Dachshund character - selfless and loving!

Breeders of this breed know that the dachshund character has a solid, confident, it is full of energy dog. She is gentle, proud and courageous. Due to its flexible nature, it easily adapts to the owners. She gets along well with people and is always devoted to her family.

The dachshund will show its character when protecting the owner. She will selflessly rush at the offender, despite the threat that may arise. Nevertheless, one should not forget that the dachshund was inherited by a freedom-loving and independent from the ancestors of the hunting breed. These dogs are difficult to train. The dachshunds have a perfectly developed watchman instinct, they selflessly protect the house, their owner and his property. They like to bark and are sometimes very noisy. Therefore, do not buy a fee for a small child. The small size of the dachshund surprisingly does not match its powerful and very loud, booming voice, which can scare the baby.

Dogs get along well with older children, as well as with adults, they quickly adapt to the character of the child and play with him. Also, a dachshund can perfectly hide its wayward character in order to make friends with other animals, but it can sometimes be jealous if the owner pays too much attention to someone.

In general, these dogs behave as individuals, they are cunning, curious and independent. Their actions are logical and consistent. Therefore, the dachshund is rightfully considered one of the smartest breeds.

Dachshund is an old hunting breed that was bred in Germany. Hunting with a dachshund is a very common hobby for men. Its very appearance immediately suggests that this dog is intended for narrow and long burrows. Having a squat physique and an elongated face, the dachshund without much effort pursues the beast in the hole. Having an excellent scent, this dog easily follows the trail and finds prey. But before you let the dog follow the trail into the hole, you should find out who lives in this hole. Indeed, if a badger is found there instead of a fox, there is a threat to lose the dog. Badger is the heaviest prey for dachshunds. An adult weighs up to 20 kg, but in addition to its mass its teeth and claws are dangerous. Having become furious, an aggressive badger is capable of inflicting serious injuries on a dog.

Therefore, hunters give particular preference to shorthaired dachshund. Its coat protects the dog from cold and overheating, from snow, rain, splinters and thorns, and also, very importantly, from the teeth of a predator. It is clear that having such a “bulletproof vest” will make it easier for a dog to cope with various hunting conditions. But do not think that the long-haired dachshund will be worse. She will try no less.

But to grow from a dachshund a good friend or an excellent hunter is not enough just training. No less important is the nutrition of the dachshund, especially in puppyhood.

Dachshund puppies can be accustomed to various eating patterns, but it’s best to feed the dog daily in small portions - several times. Puppies of dachshunds at the age of 3 months should be fed every 3 hours, from 4 to 8 months - 3 times a day, and after a year, once or twice. In this case, puppies are fed before going for a walk, because immediately after eating they need to use the toilet, while adult dogs should be fed after.

When feeding, it should be remembered that this breed is quite voracious and prone to obesity, therefore, feeding should be coordinated with physical activity. Food must certainly be warm, at room temperature. Hot or too cold food is bad for dogs. It is not advisable to salt food. Salt is bad for dachshunds.

Often, breeders and owners adhere to the formula 40 grams of feed per 1 kg of animal weight. But if the dog does not eat up, it's okay, this may mean that the animal ate less food.

Thus, the regimes and composition of nutrition in dachshunds at different ages are different. The regimen for pregnant and lactating dachshunds is also different. But regardless of feeding, one should not forget that the dog must have water. The need for fluid increases in the summer, and when feeding with dry feed. Therefore, access to fresh water, the dachshund should always be.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20270/

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