What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries: the basic principles of difference

Now few gardeners think about what he grows on his site: strawberries or strawberries. Moreover, most with confidence call this berry strawberries. But is it really so and what are the significant features that distinguish these berries among themselves?

The main differences between strawberries and strawberries

Recently, many began to wonder how strawberries differ from strawberries, what is the difference between these berries and the cultivation of which one to give preference. Before giving answers to these questions, it is necessary to analyze the positive and negative characteristics of these two representatives.

Forest strawberries are now very widespread. What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries? In strawberries, the berries are smaller in size, have a characteristic dark purple color, the pulp is very fragrant. Garden strawberries have larger berries with excellent taste characteristics, very juicy, slightly sour.

The presence of nutrients in strawberries and strawberries

It is important to know not only how strawberries differ from strawberries, but also how useful these berries are and by the presence of which nutrients they are characterized by. In strawberries there is a presence of sugar of about 9%, plant acid about 1.5%, protein 1.5%, pectin 1.4%. But strawberries, to the surprise of many, have a fairly large amount of vitamin C. If you properly care for garden strawberries, then in the first year of planting, you can get a crop. For five years, this plant brings abundant crops without transplantation, and in the future requires a change in the place of cultivation.

The principles of difference between strawberries and strawberries

The difference between strawberries and strawberries is becoming more interesting, since many are now trying to determine what they grow on their site. The fruits of strawberries ripen quite early, when there are no other berries in the garden. That is what it attracts the attention of gardeners and gardeners. But strawberries do not have such large berries as strawberries, but they are more fragrant and have slightly elongated proportions.

what is different strawberries from strawberries

The most interesting thing is that strawberries have female and male plants. Some of them have flowers with one stamen that are not able to bear fruit. It is they who are male. But the other part of these plants contains only pistils, which further contributes to the formation of fruits. These plants are female.

what is the difference between strawberries and strawberries what is the difference

Now it becomes more clear how strawberries differ from strawberries and why the latter is less profitable to grow. After all, if you do not pollinate it, then the yield may drop to zero.

Flowers in garden strawberries can be bisexual, they are also called perfect. They are capable of selfing. Strawberries bloom with the onset of steady heat, and begins to bear fruit earlier than other garden berries. However, its fruits in the biological sense are a false berry.

The main differences between strawberries and strawberries

Strawberry is a bisexual plant. She has plants male and female. But garden strawberries have bisexual flowers. This is what takes priority in the question of how strawberries differ from strawberries.

what is the difference between strawberries and strawberries

Berries of strawberries are much larger, yield is much higher due to self-pollination of flowers. Because of this, the cultivation of strawberries in the garden becomes unprofitable. This is another point that answers the question of how strawberries differ from strawberries.

what is the difference between garden strawberries and strawberries

Many practicing gardeners have realized that it is unprofitable to grow strawberries on a small plot, because with plentiful flowering, it gives fairly low yields. It is able to please your eye with a riot of color, but the number of berries can even upset. Therefore, many summer residents now prefer garden strawberries, which are less whimsical and give much more yield. And her berries are much larger. Only here the aroma that distinguishes strawberries from strawberries cannot be obtained, no matter which variety you prefer. It is he who symbolizes what distinguishes strawberries from strawberries. There are still true connoisseurs of this berry in our country who, despite everything, continue to grow it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20285/

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