Where snakes winter in Russia, photo

The unique ability of snakes to recover after hibernation in ancient times inspired people with mystical horror. Even in our time, snakes are credited with magical properties, using their dried skin to attract wealth and protect against enemies. Be that as it may, but gradually, zoologists have studied the habits and properties of reptiles. They were assigned to classes and groups and now they know where snakes winter and how they live.

Snakes in Russia

Today, the snakes living in Russia are well studied, but due to the fact that their natural habitat is constantly changing due to human intervention, they migrate and adapt to new places.

Conventionally, Russia can be divided into zones where these reptiles are found:

  • Not so long ago, information began to appear that they began to appear in the forest-tundra. It is not known how adapted to local conditions and where snakes winter in the tundra, but reindeer herders claim that there have been cases of bites.
  • In central Russia, there are only 4 species of snakes, one of which is poisonous.
  • The third zone covers the territory of the Black Sea, the shores of the Caspian, Azov and Aral seas and the border with Kazakhstan. In this territory 17 species of reptiles live, 3 of which are poisonous, and 2, although not poisonous, are aggressive, and their bites can be very painful. The places where snakes winter (photo below) in this area are animal burrows, reed thickets or crevices in the mountains protected from winds.

where do snakes winter

  • Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory, the countries of the North Caucasus and Kalmykia are the habitat for 14 species of reptiles, 3 of which are dangerous and 3 are poisonous.
  • The Far East is home to 15 species of snakes, of which only three are poisonous.

The way of life and the choice of a place where snakes hibernate depends on their habitat. For example, in warm areas they may not hibernate at all, while in regions with cold winters they are forced to seek refuge more warmly and away from people.

Poisonous snakes in Russia

Among the reptiles that are dangerous for people living in different regions of Russia are:

  • The steppe viper is a small snake, but its bite can seriously damage a person’s health, although deaths were rare. The length of its gray-brown body with a zigzag or stripe on its back usually reaches 30-40 cm. It lives in meadows and steppes, but so far the grass is green. As it burns out, this snake moves closer to the water bodies. He likes to dig into the hay, where snakes of this species usually winter. There have been cases when people bitten by a steppe viper lost their sight for a long time, so it is better to avoid meeting her.

where snakes winter in Russia

  • The Caucasian adder is listed in the Red Book and is rare, but its bite is fatal to humans. An adult grows up to half a meter in length, body color varies from yellow to dark red with a black, sometimes intermittent, stripe on the back. It lives in forests and meadows on the slopes of the mountains. Winters in the crevices between the stones.

These snakes pose a mortal danger, but since they avoid human settlements, a meeting with them can occur only on their territory. When hunting or picking mushrooms in these places, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with what inhabitants you can meet here.

The most dangerous snakes in Russia

There are reptiles that it is better never to meet in their path, but even they try to hide at the sight of a person, although they can harm him:

  • Gyurza is one of the most dangerous snakes in Russia. In the steppe species, the body length can reach two meters, although most individuals are 130-140 cm. These snakes live in families and are extremely aggressive at the end of May, when they begin to mate. In the summer they creep together in their hunting “grounds”, and in the fall they return to where snakes of this species winter, although they do not hibernate.
  • The common mollusk lives in the south of Siberia and the north of Kalmykia. This snake has a grayish-yellow color with black transverse stripes over the body. When he sees a person, he takes a protective position and emits a repulsive odor that can be felt at a distance of 5 m, which saved many people from his bite, which, although very painful, but not fatal.

where snakes winter in central Russia

Usually snakes avoid meeting with people, but they can get caught by accident, so you should beat the bushes and grass with a stick while walking through the forest, picking mushrooms and berries. Hearing the noise, the snakes crawl away.

Dangerous snakes of Russia

If you look for places where snakes winter in Russia, then the most common are haystacks or rodent burrows. They can be combined into large groups, especially for steppe and forest reptiles.

There are a number of snakes that, although not poisonous, can harm a person with their bite. In Russia, these include:

  • Yellow-bellied snake. It reaches a length of more than 1.5 m. The color of the back of it can be either olive or black, but the belly is always yellowish, hence the name. They live away from people in the fields and steppes, but they are not afraid to settle in gardens, or even in parks. They feed on birds and small rodents, and when meeting a person they can throw up to a meter and bite the one who disturbed them. Bite snakes are quite painful and heal for a long time. Often they settle in haystacks or in the burrows of rodents that they had previously eaten. The yellow-bellied snake is attached to his house, so he always returns to it after hunting.

where snakes spend the winter photo

  • A Caucasian cat snake does not avoid people at all, and can even settle under the roof of a barn and catch mice there. Her bite is not dangerous, but it is better not to tease this small, up to 75 cm in length, snake. Unlike other poisonous snakes, she has pupils like a cat, so she was given that name. It also winters in hay, barns or vacant buildings.

These reptiles, although they are not dangerous to humans, it is better not to touch. It is a pity that often people, not understanding these beautiful creatures, kill completely safe snakes for them.

Poisonous snakes in the suburbs

In the Moscow Region there is only one species of poisonous snake - the common viper. They live along the banks of swamps, rivers and lakes, in forests and sometimes in meadows. Vipers avoid humans, but a chance encounter can provoke a snake to bite a potential enemy. It is easy to recognize, since this type of snake has a triangular head on a thin neck and narrow pupils of the eyes.

where snakes winter in the suburbs

The places where snakes winter in the suburbs can be completely different. For example, a single viper can lie in someone’s hole or crevice to a depth of 2 meters, where even severe frosts will not reach it. If there is no such place, the vipers join in groups of up to 200 individuals and hibernate in a less deep pit.

Poisonous snakes in the suburbs: snakes

In this area there are 2 species of non-toxic snakes - snakes and coppers. The former prefer to settle near bodies of water with running water. They are often confused with vipers, and therefore exterminated, although in some countries, for example Ukraine, Belarus, they are tamed in rural areas. They are wonderful mousetraps and easily get used to people. They hibernate in deep cracks in the ground or burrows.

Coppers in the suburbs

In the forests where snakes winter in central Russia, coppers prefer glades and clearings, since there is more heat and sun. They hide in holes or in holes under snags and stones, where they sleep until the first spring heat. These incredibly beautiful snakes are also exterminated by humans, although they are not yet on the list of endangered animals.

where snakes winter in the Leningrad region

In the suburbs are found in Chekhov, Klinsky and Podolsky areas.

Wintering of snakes in the Leningrad region

The same snakes live in this region as in the suburbs. Due to the intense heat, especially from May to September, they are very active, therefore, when going into the forest or even delving into the garden, you should be careful. But it is especially necessary to avoid meeting with snakes during the Indian summer, as they are always aggressive before hibernation.

The most common in the Luga, Kingisepp and Volkhov district, where snakes winter in the Leningrad region. They choose deep holes or hollows, sometimes burrowing into the ground to a depth of 2 meters, where the temperature is rarely below +3 degrees even in cold weather.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20337/

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