Craft "Hare from cabbage" with your own hands. Master Class

Probably, many noticed that some vegetables are similar in shape to one or another animal. Apparently, this observation was the reason that in the old days, when there were no "store" toys, peasants pleased their kids with crafts from carrots, potatoes, pumpkins or other vegetables. Especially often they were created in late autumn, after harvesting.

how to make a rabbit cabbage hack

And today, some craftsmen, endowed with fantasy, create real masterpieces from what grows in the beds in any garden. You can also try making autumn crafts from cabbage. If you try, the hare from this vegetable will turn out to be funny and for several days will become an adornment of your country terrace or part of the scenery for the matinee in the kindergarten.

Which cabbage is suitable

In order for the “Hare from Cabbage” article to be successful, the vegetables must be fresh, unsigned and without wormholes, as otherwise the “life” of your work will be too short.

Although cabbage of any kind (cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing, Brussels sprouts, etc.) can be used to create figures of animals, white-headed cabbage with tight-fitting leaves is more suitable. Depending on the craftsmanship, you may also need two or more cabbage leaves, which are best removed from another head of cabbage.

crafts rabbit cabbage

What else will you need

Regardless of the option, the do-it-yourself “Cabbage Hare” craft is pretty simple to make. In addition to the base vegetable, you will also need:

  • zucchini, preferably a very light shade,
  • carrots;
  • red bell pepper;
  • tape;
  • any flowers, for example, asters or daisies;
  • Toothpicks
  • plasticine.

How to make a hare from cabbage

The craft "in growth" is made in the following order:

  • cut two zucchini along;
  • Toothpicks connect two small heads of cabbage to make a head and a trunk;
  • 2 of the resulting halves of the second zucchini are cut again, but transversely, to make hare legs and ears from them;
  • from plasticine sculpt a nose and eyes;
  • from red pepper cut a hare mouth;
  • all these details are fixed on a head-head;
  • fasten with toothpicks short pieces of zucchini where the upper legs and ears should be, and long ones are used as lower limbs;
  • a ribbon bow is tied around the neck of the hare;
  • make a mustache from toothpicks;
  • if there is a desire, flowers are fixed on the animal’s head to hide the connection points with the “ears”;
  • since the hare cannot do without carrots, fasten it with a toothpick.

All! The bunny is ready, and it can be installed in the children's room or on the porch of a country house as a decoration.

crafts cabbage hare with carrots

How to make a hare of cabbage with your own hands, similar to Krosh from "Smeshariki"

For such a craft you will need:

  • two heads of cabbage;
  • large oblong potato;
  • 1 cherry tomato;
  • white onion;
  • red and black markers;
  • 2 packs of toothpicks;
  • sharp knife;
  • two slices of black bread.

Workshop on making crafts from vegetables in the form of Krosh

Craft "Hare from cabbage", reminiscent of the cartoon character "Smeshariki", is made in the following order:

  • potatoes are cut lengthwise, and cherry tomatoes are cut across;
  • connect the resulting halves with a head out with the help of toothpicks;
  • the bulb is peeled and cut along;
  • on each half draw a pupil with a black marker;
  • they fix one half of the cherry as a nose of a bunny with toothpicks on a head of cabbage, and two halves of the bulb as a peephole;
  • two large cabbage leaves are removed from the other head;
  • ears are cut out of them;
  • fix them with toothpicks on a head-head, having previously made cuts in the right places and tucked the cuttings there;
  • from two pieces of black bread (preferably stale) cut ovals-paws;
  • attach them with toothpicks to a head of cabbage;
  • draw a mouth with a red marker and a brow with black marker.

DIY do-it-yourself cabbage hare

Cabbage and pumpkin hare

If you do not know what to do with children in the autumn at the cottage, when other adults are busy harvesting, then try to make vegetable crafts with them.

The cabbage hare will turn out even more original if you use a small pumpkin as his head. The procedure is as follows:

  • on a pumpkin with the help of a very sharp knife, cut the muzzle of a hare (places for eyes, cheeks and antennae);
  • using a toothpick connect the head and head of cabbage;
  • if you don’t have ready-made “eyes” that are sold in specialized stores, you can make them out of colored paper by pasting mugs of blue and black on a white oval;
  • half of the cherry tomato is fixed on the face with a toothpick as a nose;
  • a long zucchini cut along;
  • in a pumpkin they make ditches in places where ears should be;
  • insert halves of zucchini into them and fix with toothpicks;
  • several circles are cut from carrots and fixed on a head of cabbage as buttons;
  • 2 zucchini zucchini divided in half;
  • 2 halves are fixed under the head as the lower limbs, and two at the junction with the pumpkin so that the paws are obtained;
  • tie satin ribbon bows on the neck;
  • “fingers” are cut out on the lower legs;
  • “Put” a carrot in one of the legs and fix with a toothpick.

So that the article “Cabbage Hare” could be used as decoration for the hall in the kindergarten, where the matinee is taking place, or the children's room, a stand is made for it. To do this, fallen colored leaves with a furniture stapler are fixed on a plywood sheet or better on a chipboard 2-3 cm thick so that it is not visible.

You can do even easier: put the craft on a tray, put autumn leaves on it, and put vegetables and fruits on top.

Craft "Hare from cabbage" can be installed under the Christmas tree, both in a single copy, and together with "family members". To do this, you will need to make a few more bunches of different sizes. In order to give them individuality, you can use the old panama, glasses without glasses, a rim and other accessories. So you get a bunny-grandmother, a bunny and other figures with different "roles".

how to make a hare of cabbage with your own hands

Now you know how to make the article "Hare from cabbage with carrots", and you can please your children, as well as instill in them a love of joint creativity.


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