Patisson - cultivation and varieties

Patisson is a type of pumpkin. Most often it is not appreciated. But for housewives, it is a great addition to canning, it is especially good for cooking assorted dishes, as well as many other delicious dishes. For example, vegetable stew, pancakes. The taste of this vegetable in pickled and salted form resembles porcini mushrooms.

squash growing

Breeding squash

He loves warmly squash, growing it requires compliance with several basic rules. They are similar to those that are suitable for breeding zucchini. A plot of land for planting must be chosen on the sunny side so that it is well warmed up. It is best to produce squash, which is grown from seedlings.

squash growing

The optimal time for planting seeds in pots or boxes is considered the month of May. Previously they are placed in gauze bags and soaked. Seedlings are planted in open ground in June, when there is no threat of frost. During soil preparation, compost or manure, as well as mineral fertilizers, are introduced into it. In order for the squash to develop correctly, its cultivation should begin by digging holes that should be sixty to seventy centimeters apart. Between the rows, an interval of fifty centimeters should be observed. The best option would be to mark the holes in a checkerboard pattern. In each of them it is necessary to pour humus and water well.

You can plant seeds immediately in the ground (two per hole), without prior distillation of seedlings. But in any case, the squash, the cultivation of which involves observing the temperature regime, must be covered with a film. When seedlings appear with three real leaves, it is necessary to dive, thin out, remove weak sprouts. By the time of tying the buds, it is necessary to pinch the growth point. As a top dressing for vegetables, liquid compost is suitable. Squash is demanding for frequent watering. They need to loosen, thin out. If the bush is very thick, you should cut two or three middle leaves.

squash varieties

Varieties of squash

When cultivating squash, the cultivation of which corresponds to the agrotechnology of zucchini, it is also necessary to take into account which plants used to grow on the site selected for planting. The best option in this regard are cabbage, potatoes and legumes.

Adult plants resemble zucchini. The squash also has short lashes, which can be weakly or strongly branched. The leaves are large. The most popular squash among gardeners are the varieties "early white", "white dish-shaped", "yellow flat 2". Mid-season grade "white 13" is in demand. The period of its vegetation is from seventy two to ninety two days. The plant is large, bushy. The fruits have a light salad color and a plate shape with scalloped edges, they can reach a weight of three hundred grams. For canning, squash from twenty-five to fifty grams is suitable. The variety allows you to collect from one square meter from 2.3 to 28 kg of fruit.

Varied in shape, similar to flowers or plates, squash, the cultivation of which will not cause much trouble to gardeners, will be able to delight their fruits to frost.


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