Eucharis does not bloom - what to do? Eucharis (Amazonian lily): description, photo, features of growing at home

Eucharis is a beautiful indoor flower. It is also called the Amazonian Lily. She is able to decorate any interior. Especially high decorative qualities of the plant is famous during flowering. However, under adverse environmental conditions or improper care, eucharis may stop flowering. This may upset his hosts.

There are several reasons why eucharis does not bloom. What to do if the Amazonian lily has weakened, the advice of experienced specialists will help to solve. They will tell you some tips that will help restore the beauty of the flower.

general description

Eucharis is translated from the ancient Greek language as "beautiful, most magnificent." These indoor flowers (photo below) grows from a bulb. They belong to the amaryllis family. The genus of the presented plant has more than 20 different species. They cross well with each other. Due to this ability, hybrid species of eucharis are often found in the wild.

Eucharis does not bloom what to do

In addition, the presented flower can interbreed with the closest related species of the amaryllis family. In the wild, this plant is common in Central and South America.

Eucharis (Amazonian lily) is most often found at the foot of the Andes from Colombia. Also, this plant can often be found in the Amazon. Due to this distribution in nature, this plant is called Amazonian lily. Eucharis was introduced to Europe in the 19th century. Today, this plant is actively grown throughout the continent.


Eucharis is an evergreen plant. These indoor flowers (photo below) have oval leaves. They are quite wide, can reach 15 cm. The leaves have a dark green color.

Indoor Flowers Photo

Eucharis blooms with beautiful white flowers. They are large enough and emit a pleasant aroma. They grow on a long petiole. Its height can reach 45-65 cm. 3-6 buds are formed on the petiole. In some cases, there may be more. If the conditions for the growth of the flower are suitable, the buds bloom beautifully.

As a houseplant, eucharis can live for several decades. Since this plant has been cultivated in our country for a long time, it managed to adapt to existing conditions. With proper care, Amazonian lily can bloom two to three times a year. However, the presented plant is quite demanding on the growing conditions.

Propagation and flowering

Amazonian lily propagates vegetatively. Due to this, the plant rarely grows in the wild alone. It is necessary to ensure proper care at home. Eucharis (photo of the plant, presented below) in this case has a high decorative effect.

Eucharis photo home care

Bulb eucharis grows. They can have a diameter of 20-60 mm. From one bulb, up to 4 leaves can grow simultaneously.

The flowering period most often falls on August or September. However, there are cases when the plant blooms in other periods of time. This process depends on the conditions in which eucharis grows. During flowering, a gentle pleasant aroma spreads throughout the room. Therefore, flower growers are so interested in providing the right conditions for distillation of the buds of this plant.

Pot selection

There are several recommendations that allow for high decorativeness. To do this, it is important to pay attention to proper care at home. Eucharis (photo of a healthy plant is presented below) will look beautiful.

Indoor Eucharis

You need to start by choosing the right pot. Amazonian lily feels good in a cramped space. The pot should not be too big. In one container, you can even plant several bulbs at once. Otherwise, the strength of the plant will go to the development of the bulb. In this case, there is no question of flowering.

If eucharis feels a little constrained, it begins to bloom. This is possible only when the flower reaches a certain level of development. At this time, the appearance of the shoots can be observed. Experienced growers are advised to choose narrow but deep containers for Amazonian lilies. The presence of several bulbs in one pot increases the decorative qualities of the flower.

Choosing a place for a flower

Many flower growers notice that their eucharis does not bloom. What to do, prompt advice from specialists. It is important to choose the right place for the growth of Amazonian lilies. A plant loves light. But the sun's rays must be scattered. If they directly hit the leaves, especially in the afternoon hours, this can lead to burns.

Why eucharis does not bloom at home

The plant feels best on the windowsills of windows that open to the west or east. In the summer, you can grow a flower on the open balcony, veranda or terrace. However, it is necessary to provide for a high-quality dimming of the leaves of eucharis. If suddenly a cold snap occurs, the Amazonian lily should be brought into the room. This is a thermophilic plant. It does not endure cooling.

It is also extremely important to provide the plant with rest twice a year. At this time, it is worth moving the eucharis to a darker place, for example, just put it in the room. After a period of rest, eucharis can bloom. The plant will be able to accumulate strength while in the stage of sleep.

Temperature and humidity

There are several reasons why eucharis does not bloom. What to do will help to understand recommendations for proper care. It is important to maintain the correct temperature and humidity.

Flowering eucharis

This is a thermophilic plant. It needs to maintain air temperature at a level not lower than 18 ΒΊ in the summer and not less than 13 ΒΊ in the winter. Sharp jumps in these indicators should also be avoided. If the temperature drops, then gradually. If the problem is precisely the wrong level of air heating, the flowers can be significantly smaller than usual.

Humidity can remain at an average level. Spraying with a spray can only be done during the growing season. However, moisture should not be allowed to enter the buds. Otherwise, they will become spotty. This affects the appearance of the flowers.


The consequences of improper care can be observed when the leaves turn yellow and die off in eucharis. This may occur due to excessive watering of the plant. Do not worry if only one or a couple of leaves turn yellow. If there will be more, you need to revise the irrigation regime. This situation can occur with a lack of moisture. Also, sudden changes in temperature lead to yellowing of the foliage.

Bulbs of eucharis

Bulbous plants are sensitive to moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to water eucharis sparingly. The substrate in which the flower grows should not be too dry or, conversely, waterlogged. As an indicator, you can use the topsoil.

Water the Amazonian lily with soft water. It must first be defended within a few days. Melt or rain water is suitable for these purposes (if there are no large industries in the area). This contributes to the harmonious development of the plant. However, during the rest period, you need to adhere to a different watering schedule.

Watering at rest

Eucharis bulbs are very sensitive to both deficiency and excess moisture. However, in the resting stage, the plant does not require frequent watering. This period begins after the buds wither. When they fall, eucharis begins to accumulate strength for further growth. During this period, it is better to reduce the number of irrigations.

The duration of this period is about a month. At this time, the topsoil should remain dry. Only at the bottom of the pot should the soil be slightly moist. To do this, watering is very rare. In this case, the amount of water should be minimal.

If you pour too much onion, it can begin to rot. This will be especially noticeable in the cold season. In the summer months, on the contrary, you need to ensure that the soil does not dry too much. Evaporation is much faster. The flower during the rest consumes water, but in small quantities.


In some cases, the absence of flowering Amazonian lilies for a long time is caused by the need to transplant. This will be noticeable to the naked eye. The pot is filled with a large number of new processes. It becomes more difficult for an adult plant to obtain the necessary nutritional components from the soil.

It should be noted that transplantation of eucharis should be carried out no more than once every 4 years. The plant does not tolerate this procedure. Therefore, it is important to preserve the earthen lump in which eucharis grows. If the usual conditions are violated, the plant may become ill and even die.

The transplant is performed in March. The new container must have drainage holes. This will prevent moisture stagnation. You also need to fill up a sufficiently thick layer of drainage. He is covered with soil. This plant is suitable for loose soil with good air permeability and neutral composition. It is recommended to purchase such a substrate in a specialized store.

The bulb does not need to be deepened during transplantation. It is installed in a prepared container and sprinkled with earth.

Top dressing

There are several more reasons why eucharis does not bloom at home. This plant needs proper nutrition. Fertilizers do not need to be applied too often. However, periodically the plant needs to be fed with special components.

Eucharis needs additional enrichment of the soil with fertilizers during the growing season. At this time, the procedure is carried out with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks. In this case, it is worth choosing complex mineral and organic compounds. They will give the plant strength, will contribute to the formation of large, healthy buds. They will emit a pleasant smell.

As soon as the Amazonian lily ceases to bloom, top dressing must be stopped. During this period, the flower is in a dormant state. It builds strength after flowering. The duration of this period is about 4 weeks. After this bait can be resumed.

Plant propagation

Indoor eucharis is a beautiful plant. It gives a lot of processes, which also gradually develop, adding a flower of density. Over time, the Amazonian lily will need to be transplanted. In this case, the grower must decide whether to leave these processes along with the uterine plant or whether it is better to transplant them.

Experts recommend leaving the shoots. In this case, eucharis is rolled out of the pot. Bulbs and roots remain in an earthen coma. This is the most gentle way to transplant. However, if necessary, the processes can be planted.

To do this, they are carefully separated from the uterine plant and transplanted into a pot prepared in advance. At this time, the plant needs to be especially protected. Lighting should be bright, but diffuse. Drafts should be avoided. Transplanted plants are left at rest. They are not watered for about 2 weeks.

Plant distillation

Blooming Eucharis can bloom at almost any time of the year. You can even coincide this process with a certain period of time, for example, for the New Year, birthday, etc.

The plant must be completely healthy for this. Its watering is stopped. The substrate should become completely dry. This lasts for 4 weeks. Room temperature should not exceed 15 ΒΊ.

After a month, the bulb must be removed from the soil and wrapped in polyethylene. Next, you need to prepare a thermos with hot water. Its temperature should be 63-65 ΒΊ. The bulb is immersed in a thermos with water. After a day, the plant needs to be transplanted into the prepared soil. It should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients.

The temperature in the room should be kept at about 24 ΒΊ. When the arrow of the peduncle appears, you can reduce the heating in the room by several degrees.

Having considered why eucharis does not bloom, what to do in this case, you can take appropriate actions to improve the conditions for its growth. In this case, Amazonian lily will throw beautiful white buds two or even three times a year.


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