How to plant sea buckthorn: step by step instructions

Some summer residents give a low rating to such a tree as sea buckthorn. They claim that the berries of such a plant are tasteless, they are difficult to collect. The tree gives a dense shoot, which is difficult to get rid of even after uprooting sea buckthorn. However, this characteristic is unique to wild varieties.

Garden buckthorn is characterized by completely opposite reviews. It gives sweet and sour tasty berries that do not burst in the hands when harvesting. They are canned, added to various dishes. It is also a famous medicinal plant. How to plant sea buckthorn will help sort out the advice of experienced gardeners. Step-by-step instructions for conducting this process will be discussed in detail below.

general characteristics

Studying the question of how to plant sea buckthorn , first of all, you need to get acquainted with the main features of this plant. It lives in nature on the shores of seas and rivers. Sea-buckthorn belongs to the family Lohovah. Both low and high varieties are cultivated. Their leaves have a gray-gray color. They are thin and sharp. Flowering occurs before leaves appear. This process is not characterized by high decorativeness. It may even seem that these are not flowers, but small leaves.

Most often, gardeners grow buckthorn buckthorn. It is widespread throughout the world. Willow buckthorn is also cultivated. In nature, this species grows in the mountains of Nepal, India and southern China.

A sea ​​buckthorn is considered a frost- resistant tree . How to plant and grow a plant depends on the conditions of the climatic zone. If sharp changes in temperature are observed during the cold season, the tree may freeze slightly. This is especially noticeable at the buds of male inflorescences. Productivity is directly dependent on environmental conditions. Fruiting occurs on the 4th year of growth of the tree.

How to plant sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn loves sunlight. If it is not enough, seedlings develop poorly. During fruiting, sunlight stimulates high yields. The berries have a sweet and sour taste. In garden species, the fruits are medium or large. They can have an orange, reddish or yellow-orange hue. Berries are consumed in raw form, close preservation, add to various dishes. They make cosmetics and medicines. Sea buckthorn oil is especially appreciated. It is prescribed in the complex in the treatment of various ailments. Fruits enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.

Pollination Features

Cultivated in the gardens, sea buckthorn has a division into female and male trees. This means that such plants are pollinated by blowing in the wind. Therefore, it is important to have not one, but several trees at once on the site. It is also important to know at what distance to plant sea buckthorn. Seedlings should be close to each other. The distance between them should be from 5 to 10 m.

It is possible to determine the sex of seedlings in spring, autumn or winter. There are no leaves on the branches during this period. Female kidneys are significantly smaller. They are covered by 2 scales. Male kidneys are large. They have about 5-7 flakes covering the developing inflorescence.

How to plant sea buckthorn in spring

One male plant can have from 1 to 8 female trees. It is important to assess which side the wind predominantly blows in spring. From this side, it is necessary to plant a male plant. Female trees should be placed on the plot in a group. They can surround the male appearance of sea buckthorn. They can also be planted opposite.

Some gardeners claim that two male trees can be planted next to one female plant. This is due to the increased vulnerability of the latter to adverse weather conditions. Planting two plants increases the likelihood that at least one plant will survive. Female species are more hardy. Male trees can be very close to each other, literally at a distance of 1 m.

It is also important to consider what sea buckthorn can be planted next to. Female seedlings must be of good grade. Male trees can be wild. However, to improve the quality of the crop, it is recommended to plant Sweet Friend, Alei or Ural varieties next to the female type of sea buckthorn. They take root well in the conditions of the Moscow Region climate.

Landing time

Some gardeners may have a question about when to plant sea buckthorn. In spring or fall, this process is simpler. However, the first days after snow melting are considered the most appropriate period for planting. According to experienced gardeners, plants planted in the ground in spring take root better. In the autumn period, the root system does not have time to prepare for future cold weather. It is especially negatively affected by thaws and sudden frosts. During this period, the tree begins to awaken from hibernation. With a sharp cooling, it can freeze.

Where to plant sea buckthorn in the area

It is especially not recommended to plant in autumn plants bred not in this climatic zone. Otherwise, sea buckthorn will be ready to wake up in January. The onset of frost can adversely affect its development.

When selling an open root system, sea ​​buckthorn seedlings can be sold . When planting such plants, gardeners agree. They recommend that this process be done as early as possible. In the first days of spring, sea buckthorn is required to land on the site.

The tree does not like transplants. If even an insignificant part of its roots is damaged, growth and development noticeably slow down. Therefore, an early transplant is indicated for young seedlings.

If sea buckthorn was grown for more than a year in a container, it can be planted in open ground even in summer. In this case, the plant will easily tolerate the period of adaptation. However, sea buckthorn, which has been growing in a tub for less than a year, is not recommended to be planted in open ground. In this case, it does not yet have a hardening of its root system and may die.

Choosing a place to change

Having decided when it is best to plant sea buckthorn , you should consider the features of choosing a site for it. It should be a well-lit place. A tree is planted in the garden. It happens that they give him a place in the garden. This option is less preferred. The roots of the tree are shallow. Their bulk is up to 40 cm underground.

Where to plant sea buckthorn

The roots can grow far beyond the crown of sea buckthorn. If vegetables are planted nearby, a tree can negatively affect their development. Also, lying roots close to the surface can lead to their accidental damage, when the owners decide to dig a garden. The tree does not tolerate any root injury.

Studying where it is better to plant sea buckthorn , you should give her a plot on the edge of the garden or vegetable garden. There is minimal risk of damage to the roots of a shovel. And the tree itself will not interfere with the growth of other crops on the site.

It is better to choose a place in the garden for sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn feels good on light and fertile soils. He does not like drought. The soil should be moist, but not swampy. Ground water should not come closer to the surface than 1 m.

You should not plant plants where stone fruit trees have recently grown. This will protect the plant from disease.

Recommendations for choosing a seedling

Considering where to plant sea buckthorn on the site , you need to pay attention to the choice of its seedlings. The quality of the crop, its abundance will depend on this. Experienced gardeners do not recommend purchasing seedlings from unfamiliar sellers. In this case, no guarantees can be given that a pure plant variety will be planted on the site.

When to plant sea buckthorn in spring or autumn

It is best to purchase biennial plants for transplanting. They have 3 to 5 main roots. Their length should be about 20 cm. There should also be a sufficient number of small, minor roots. The trunk of a two-year-old sea buckthorn usually reaches 35-50 cm. Its diameter is approximately 7 mm. Several shoots leave the trunk.

The bark should not peel off. It is elastic, has no defects and scratches. If the wood has a brown tint, this indicates a freezing of the plant. They should not be purchased. Such seedlings practically do not take root.

Transplanting an adult plant

Having considered where to plant sea buckthorn in the area , it is necessary to study the subtleties of this process. This plant is not cultivated by seeds. With this method of propagation, varietal characters are lost. In this case, the fruits will not be so tasty, their collection will be difficult.

Transplantation is done for cuttings or plants with root shoots. In the first embodiment, the procedure can be carried out even in the fall. To transplant a tree with a root shoot, you will have to show maximum patience and endurance. With such a transplant, it is extremely important not to harm the overgrowth.

The roots of sea buckthorn can reach a length of several meters. Therefore, digging them out for transplantation does not work at all to damage the plant. To prevent the plant from withering, when transplanting the root system, the aboveground branches also need to be partially trimmed. This year, it will reduce the ability to bear fruit and grow rapidly. However, this method will save plant power.

When to plant Sea Buckthorn

To understand how to plant sea buckthorn in the spring , you need to consider the recommendations that apply to almost all fruit plants. The diameter of the pit should be 50 cm, and the depth - 40 cm. The root neck should be at the level of shrinkage of the earth. Too much fertilizer is not recommended. A bucket of compost and superphosphate is enough.

If the soil on the site has a high acidity, it must be produced. For this, 500 g of slaked lime is used on 1 m² of area. For heavy loamy soils increase air permeability. For this, the topsoil is mixed with humus and river sand in equal proportions. You can add 40 g of potassium salt and 250 g of superphosphate. After transplanting, the soil must be watered and mulched with a dry layer of earth.

Transplanting young cuttings

Sea buckthorn can be transplanted with green young cuttings. This is a fairly effective way. In this case, it is also important to determine where to plant sea buckthorn . A row of young seedlings is recommended to be placed under the crown of an adult tree. Here they will not be exposed to direct sunlight. However, the propagation process by cuttings begins with the cultivation of the shoot in greenhouse conditions.

The transplant process is recommended to be performed in the summer (early June). To do this, cut a stalk about 15 cm long. Three sheets from the bottom must be removed. Then the cut is recommended to be treated with a growth stimulator. Such solutions are available for sale in specialized stores. Some gardeners do not use it.

For the cuttings, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture, where it is most advisable to plant sea buckthorn . For this, fertile soil is mixed with sand and peat. It is necessary to grow a plant in greenhouse conditions. The temperature should be about 28 º, and humidity - 90%.

The shank is regularly watered or sprayed from the spray gun. When the roots appear, you can feed the plant with mineral fertilizers. Then you can begin to gradually ventilate the greenhouse. After 2 months, the film can be removed completely. In spring, strong cuttings are planted on the site.

Propagation by woody cuttings

Considering how to plant sea buckthorn in the spring, you should consider another interesting way. Woody cuttings are also capable of taking root. They are prepared in the fall or winter. For this, several shoots are cut, the thickness of which exceeds 5 mm. So that they do not begin to develop ahead of time, seedlings are dug up in the snow.

In the spring, you can start the process of breeding sea buckthorn. Of the blanks, segments are made about 15 cm long. They are kept in water for several days. If you leave the blanks here for 2 weeks, small roots will appear, and kidneys will form.

Where to plant sea buckthorn

Cuttings must be planted in fertile soil. They are deepened by approximately 15 cm. An escape with 2 buds should remain above the ground. They grow stalks in greenhouse conditions. Air temperature should be about 27º. High humidity is maintained. When the plant is 50 cm tall, it is planted in open ground. Where to plant sea buckthorn in the area should be determined with the recommendations listed above.

It is necessary to plant cuttings at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The soil is well compacted and watered abundantly. By autumn, the roots of the plant will be able to grow stronger and develop enough. The plant will be able to winter.

other methods

Sea buckthorn can be propagated in the area by root shoots. This is one of the easiest ways. Such processes appear in the tree 4-5 years after planting. To take offspring for transplantation, they need to be separated by a shovel from the mother plant. Plants are planted in the ground and kept in greenhouse conditions. They are watered, maintain a sufficiently high temperature and humidity. Before landing, sea buckthorn must be tempered. It is aired, weaning from the greenhouse climate.

Further, having decided where to plant sea buckthorn, the shoot is planted in watered soil. By autumn, he will develop strong roots. During this period, you can transplant the plant to a permanent place of growth. However, this procedure is still recommended to be performed in the spring.

If the gardener wants to accelerate the process of offspring on the mother tree, he can prune the skeletal root. It is located at some distance from the plant. The cut location should remain open. Many offspring are formed here. By the second year, they develop a developed root system. In the spring they can be transplanted into a prepared hole in advance.

You can also inoculate cuttings to sea buckthorn. This process is most often done if a male tree is dead. Cuttings of the opposite sex are grafted into the crown of a female plant. Literally a year later, the branches develop well and will be able to pollinate inflorescences. This method is also used with a limited area of ​​the site.

Further care

Having considered how to plant sea buckthorn, it is necessary to provide it with proper care in the future. In early spring, it is necessary to form a crown. At this time, the buds have not yet blossomed. The tops are cut in the second year after transplantation.

After 4 years, sea buckthorn needs pruning. The sprouted branches impede the development of the tree, reduce productivity. Therefore, when pruning, do not regret even fruiting shoots. It is best to remove branches parallel to the trunk, as well as dry shoots. After 8 years of growth, this procedure is extremely necessary. This allows you to rejuvenate the tree, to avoid its vulnerability and susceptibility to various diseases.

Sanitization of sea buckthorn is also recommended. Dry branches are removed from the branches, and then various holes are covered. The fungus is also removed along with the affected branches, treatment is carried out with special solutions. These simple actions allow you to grow sea buckthorn not only for household, but also decorative purposes. The tree will grow on the site for a long time, its productivity will remain consistently high.

Also, attention should be paid to watering, timely top dressing. Once every 2-3 years, 4 kg of organic fertilizers and 50 g of superphosphates must be applied under sea buckthorn. In the spring, a very small amount of nitrogen can be added under the trunk annually. It is also recommended to produce foliar top dressing with a solution of urea (20 g) with water (10 l).

Having considered the main recommendations on how to plant sea buckthorn, each gardener will be able to grow this beautiful tree on his site. The plant will delight both with its appearance and plentiful harvests.


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