"Penecrit": instructions for use, consumption, reviews

Penecrit, the instructions for use of which will be described in the article, is a dry building mixture that is used for waterproofing joints, cracks, joints, joints, as well as joints and communications in monolithic concrete and statically loaded prefabricated structures. This mixture has quartz sand, patented active chemical additives and special cement among the ingredients. All these ingredients made it possible to obtain a composition that is used today in both private and industrial construction. Also because it has an affordable cost.

Instructions for use: surface preparation

Penecrit application instructions

Penecrit, the instructions for use of which you must have studied before applying the composition, should only be used after you have prepared the concrete surface. Using a jackhammer and a chaser, along the joints, bushings, seams, it is necessary to make a chaser, the cross-section of which should be 25x25 millimeters. Then the surface is well cleaned of loose concrete and foreign objects, for this you should use a brush with a metal pile. The treated base is abundantly moistened, covered with a primer in one layer, and then β€œPenecrit” is applied. How exactly this should be implemented will be discussed below.

Mixture preparation

penekrit application instructions reviews

"Penecritus", the instructions for use of which should be known to every master who is going to use this composition during work, is initially prepared. You should not shut off too large a volume of the mixture that you cannot develop within half an hour from the moment of adding water. The optimum temperature of the liquid for mixing is twenty degrees. If you lower this value, then the setting time of the mortar mixture will be increased. If the temperature is increased, the setting time will be significantly reduced.

The dry mixture must be mixed with liquid using 0.18 liters per 1 kilogram of the mixture. You can use the ratio, while 1 part of water and 4 parts of the dry composition "Penecrit" should be added. The mortar mixture is mixed for 2 minutes, for this you can use a hand tool or a drill set to a low number of revolutions. It is important to obtain a thick, plasticine-like consistency, which is regularly mixed during use, which will maintain the viscosity.

Mix specialist advice

penekrit application instruction consumption

If you decide to use the Penecrit composition, you should definitely study the instructions for using this mixture. But you should take into account the recommendations of specialists, they do not advise adding water to an already finished composition.

Application of Penecrit solution

Work should be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. After 2 hours after applying the composition, the strobe must be filled manually using a screw mortar pump or spatula. The layer thickness at one time should not be more than 30 millimeters. If you have to work with deeper strobes, then the mixture is applied in several stages. As an alternative solution, you can fill the mixture with finely washed gravel, the size of which varies from 5 to 10 millimeters. Its volume can be 50 percent of the volume of the composition itself. After 2 hours, a certain amount of water should be applied to the stroba and adjacent areas, and then all should be treated with Penetron mixture. The consumption of the Penecrit dry mix with the strobe of the described sizes is 1.5 kilograms per linear meter.

penekrit application

Customer feedback on surface care

Quite often today, the Penecrit compound is used in the work. Instructions for use, reviews will allow you to eliminate errors. For example, a surface that has been treated with a composition must necessarily be protected from mechanical stress. In this case, the temperature should not fall below +5 degrees for 3 days. As noted by home craftsmen, the restored surface must be monitored for 3 days, so that the base remains moist. Consumers are advised to use periodic spraying of water or cover the surface with plastic wrap.

Penekrit instruction

Customer Reviews for Decorative Coatings and Precautions

It is necessary to apply any materials on the surfaces treated with Penecrit after 28 days. According to experts, this time can be increased or reduced, which will depend on the requirements for the use of finishing material. Among the additional conditions, the maximum allowable humidity of the concrete should be highlighted. Users are advised before applying decorative coatings on the surface that has been treated with "Penekrit" to clean the base mechanically, which will increase adhesion. Home craftsmen recommend working in alkali-resistant rubber gloves when using Penekrit. This composition has Portland cement among the ingredients, which can irritate the skin and eyes. Upon contact with water, the constituents form an alkali. "Penecrit", the use of which you will be exercising, should not get into your eyes; if this happens, they should be washed immediately with water and consult a doctor.

penekrit consumption

Characteristics and principle of operation

Penecrit can be used for waterproofing joints and cracks, but they should not be deformed. It can be used for cable leaks through cracks, seams and joints. Penecrit, the instruction for use of which will allow you to avoid a violation of technology, is an extremely plastic material, it has high adhesion to concrete and does not shrink. This compound is highly durable, has excellent adhesion to brick, metal and natural stone. In the manufacture of the material uses environmentally friendly raw materials, in addition, the mixture is safe from the point of view of radioactivity.

The mixture is approved for use in drinking water supply. Penecrit, the consumption of which was mentioned above, is certified, it can be freely used in various fields of construction. The action is based on the principles of non-shrink, the composition is waterproof, plastic and easy to use.


If you decide to use Penecrit in your work, instructions for use, consumption is not all that should interest you. Quite often, before acquiring a composition for this purpose, specialists are interested in the level of humidity, setting time, as well as bulk density and strength. In appearance, this mixture has the form of a loose powder with a gray color. It has no mechanical impurities, it is completely devoid of lumps. Humidity by mass does not exceed the rate of 0.3 percent, and the maximum setting time can reach 90 minutes, which will depend on the temperature of the water. In a loose standard state, the mixture has a bulk density of 1300 kilograms per cubic meter. Adhesion to concrete is 2 MPa. After seven days, the strength of the material is already 20, and after 28 days - 25 MPa.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20263/

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