Child and constructor: creative workshop at home

The development of a modern child is difficult to imagine without a constructor. Both boys and girls like him. Children can play with him, starting from six months of age. A huge assortment allows you to choose any composition, size and type.

What is the use of a constructor?

Everyone knows that games with a constructor are useful. The child acts by connecting the blocks together, while the small muscles of the arm develop, because you need to hold the parts, make efforts to connect them. The construction process from the parts of the designer also develops coordination, because you need to accurately combine the details, getting the spikes of one block into the grooves of another.

Since the blocks for the designer are produced, as a rule, multi-colored, the color perception of the child also develops, which remembers and distinguishes red, blue, yellow and other details.

Parts of designers come in different sizes, which helps to consolidate the smallest ability to distinguish size, recognize and find large and small blocks.

house designer

The universal component of any game

The themes of children's games are quite diverse, it is difficult to find a toy that would be useful in any game. However, there is a rare case of manifestation of universality: if the baby has a designer, you can create any model at home - transport, buildings and even animals.

For example, playing in cars, a child not only uses parts of a designer to create cars, but also as a “load” for a dump truck, as bricks for building a garage and road. In a tea drinking situation played out with dolls, the details can become a “cookie”; when playing in a store, they can play the role of money or goods. The construction process can become interesting and fascinating, because a huge number of different buildings can be created by the designer: houses, wells, towers, garages, palaces and others.

LEGO and other manufacturers: buy cheap or high quality?

Modern industry offers consumers a huge selection of children's developmental kits. One of the most common and high-quality is the LEGO constructor. There may be several different sets at home, but it is desirable that they be compatible with each other. Arriving at the children's store, the buyer first of all notes that LEGO sets are a little more expensive than similar toys from other manufacturers. Of course, parents can buy a child and a designer cheaper, but, having bought legally compatible blocks, you need to be prepared for the fact that they do not always align evenly. The child will be nervous due to the fact that the blocks do not fit snugly, and instead of the joy of creativity will receive the chagrin of meeting difficulties.

Lego House Designer

Little architect and designer houses

Can a conventional constructor be used for children's construction? Houses and other buildings can be created by connecting the blocks together. However, it will be much more interesting for the child to play with a special building constructor. Today you can find a huge number of them, for every taste, age and wallet. Manufacturers offer small wooden, plastic or ceramic bricks, windows, doors and even special cement. Operations and manipulations with such a constructor are as close as possible to these conditions and will allow you to learn new knowledge about the construction process, try them in practice. Kids are very fond of imitating adults in their activities. Having received such a toy, the child will feel like a real architect, who can design and build anything, showing his creativity. We will call another advantage that distinguishes such a designer: a house for children leaves the right to make a mistake, that is, you can always disassemble and remake the created building by immersing it for some time in water.

All children love to disassemble different objects and toys in parts. Without this, their development does not pass. This is not just destructive actions, so the child learns the world. Provide the baby with the opportunity to disassemble and assemble will help the acquisition of the designer.

What is the best way to store?

Many parents are afraid that if a child sits behind a constructor, a lot of parts will be scattered around the floor at home. This problem can be solved by properly organizing storage. Boxes should be strong and comfortable so that the baby can easily get out and collect particles. It is better to use small but wide containers to provide more access to details, then children will not have to pour the contents onto the floor to pick up the right part.

designer house for children

The designer develops the child’s imagination, and her direction is suggested by various series and collections. These are policemen, doctors, cooks, robots and fantastic characters. Within the framework of a set of topics, children can improvise, showing ingenuity and imagination. For children who are fond of cars, there are technical kits, for little architects - construction, for adventure lovers - pirated, as well as many other stories.


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