What is a solar eclipse? Lunar and solar eclipses: when and why occur

Since ancient times, lunar and solar eclipses were considered a sign from above. Some peoples were afraid of such a phenomenon and were expecting the end of the world, while others were confident that something positive would happen soon. What is a solar eclipse, astrologers began to study for a long time. It was found that this is the most common natural phenomenon, which occurs not so rarely.

What is it like?

What is a solar eclipse, today every elementary school student knows. The earth moves around the sun, and the moon moves around our planet. Full or partial overlapping of the solar disk by the moon is called an eclipse. Earth, moon and sun become in one line. It is worth noting that an eclipse can only happen on a new moon. That is, when the Moon is impossible to notice from the Earth at all.

what is a solar eclipse
It is not always possible to see a total eclipse. Overlapping the solar disk depends on what orbit in a certain period of time the Earth’s satellite moves . Most often you can see a partial eclipse. People who are busy with their own affairs and do not pay attention to the sun, can generally skip the natural phenomenon. Visually, a partial eclipse is similar to twilight. In the afternoon, the street can only become a little darker. It may seem like it will rain soon.

Astrologers have long been able to calculate how many solar eclipses per year occur on average. This phenomenon is not so rare and is repeated 5-6 times. Most often, the sun is closed by the moon no more than 70%. At the same time, it is not possible to observe a natural phenomenon from all points of the globe. In addition, the eclipse can last very short. Complete overlap of the solar disk can last no more than 10 minutes.

And what is a lunar eclipse?

A beautiful natural phenomenon can be observed not only in the daytime. At night, every now and then can see a lunar eclipse. It represents the overlapping of the lunar disk with the shadow of the Earth. Most often, a total eclipse can be observed in that part of the planet where the moon at the time of the natural phenomenon is above the horizon. During an eclipse, the Earth’s satellite does not completely disappear. Observers can see the outlines of the moon, painted in bright orange. This is due to the fact that even at the time of the eclipse, the Moon continues to hit the sun's rays with even greater intensity.

when will the next solar eclipse
Lunar eclipses happen much less often than solar ones. This phenomenon can be observed no more than twice a year. Complete overlapping of the Earth satellite disk is quite rare. People do not attach great importance to the lunar eclipse. Most often, this natural phenomenon is ignored. In fact, everything that happens in nature affects human health and behavior. Therefore, it is better for hypersensitive people to prepare in advance for such a phenomenon as a lunar eclipse.

Types of lunar and solar eclipses

Identical eclipses are repeated quite rarely. Depending on which part of the celestial body is obscured by a shadow, partial and total eclipses are distinguished. With a total solar eclipse, twilight occurs only at a certain point on the globe. At this time, happy observers can only see the outlines of the solar disk. This phenomenon is considered quite rare and unique. More often, an incomplete solar eclipse occurs when the moon covers only a small piece of the solar disk. Such a natural phenomenon can no longer be called unique. It is worth noting that the same eclipse can be full and partial for observers from different corners of the planet.

solar eclipse 1999
Lunar eclipses are also full and partial. If a satellite falls completely into the shadow of the Earth, it is not lost from the field of view. The shape of the moon can still be observed. At the same time, the night celestial body acquires a bright shade. The sun's rays continue to illuminate the moon. A partial eclipse is an overlap of the celestial body on only one side. This phenomenon is very similar to the new moon. In most cases, people do not even suspect that an eclipse is occurring in the night sky.

The effect of solar eclipse on humans

Any natural phenomena affect the general condition of the human body. Hypersensitive people are especially affected. They can feel deterioration several days before the eclipse. People aged can feel a headache, general weakness, chronic diseases are exacerbated. Many have to limit their activity and be more attentive to their health. Hypersensitive people should clarify in advance when the next solar eclipse will be. On the day of the heavenly appearance, it is advisable to generally stay at home. It is not recommended to go out also to completely healthy people.

Pregnant women are sensitive not only to solar, but also to lunar eclipses. Doctors advise not to be under the open rays of the heavenly body during a natural phenomenon. This is fraught not only with poor health, but also with fetal developmental pathologies. When two luminaries are at one point, their energy has a strong effect on a person. At best, a young woman in a position will feel a severe headache, and at worst, premature birth can begin. Meanwhile, people from ancient times have noticed that children born at the time of a solar or lunar eclipse have good health and are successful in life.

how to observe a solar eclipse
The effect of solar eclipse on humans is also considered by psychologists. It is believed that during such natural phenomena, the mind and emotional sphere of people is too vulnerable. During eclipses, you should not solve complex problems. And people who suffer from mental disorders cannot be left unattended. It is during lunar or solar eclipses that suicides most often occur.

How to observe a solar eclipse?

Although a unique natural phenomenon has a negative effect on human health, it is impossible to ignore it. A solar eclipse is really very beautiful. But in order to observe it without harm to health, some rules must be observed. In no case should you look at the celestial body without protective devices. Many do not know how to observe a solar eclipse correctly and use a telescope or binoculars for this purpose. With the help of these devices you can only see the celestial body at a closer distance. But first of all, it is necessary to take care of eye safety.

the effect of solar eclipse
You can not look at the eclipse also through sunglasses or smoky glass. These things do not fully protect against direct rays. With a long examination of the heavenly body, you can get a retinal burn. How to observe a solar eclipse correctly? In order to see a unique celestial phenomenon without harm to health, it is necessary to use special solar filters. You can buy them in specialized stores of photo and video equipment. Without a protective device, only a complete overlap of the celestial body can be observed. The effect of a solar eclipse on the eyes at this moment is minimal. But to determine visually, there is a complete overlap of the solar disk, or only partial, can only a real professional.

You can use solar filters on your own or with binoculars. The second option is preferable for those who want to see all the details of the eclipse. Those who want to capture the moment in a photo or video should also not forget about filters.

The effect of eclipses on nature

Few people know that celestial phenomena affect not only human health, but also in nature. A few weeks or days before the eclipse, the weather can change dramatically. Often in warm May frosts begin, and in the winter warm days unexpectedly come. But such changes in nature are absolutely harmless. But an eclipse can provoke even more dangerous changes in nature. These include tsunamis and hurricanes. It has long been noticed that during lunar and solar eclipses, the activity of the World Ocean increases several times. When will the next solar eclipse, every captain of the ship should know. This is the only way to avoid tragedy. Long trips by sea are not recommended to be planned on the day when a natural phenomenon should occur.

solar eclipse in Moscow
The most dangerous changes in nature occur where a total lunar or solar eclipse can be observed. Scientists around the world are studying an unusual natural phenomenon. Already today it was possible to find out what a solar eclipse is and when it will happen next time. The schedule of celestial phenomena is scheduled for decades to come. Thanks to the hard work of astrologers, many natural disasters can be avoided and protected from tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes.

1999 Solar Eclipse

One of the brightest solar eclipses occurred on August 11, 1999. Almost all the inhabitants of Europe could observe the complete overlap of the disk of the heavenly body. Most fortunate enough to observers in Bucharest. Such a natural phenomenon in the 20th century could be seen for the first time. The total eclipse did not last very long. For a unique phenomenon, people could observe no more than three minutes.

Observers could see the solar eclipse in Moscow only partially. The solar disk was blocked only by 70%. Despite this, there were many who wanted to see a unique heavenly phenomenon. And this is no coincidence. Indeed, the fact that a solar eclipse will occur, national television channels began to talk in a few weeks. Entrepreneurs also did not lag behind. Special disposable glasses appeared on sale, with the help of which it was possible to look at the sun without harm to eyesight.

The solar eclipse time was limited. However, everyone could see how the moon covers the solar disk. This action was truly unique. Some artists even described a natural phenomenon in their works. For example, Elena Voinarovskaya wrote a whole poem, which was called "the sun, do not disappear." The eclipse is also described in the first part of the famous Day Watch.

A unique eclipse of the 21st century

The younger generation already knows what a solar eclipse is. But how this phenomenon occurs, many students have not been able to see before. The situation was corrected in March 2015. On this day, a natural phenomenon occurred, which many will remember for a long time. On March 20, residents of the CIS countries were able to see the solar eclipse. Astrologers note that the most difficult period was from March 16 to April 8. The influence of solar eclipse on humans at this time was the strongest. People with chronic diseases felt exacerbation of ailments. But there was a positive side. An eclipse is the time it takes for a huge amount of energy to come out. Those who used it wisely managed to make successful deals and make the necessary acquaintances.

solar eclipse time
The inhabitants of the planet could observe a total eclipse in the Arctic and in the North Atlantic Ocean. In Russia, the process could best be considered in the city of Murmansk. The solar eclipse in Moscow began at about 1 p.m. It was possible to observe it only partially. Many residents of the metropolis did not even pay attention to the fact that the sun hid behind the moon. It was possible to see the eclipse only with the help of special devices.

When will the eclipse be observed next time?

Scientists have long studied the nature of various celestial phenomena. When and where will the solar eclipse be next time? This can be found out now. Throughout the 21st century, 224 solar eclipses are due. Only 68 of them will be complete. But much more attention deserves ring-shaped eclipses. That was the 1999 solar eclipse. The next, which residents of Europe and the CIS countries will be able to observe, will occur on February 26, 2017. In the same year, on August 21 there will be a total eclipse, the duration of which will be only 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

What should be remembered?

Those who want to witness a unique natural phenomenon should prepare in advance. Solar eclipse time is limited. Therefore, you should know in advance the exact hours of its onset. You can always hear about a total or partial eclipse in the news or find out on astrological sites. Information is reported several weeks before the occurrence of a natural phenomenon.

Eclipse can affect health. First of all, the eyes are affected. Do not look at the sky without special protective equipment. On March 20, only those with protective filters could see the solar eclipse. You can buy them today without any problems in a specialized store.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20266/

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