"Penopleks": sound insulation and its qualities

The Penoplex material is quite common today. Soundproofing of this type appeared on the market relatively recently, but this did not prevent it from gaining its rightful place among competitive materials. One of the features of "Penoplex" is expressed in low cost along with outstanding quality characteristics. Among other things, the material copes with the influence of external factors.

The main features of Penoplex

foam insulation

If you decide to use Penoplex, this type of insulation will not only protect against noise, but also from exposure to cold. An extrusion unit first appeared in America, and it happened more than half a century ago. Under the influence of temperature and significant pressure, polystyrene granules begin to foam. The catalyst for this operation is carbon dioxide, as well as light freon. In appearance , the paste resembles cream that has been thoroughly whipped with a mixer. The mass is outside under the influence of the forces of the extrusion plant, then the freon is evaporated, and the cavities are filled with air. It is the production method, which is called extrusion, that allows you to get material that has small pores, while all cells of this structure are well isolated and do not have combined access. The diameter of these cells varies from 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters. Throughout the structure, they are evenly spaced.

If applied in the Penoplex work, noise insulation of this kind will be able to provide significant coating strength. This quality is due to the above characteristics.

Benefits of Penoplex

foam insulation

If we consider the advantages of Penoplex, then we can distinguish a lot of them. Above all, consumers value the low water absorption capacity. This characteristic can be considered one of the most important. This quality is appreciated for the reason that such materials are often used in conditions that are characterized by high humidity, temperature changes, which leads to the formation of condensate. However, it must be taken into account that it is worth protecting open sections of the material, since they are capable of absorbing moisture, because there the cells are open.

Thermal conductivity

foam like noise insulation reviews

You can be sure that the material has an insignificant indicator of thermal conductivity if you choose Penoplex. Soundproofing of this type has a thermal conductivity in the range of 0.03 W / m ยท 0C. Low thermal conductivity and significant ability to moisture rejection will allow the use of "Penoplex" canvases on absolutely any object. But it can be strengthened not only on the walls, but also in the basement, as well as on the roof systems.

Low vapor permeability

penoplex ceiling insulation

Sound insulation "Penopleks" perfectly retains steam. In view of this, this material is sometimes compared with a roofing material. It is possible to use Penoplex for a long time, during the period of operation it will persistently undergo external negative factors. The plates of the described insulator perfectly tolerate many thawing and freezing cycles, while the canvas does not lose its qualities. The manufacturer claims the service life of Penoplex, which is estimated at half a century. And if fastening is done correctly, using technology, then this period can be increased.

Strength and other qualities

Sound insulation "Penoplex" has a high degree of strength. This indicates that the material can undergo high loads and pressure. These qualities are due to the fact that the basis of the material is small bubbles that do not allow the canvas to shrink. Using the plates is quite simple, and if necessary they can be simply cut. It is necessary to use a knife for this, the structure does not crumble at all. You can work with Penoplex in any weather, this does not affect its quality, in addition, the layer should not be protected from exposure to the sun. Among the outstanding qualities can be identified and environmental safety. And you can use almost any materials in tandem with this insulation from noise, since it does not react with them.

"Penoplex" as sound insulation (reviews speak for themselves) copes with the task. Consumers say that after its installation in the room it becomes not only quieter, but also much warmer. You can buy this material at an affordable price, which is also very popular with customers. It works very well in the Penoplex living quarters. Soundproofing the ceiling with this material is very simple. The canvas is plastic and elastic, which simplifies its fastening to the frame. This quality is extremely important for those private craftsmen who do not have special skills in conducting such work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20291/

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