What is famous for Russia, or the New Wonders of the World

Russia is a unique country, because, crossing its territory, you can find yourself in different climatic zones and different latitudes, swim in the waters of the Black or Barents Sea, admire the proud spreading palm trees and listen to the even rumble of severe taiga.

Therefore, Russia itself can rightfully be called a wonder of the world. And what to say about its sights! We advise inquisitive and inquisitive people to visit these places!

What is Russia famous for, you ask? You can recall Lake Baikal, Kant Island in the Kaliningrad Region, and “thirty-three heroes” —the most famous among tourists and lovers of exotic 33 waterfalls in Sochi, and much more. You can talk a lot about each, and there are hardly enough words to express the fullness of impressions from meetings with the natural wonders of the Russian mother earth. Natural sights of Russia are its property, a source of material profit and legitimate national pride.

So, let's go on a journey, for example, to the Caucasus, to Gelendzhik, one of the most popular resorts for residents of Russia and the CIS countries.

In addition to nature, which is exotic for most of the inhabitants of Russia, the surroundings of the city are known for the Plesetskoe gap. Here the stone ledges washed by the Thab River turn into real waterfalls. 70 waterfalls, a cloud of sparkles sparkling in the sun, the rumble of running water - from this picture the heart beats in delight. The height of the waterfalls is on average from 4 to 6 meters. And the highest one is about 17 meters. Whoever loves everything unusual, bright, extraordinary, of course, will repeatedly come back to these parts to meet with Beauty.

Russia does not hide its sights from tourists, visitors, travel enthusiasts. And therefore, another unique place that you can freely visit is the surroundings of Sochi, the National Park. It was created during the Union and is still considered one of the most interesting places in the Russian Federation and Europe. The territory of the park is impressive - there are up to 40 reservoirs (rivers, streams), the number of waterfalls that the reserve is also not deprived of is more than 100. And their names - “Maiden tears”, “Berendeevo kingdom” - seem to be associated with romantic stories or ancient folk legends.

What is still unique about the park is canyons, karst caves - an object of study not only for tourists, but also for professional cavers. The relict forest with the corresponding flora and fauna is carefully protected, and therefore appears before people in its pristine majesty.

In general, in the Sochi National Park, you can see subtropic plants, naked mountain peaks with snow caps, and alpine-style sunny lawns. Therefore, nature lovers come here with great pleasure.

What is Russia still famous for, what wonders of nature can still surprise? In this regard, we can recall Baikal, or rather, one of its islands - Olkhon. Once it was part of the land, but the peninsula "came off", and is now separated from the main coast by a narrow strait. It is called the Olkhon Gate and the sailors are afraid. There is often a storm here, it is inconvenient for ships to turn around in the strait, because it is notorious.

But in the bay in the summer you can swim. Shallow water warms up well in season, giving joy to lovers of water recreation.

On the island there is only one reservoir - with salt water, and this despite the fact that Olkhon itself is surrounded by fresh, Baikal! And there is also the famous so-called Siberian Riviera - a bay where you can see old larch, stilted. From time to time, their roots crawled out of the ground so much that they would quietly let a person of average height under them!

Naturally, speaking of what Russia is famous for, one cannot but mention Baikal itself, this sea-lake, for which the real war took so long and which the people, intelligentsia, scientists were able to save from destruction.

Baikal is rightly called the cleanest reservoir of planet Earth. When the weather is calm and the wave does not stir up the surface of the water, you can see what is being done at a depth of forty meters, which fish swim or are caught in fishing nets. And even in winter, under the crust of ice, you can see how lake inhabitants swim at a depth.

Baikal - the lake is not only the cleanest, with drinking water, very tasty and healthy, but also the largest lake-sea. It is equal in occupied territory to such European countries as Denmark or Belgium.

This is not all that Russia is famous for. Many miracles can surprise Russian nature. Realizing this, it is necessary to protect natural resources, so that our descendants have something to be proud of in their homeland.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2025/

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