mesh Inhalers

nasal inhaler

The mesh inhaler is an advanced compressor nebulizer. The main difference from the compressor analogue is compactness and noiselessness. The operation of a mesh inhaler is based on the vibration of a membrane with tiny holes. Any preparations may be poured into the chamber.

Demanded Mesh Inhaler Models

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find several dozen models of mesh inhalers. Among the huge variety of devices, there are several devices that are most popular among consumers.

  • B.Well WN-114. The advantages of the device are noiseless operation and lightness of the device, as well as the presence of auto power off and the ability to work on batteries. The obvious disadvantages of the model include fragility of the structure. In addition, the device is able to operate on batteries for a short time.
  • Omron NE U22. The device from the Japanese manufacturer is characterized by a modern design. It features small size and battery life. The small size of the device allows you to move it in a travel bag or even in a medium-sized women's bag. Battery life can be up to four hours. The disadvantage of this device is the high cost of the mesh inhaler.
  • Pari Velox. Inhaler from a German brand. The device works both from a network, and from batteries. The action of the device facilitates the penetration of particles of the treatment solution into the most inaccessible places of the respiratory system. Despite its high efficiency, the device has several significant drawbacks. Firstly, you need to often disinfect the inhaler. Secondly, the cost of the device is quite high.


nebulizer nebulizer for infants

Parents are positive about this type of device. According to newly minted moms and dads, an inhaler for babies from coughing and a runny nose helps quickly enough. The effect is noticeable after just a few treatments.

The opinions of mothers about which inhaler for a baby is better to choose differ. Each of the species has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular are compressor models with the function of regulating the size of aerosol particles.

It is such devices that, according to parents, are most suitable for treating infants at home. In addition, mothers and fathers are strongly advised to carefully study the characteristics of a particular inhaler model, which is preferred before purchase. This will allow you to choose a good device at an affordable price. Photos of inhalers for babies can be found on the packaging of the device.


An inhaler is an indispensable thing in a house where there is a small child. High efficiency can be achieved only in the case of proper use of the device. Inhalations can be carried out to treat even infants. But for this you need to choose special devices that provide such an opportunity. In any pharmacy you can buy an inhaler for babies. Such procedures will help get rid of the common cold pretty quickly.

In addition, parents should remember that resorting to the use of an inhaler for infants is possible only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication is strictly not recommended. The specialist will tell you which medicine is better to use, and how to make the inhalation of the baby through the inhaler correctly.

Among the many types of devices, compressor inhalers occupy a special place. This is the best option for use at home. In addition, models of this type can be used to treat diseases of all parts of the respiratory system. An inhaler with a mask for babies can be purchased at almost any pharmacy and at an affordable price.


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