In infants, foamy stools: causes and treatment

The birth of a baby is not only happiness for parents, but also new worries associated with caring for the baby. The problem is that the newborn baby can not talk about his health. Mom has to pay attention to such indicators as the color of feces, the number of urinations, the body temperature of the crumbs, etc. For example, the appearance of a green foamy stool in a baby is an occasion to immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

Normal performance

In the first days after the birth of the baby, the color of feces can be from black to dark green. It's quite normal. The accumulated amniotic fluid that the little man swallows while still in the womb leaves the body of the crumbs. This feces is called meconium. After 3-4 days, the color of the stool changes. Feces become light - brown or yellow. If the baby eats exclusively breast milk, during the first days of life, the bowel movement may have a greenish tint. If the baby is not capricious at the same time, there is no reason for concern.


The bright yellow feces in the baby in the first months of life are also considered normal. In 70% of infants, physiological jaundice is observed. Especially often this happens in mice if there has been a Rhesus conflict. Bilirubin, a bile pigment, accumulates in the body of crumbs. And he leaves the body just with feces and urine.

Normal feces of a newborn has a liquid or porridge-like consistency. There is no unpleasant odor. If the baby has frothy stools, it’s worth looking for reasons. You cannot postpone a visit to the pediatrician.

Mom's Nutrition

Most babies are breastfed in the early days and months of life. Therefore, the nature of the feces of the baby directly depends on what the young mother eats. A diet is a must. Some products will have to be completely abandoned for several months. This list should include chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables, cabbage. Such products can primarily provoke the appearance of foamy stools in infants.


Along with this, the milk of a nursing mother should contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of crumbs. Therefore, a woman's nutrition should be balanced. You can’t refuse meat. Preference should be given to low-fat varieties. The diet should include fish, cereals, boiled vegetables. Upon reaching the baby of three months, you can include in the diet new products. This should be done gradually, observing the reaction of the baby.

Rules for applying the baby to the chest

Not everyone knows that yellow foamy stools in infants can appear against the background of improper attachment of the baby to the chest. There are two types of milk - front and back. When the baby is just starting to suckle, he gets the front milk. It is less saturated with nutrients. With its help, the baby receives the necessary amount of liquid, gets drunk. 2-3 minutes after applying the crumbs begins to suck back milk, which is more fat and nutritious.

Baby in towel

If the baby is applied to the breast every half hour for 2-3 minutes, he simply does not have time to get the right amount of trace elements. Front watery milk is quickly absorbed, the child does not eat up. As a result, the nature of bowel movements will change. Along with this, the child will begin to be capricious due to the constant feeling of hunger.


This problem is familiar to almost every mom. In most cases, increased gas production begins to torment babies in the third week of life. The problem develops due to the formation of the intestinal microflora of the baby. In this case, even if the mother eats properly, often have to face a problem. In addition, there will be a liquid foamy stool in the baby, often a green shade.

Colic in a baby

Gadgets in a newborn are not always associated with a diet. The emotional atmosphere in the family matters. If the mother gets tired, does not receive support from her relatives, health problems of the crumbs may begin. Premature babies are also at risk. Excessive care for the child can slow down the digestion process. From gas formation often suffer children who are too wrapped before a street walk. Overheating leads to metabolic disturbance. In the intestine, microflora develops, affecting the quality of bowel movements.

How should frothy stools be treated in infants? First of all, you should consult a doctor. Only a qualified pediatrician will be able to determine what colic is associated with. A specialist should prescribe medications that will help cope with increased gas formation. Good results are shown by means of "Kolikid", "Espumisan", "Bebinos", etc.

Lactase deficiency

Everyone knows that the best food for an infant is mother's milk. However, there are exceptions when the baby has to be deliberately transferred to artificial feeding, even if the woman’s lactation does not fade. One of the most important elements of breast milk is lactose. This element provides more than 40% of the baby’s energy needs. But some babies are diagnosed with a serious pathology - lactase deficiency. In the body of the crumbs there is no enzyme that breaks down lactose. Foamy stool in infants is the first sign of a disease.

If the baby is diagnosed, this is not a reason to abandon breast milk completely. Baby may need special enzyme therapy. Lactase is introduced into the baby's body with it. In most cases, you have to switch to mixed feeding. The mother continues to apply the baby to her breast, but gives the mixture several times a day.

Artificial Feeding

Foamy stool in infants can be observed against the background of improper selection of mixtures. Stop lactation is necessary in exceptional cases. Even if the mother’s milk is not enough, it is worth putting the baby to the breast at least several times a day.

Babies who are fully breastfed are characterized by reduced immunity. Such children are much earlier beginning to introduce complementary foods. More often the guys suffer from colic.

Baby eats

The correct selection of the mixture will reduce the disadvantages of artificial feeding to a minimum. Before choosing a product, you should consult with a pediatrician. The doctor will help you choose the nutrition, taking into account the characteristics of the body of a particular child. If the body of the crumbs tolerates the mixture well, it does not have an allergy, just do not change the product. Complementary feeding is recommended at 4.5-5 months.

Toddler tastes adult food

No matter how high-quality and nutritious the mother’s milk, after six months it is necessary to begin to accustom the baby to adult food. Improper feeding is one of the causes of frothy stools in infants. The time has long passed when pediatricians advised to offer children natural juice at 2 months. In those days, it was difficult to find a baby who would not suffer from colic. Today, if the baby is completely breastfed, it is recommended to give him "adult" food from 6 months.

First lure

Boiled grated vegetables are ideal for first feeding. Use is worth hypoallergenic products. It can be potatoes or pumpkin. Servings should be small (from half a teaspoon per day). Overeating can also cause frothy stools in infants.

Closer to 8 months in the baby’s menu you can include dietary meat (chicken, rabbit), dairy products. Any changes in the digestion of the child is an occasion to review the diet.

Intestinal infection

Foamy stools in infants who are breastfeeding can indicate a serious infection if symptoms such as vomiting and fever are additionally present. A baby can develop dehydration very quickly. This condition threatens the life of the child. Diarrhea and vomiting in a baby is an occasion to call an ambulance.


What can provoke the appearance of a foamy stool in an infant? One of the most dangerous diseases is salmonellosis. The child increases the number of bowel movements. The stool becomes unpleasant, becomes watery and foamy. The color of feces may also change. The chair takes on a dirty green tint. With each trip to the toilet, the child loses the fluid necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Treatment of intestinal infection is necessarily carried out using antibiotics. Additionally, in a hospital, the water-salt balance of the baby's body is restored. Symptomatic drugs are prescribed to normalize the well-being of the child.


There are many factors that can trigger the appearance of foamy stools in infants. Photos of bowel movements can be shown to the doctor. The specialist will tell you how to fix the situation. Seek medical help immediately if the child feels unwell, in addition to diarrhea, there are other unpleasant symptoms.

Any changes in the condition of the child require monitoring by the pediatrician. Moms should not be shy to seek advice even on sensitive issues.


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