Curd "Rastishka": composition, nutritional value, tips and reviews

How and what to feed their children in each family, mothers decide in their own way. Today, the choice of products for baby food is so wide that parents literally run their eyes at the store. And what can we say about the kids who freeze in front of the counters with multi-colored jars and advertising bottles. But is it worth it to buy them for your precious children? And are there components in their contents that are useful to the child? On these topics, mothers argue very often, because modern babies often have a food allergy and the choice of products for them should be approached especially carefully. Yielding to colorful and well-shot commercials, parents regularly buy their children “Rastishka” cottage cheese from “Danone”. It is positioned as a product for children, containing a daily dose of calcium, necessary for the growth of children. However, many experts and mothers in the reviews claim that this statement is nothing more than a tricky advertising move. Is this really so, we will try to find out in this article devoted to the curd "Rastishka".

Range of products from Danone

This company has been operating on the Russian market for a long time and produces products not only for children, but also for adults. Their assortment is quite wide, but usually it is with the Rastishka curds that the child begins to get acquainted with the products of this brand. Today, on the shelves of shops you can find several types of curds, the following varieties are most popular among children:

  • Packaging for the smallest. Such curds are sold only in four pieces, that is, in packaging. Each jar contains forty-five grams of product. Interestingly, the manufacturer combined the flavors in each package of cottage cheese. For example, you can choose strawberries and apricots. If these tastes do not suit your baby, then try wild berries and peach pears. Little gourmets will surely like the combination of strawberry-banana and ice cream.
  • Tutus for older kids. If your child has already grown up and is happy to gobble up the cottage cheese “Rastishka” in one sitting, then it's time to switch to one-hundred-per-cent packages. Such a volume of product will be an excellent snack or a full dessert. Similar appearance is represented by three flavors: strawberries, banana and apple-pear.
  • Cottage cheese with cookies. This novelty has already attracted the kids. They enthusiastically gobble up the cottage cheese "Rastishka" strawberry-banana, after pouring cookies into the jar in the shape of the alphabet. Many mothers write in reviews that children like to make words out of them, and then quickly eat them.
  • "Rastishka" ice cream curd. This product is also new. In composition, it does not differ from ordinary curd, but has a small addition to the packaging in the form of multi-colored sticks. They can be lowered into packaging and the product can be frozen. Then it is supposed to be used as ice cream.

Judging by the numerous photos of the cottage cheese "Rastishka" on various resources, this product is very popular. In addition, reviews are often given.

positive reviews

Short description

If you look at any photo of the cottage cheese "Rastishka", you can get a reliable idea of ​​the contents of each jar. The manufacturer gives information about the curd on each package.

The Danone company characterized it with several adjectives:

  • cottage cheese;
  • termized;
  • non-greasy;
  • fortified;
  • enriched with minerals.

The fat content of the product in gram packaging is three and a half percent.

It is interesting that the manufacturer constantly fuels the interest of children in their product with various stocks. Often stickers, toys or puzzles are attached to the packaging. Usually they are all made in China.

the composition of the product

Composition and calorie content

When we talk about a product for children, it is very important to consider all its features, including calorie content. If we consider a standard pack of one hundred grams, then its calorie content is equivalent to one hundred and fifteen kilocalories. At the same time, the curd contains six and three tenths of a gram of protein, three and five tenths of a gram of fat, and fourteen and a half grams of carbohydrates.

The composition of the cottage cheese “Rastishka” of different types is almost identical, however, depending on the taste, differences can be found. We cannot give a description of all kinds in the article, but for an example we take the same one-hundred-gram product with strawberries. The main components of the curd are:

  • skimmed milk;
  • cream;
  • sugar.

Also included are:

  • curd leaven;
  • rennet extract;
  • fruit supplement (in this case, strawberries).

The greatest suspicion among parents is caused by the following group of components:

  • sugar syrup;
  • acidity regulator;
  • thickeners (including guar gum and E1422);
  • dyes;
  • flavorings identical to natural.

In addition to the components already listed, the curd contains potassium iodide and vitamin D. It is these substances, together with calcium, that are considered the most useful for babies.

assortment of curds

Description of useful properties

The manufacturer in advertising and on specialized sites extols the useful properties of the curd, which, according to the assurances of the Danone specialists, help the baby grow healthy.

According to their data, the curd promotes bone growth due to protein and calcium in each package. An important characteristic of the product is the presence of substances such as methionine and tryptophan. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and even, according to some reports, improve the interaction between neurons in the brain. In addition, these substances normalize digestion. When it comes to babies, this property is very important and sometimes determining in the choice of product.

Everyone knows that children are in the phase of active growth, therefore, they need vitamins and minerals in larger quantities than adults. The manufacturer claims that the “Rastishka” in the form of a curd promotes the formation of new cells in the body. It also helps the growth of immune bodies and enzymes.

Judging by the reviews about the cottage cheese "Rastishka", it is its unique composition that encourages parents to purchase this product. And interesting and colorful advertising interests them with children who will certainly ask the cottage cheese from their parents in the store.

Baby curd: product for the first feeding

Most parents consider it very important to introduce cottage cheese to the baby on time. But in this case we are talking about a baby product, the characteristics of which not all mothers can name.

All experts in the field of baby food argue that the curd should be cooked at the factory, and not at home. The fact is that the product for the first feeding needs special treatment, which parents can not always provide. If the baby is healthy, then every day by the year he can calmly absorb up to forty grams of cottage cheese. However, it should be just childish. On this we want to draw the attention of parents. Pediatricians give the main characteristics of a similar product:

  • packaging not more than fifty grams;
  • the shelf life varies within two weeks, but on average it is ten days;
  • does not contain fruit additives.

It is also important to look at the packaging, where there should be a special age marking.

Flavors tastes

Curd or curd product: compare and draw conclusions

Usually parents have a poor idea of ​​the difference between cottage cheese and cottage cheese product. And for feeding the baby, they can be crucial. So, remember that the curd product undergoes additional heat treatment. This occurs after ripening. Therefore, on the packaging, the manufacturer indicates that the product is termized.

Usually, substances prolonging the shelf life are added to such curds. On average, similar products are stored for about a month.

It is common practice to add fruit additives to the curd product. In order for them to coexist peacefully with the contents of the packaging in the form of lactic acid bacteria, it is subjected to additional heat treatment.

Modified starch is also added to most curd products. It is often confused with genetically modified, although these two types of starch have nothing in common.

Thus, having made even a superficial comparative analysis, we can conclude that the baby curd is several times more useful than the curd product, which is not recommended for taking the baby’s first feeding.

introduction to the diet of a child cottage cheese

"Rastishka": can it be used for feeding

Often, mothers take this product in order to introduce their taste to the baby up to a year. Usually this is done thanks to commercials where the cottage cheese “Rastishka” is called children's. However, such a parental approach is erroneous.

Specialists in the nutrition of babies argue that the cottage cheese from Danone cannot be a complete substitute for cottage cheese. Rather, it is a fortified dessert, which means it is not suitable for feeding young children.

Parents should remember that curd desserts are related to adult food. A fragile children's stomach cannot digest them, and they will not bring him any benefit. Of course, you should not support those who insist on the dangers of the “Rastishka” curd. The product is safe and meets all norms and standards. But once again we note that it will not bring benefit to the crumbs.

packaging for 45 grams

Inadequate baby food standards

The term "baby food" refers to products that can be given crumbs up to a year. If you doubt that Rastishka does not fit this category, you need to study a few facts.

Be aware that the use of dyes that are identical to natural is not permitted in baby food. In addition, there are rules governing the amount of protein fats and carbohydrates. Since the percentage of protein from seven to seventeen is considered normal, it is immediately clear that the curd from Danone does not fulfill this condition. But for carbohydrates, the product has a significant excess.

It is also necessary to mention the lack of lactic acid microorganisms and the long shelf life, which cannot correspond to baby food. As you can see, the curd is intended for children whose age definitely exceeds one year.

when can you give cottage cheese to children

Curd "Rastishka": from what age can you give it to kids

This question is key in the topic of the use of the product in baby food. As we have already found out, the cottage cheese does not fit the category of “children’s” for a number of reasons consisting in its composition. Therefore, you should not purchase it in a store in order to familiarize the kids with a curd taste. Usually parents do this when their child turns eight to ten months old. For the digestive tract of such a baby, "Rastishka" is extremely difficult.

So at what age can the cottage cheese “Rastishka” be included in the diet of a child? If you are wondering about this, then take a close look at the packaging. On it, the manufacturer always prints full information about the components of the cottage cheese "Rastishka" and at what age it can be taken as food.

If you refer to these data, then parents can give their children this product from only three years old. It is at this age that the digestive tract becomes able to absorb the so-called adult food.

Opinion of specialists about Rastishka

Not every parent understands that it is in the composition of the curd that it causes negative comments from specialists in baby food. We will give just a few facts from their reviews.

Almost all pediatricians note that the composition of the curd on some packs varies. Previously, modified starch was indicated on all packs, but today this is done only on some batches. It is known that the baby’s stomach cannot absorb it, as some enzymes are not produced in the baby.

Experts also draw the attention of parents to rennet as part of the product. It is used in curdling milk in many industries, but it is prohibited in baby food.

Based on the foregoing, experts believe that in extreme cases, giving the cottage cheese "Rastishka" is possible only for children from three years old. Moreover, its benefits are clearly not so obvious, as the manufacturer claims.

Parent negative comments

Each mother is free to decide for herself what to feed her child. Therefore, there are as many opponents of the curd from Danone as there are its admirers. Some parents write in reviews that their child has caused an allergic reaction. Moreover, it arose literally after the first spoon.

Among the negative comments, one can distinguish those that indicate the chemical taste of the contents of the package. Moreover, often children tell parents that their tongue nibbles from the curd.

consistency of curd

Positive reviews

Parents, who often buy Rastishka for their children, write that they like the product very much. It is a great snack, so you can give it for an afternoon snack.

Also, mothers note the pleasant texture of the curd. It looks more like yogurt without curd patches and pieces of fruit. Not every child loves when tangible extraneous additives are found in the product.

Numerous promotions arranged by Danon Company also receive positive feedback. Kids get not only a delicious product, but also various toys, and sometimes even a chance to plant plant seeds attached to the package.

Draw conclusions

Curd “Rastishka” is a high-quality product, but it is intended for feeding children from three years old. It cannot be called cottage cheese and fails to replace it in the diet. However, the product fits perfectly as a dessert.


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